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sullen=tacut, morocanos; peril; gilt=aurit; languid=nepasator, apatic;

grasshopper=lacusta; shrill; truculent=feroce; enmity=dusmanie; slanting=inclina

ravel=a incurca; languid; squander; gravel=pietris; thrush=sturz; wicker=rachita
beams=grinzi; panegyric=lauda excesiva; uncouth=straniu, necioplit, salbatic;
deal=brad, lemn de pin; hansom=birja; wry=crispat, piezis; humbug=sarlatanie; eg
ad=pe legea mea;
"Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic."
"-the red candleshades staining to a richer rose the wakening wonder of his face
dowdy=neingrifit, femeie imbracata fara gust; supercilious=trufas; quail=prepeli
ta; a tremura;
wainscoting=lambriu; tempest=vijelie; myriad; sordid=murdar; gaudy=de prost gust
flaring= palpaind; shallow=superficial; tawdry=tipator; dingy=murdar; parsimony=
cumpatare, zgarcenie;
mire-noroi; tier=nivel; barge=slep; skipper=capitan; to loom=a se contura, a se
husbandman=gospodar, fermier; haggard=speriat, buimacit; leaden= de plumb; to gr
ope=a bajbai

to flounder= to struggle; hoary=carunt; matted=incurcat; drawl=taragana; languid
=moale, apatic;
dais=podium; blighted=darapanat; slipshod=neglijent; threadbare=ros,invechit; pr
ivy=ascuns, clandestin;
crumb=faramitura, dumicat; decamp=disparea; sallow=salcie, pamantiu; contempt=di
spret, rusine;
clerk=grefier; dismal=sumbru; plaintiff=reclamat; perennially= vesnic; dreary=mo
rafters=capriori; pyre=rug; dank= umed; lattice structure=structura zabrelita;
scoundrel=A villain, a rogue.
"Floundered through it with a sound as of grumbling, or gushed over its crowning
boughs in a weakened
simmering=fierbinte; chink= a zangan; succint=concis; coil= a se incolaci; hurdl
wan=lumina slaba; thatch= a acoperi cu paie; straw=paie; amid=printre; speck=str
op; wisp=manunchi;
snuff= muc(de lumanare); crook= a se curba, toiag; flagon= cana; ale= bere engl
beguile= a ispiti; bleat=behait; tedious= greu; soar= a se avanta; barren=arid;
blunder=gresealshed= grajd; crevice=fisura; streak=licarire; bran=tarate;
"-And the twinkling of all stars seemed to be but throbs of one body, timed by a
common pulse."
"Human shapes, interferences, troubles, and joys were all as if they were not."
sadde=sa; mould=a forma; unremitting=neincetat; sluggish= lenes; enscond= a se a
seza intr-un singur loc;
scarcely= abia; pail= caldare; spout= a tasni; unwonted= neobisnuit; rust= rugin
a; demure=grav, rezervat;
chap= crapatura a pielii; mace= nucsoara; ebb= reflux; eaves= streasina; chatter
omen=augur; overture=propunere; furrow=brazda; laurel=laur; abashed=jenat; trebl
slant=panta; pending=nehotarat; seize= a captura; timorous= timid; appeal=farmec
, chemare; crab=acru;

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