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YEAR 2014-2015
The AP Spanish Language course, Spanish 4 A.P, is designed to formally develop
fluency placing emphasis on formal Spanish vs. common Spanish. The class is run
in its entirety in Spanish, both in instruction and leisurely amongst the students. A
ide array of teaching strategies and resources are implemented throughout the
school year. At the end of this course, students ill be able to!
"nderstand the difference beteen the variety of spo#en Spanish $anglici%ed,
slang, uneducated Spanish, cultural, regional dialectical and formal Spanish.
&ngage in the target language through a variety of resources, hich include
presentations, lectures, videos, radio ' music.
(nterpret and e)pand on their ritten and reading s#ills through, class
assignments essays, pro*ects, letters, notes, note ta#ing, summaries, *ournal
entries, emails, and poetry.
+efine and present their oral s#ills through ,uestion and anser, dialogs, oral
readings, thin#-pair-share and ee#ly discussions on today.s issues.
Analy%e grammatical differences in both &nglish and Spanish placing direct
emphasis on Spanish grammatical structures.
/roaden their aareness of differing Spanish cultures throughout the ".S. and
Spanish spea#ing countries and regions through art, music, history, and
current events.
+einforce the target language beyond the classroom setting placing emphasis
on other sub*ects, community events and career goals.
0ur AP Spanish Language program uses 1 main te)tboo#s to achieve the
standards and ob*ectives of Spanish 4 AP, listening, spea#ing, reading and riting.
A/+(&230 PAS0-4+A5AT(6A- P+&2T(6& 7ALL provides students ith a
thorough presentation of grammatical constructs, grammar instruction, revie and
reinforcement. The te)ts ere purposely chosen for their, integration of the 4 language
s#ills throughout their entirety.
"2(3A3 presents the grammatical constructs and instruction. Students are
presented ith the ho and hen of each particular grammar point. &ach unit is
presented ith a sample passage here the grammatical point is clearly evident,
an e)planation, e)cercises, and personal events geared around the specific
grammatical purpose. &TAPA8PAS0S8"2 P060 5AS 3& P+A6T(6A further
emphasi%e, the mastery of the grammatical structures studied and offer
supplemental materials for the differing levels of competence.
&2 6026L"S(02 is the culminating point of "2(3A3 here the students are
as#ed to synthesi%e the grammatical structures for each unit.
&2 &S6&2A students are as#ed to loo# at a series of 9 draings, similar to hat
they ill encounter in the Spanish AP e)am, hich further allo the student sho
their understanding of the grammar point *ust studied.
The "nit then closes ith a spea#ing section here the students are as#ed to
respond to a series of open ended ,uestions hich further emphasi%e hat they
ill encounter on the spea#ing section of the Spanish AP e)am.
A/+(&230 PAS0-L&6T"+A-P+&2T(6& 7ALL Provides students ith higher
learning level readings and also thoroughly integrates the 4 language s#ill throughout
each chapter. A brief biographical s#etch of the author, their life and or#s,
(ntroduce each chapter.
A2T&S 3& L&&+ begins ith a draing on the topic or theme of the reading
selection. (t bec#ons students to discuss and analy%e engaging in either ritten or
oral perceptions. &ach section offers students a ord ban#, to further develop
their fluency level.
2"&ST+A &:P&+(&26(A personali%es the reading topics8themes by as#ing
students to reflect on their on e)periences and bac#ground #noledge,
provo#ing feelings and thoughts to further enrich the reading e)perience.
&ach reading selection is further enhanced by comprehensive riting activities.
PA+A &S6+(/(+ further develops the riting process implementing the essay
section of the Spanish Language AP test
PA+A 602;&+SA+ allos the students to e)press their personal reaction to the
reading and themes prompting an depth discussion of the topic at hand.
0T+A 3(5&2S(02 once again allos the students to loo# at a series of 9
draings, related to the topic, reemphasi%ing the structure of the Spanish AP
e)am, continuously developing their fluency.
605P+&2S(02 A"3(T(;A refines the listening s#ills ith a variety of formats
directly related to the listening sections of the Spanish AP e)am. Students are
e)posed to authentic voices, throughout this section.
&ach te)tboo# is divided easily into daily8ee#ly components, hich facilitate the lesson
planning process
Through the use of our to primary te)tboo#s, aside from the vast array of supplemental
materials, the course ob*ectives are effectively achieved.
(. 0+AL 6055"2(6AT(02
Students ill engage in conversations, hile obtaining and providing
information to e)press feelings, emotions and opinions. They ill
understand and interpret the ritten and spo#en language on a variety of
topics. Students ill present information, concepts and ideas on our
ee#ly discussions. They ill distinguish beteen formal and informal
modes of communication. Student.s groth ill be assessed in ,uarterly
oral presentations, hich ill be graded on content, fluency,
pronunciation, structure and synta).
((. <+(TT&2 6055"2(6AT(02
Students ill engage in informal, daily *ournal ritings. =ournals ill not
be graded but ill be given credit8no credit. <riting for pleasure is the
#ey hether it be through emails, love letters, poetry, or pen pals.
Students ill master 6ornell note ta#ing. Students ill learn the structure
to formal introductory paragraphs, $initially related to our ee#ly
discussions> developing throughout the course into 1?? ord essays.
Students ill be re,uired to do @ research paper per semester, hich ill
be graded on, content, organi%ation, and grammatical accuracy.
(((. A3;A26& PLA6&5&2T &:A5 A0+5AT
Students ill familiari%e themselves to the Spanish AP e)am format by
Providing actual test sections as assignments. Analy%ing each anser and
hy they ansered, hether correctly or incorrectly, is #ey. &ach
assignment may include but is not limited toB multiple choice items, free
response, dialogs and narratives, error identification, reading
comprehension, verbal picture se,uencing, and the essay.
Engaging our students:
August-Who are you and what do you want?
Unidad Una (Unit One)- El Individuo y su identidad
6ourse overvie
4etting to #no each other
Personality tests
3iagnostic test
Sho and Tell
4eneology-Aamily Tree Pro*ect
6onnecting ith Spanish America pro*ect- Aamous8influencial Spanish Spea#ing
Aigures research pro*ect $poerpoint, essay, visual aid>.
4uiding Cuestions include! biography of famous Spanish person, their impact on
the orld, community or state of orgin. Student reflects on hy they have a
personal interest in this important figure.
o $AP4>Abriendo Paso gramDtica-"nidad @! &tapa @
o $APL>Abriendo Paso-lectura-6apEtulo 1 y @9
o Lecturas- &l 3ecimo y Adolescencia- represent topic of personal identity
and common social interactions.
September -Discrimination-We fear therefore we hate!
Unidad " (Unit ")- #amilies and $ommunities %heme
6ultural stereotypes
Aools rush (n
Appreciating differences
&l 3elantal /lanco
(mmigration Pro*ect- <hat are the pros and cons of legal and illegal immigrationF
7o does it affect the "nited StatesF $&conomically, socially, personally> 5a#e
any personal family connections if possible. 7o does immigration play a role
in Southern 6aliforniaF Students ill or# in pairs to create a a poer point that
presents both sides of this controversial topic. They ill then individually rite a
persuasive essay pic#ing a side.
o AP4-"1!&1
o APL-61G
0ctober -%eens and advertisement-&e 'ware(
Unidad )- (Unit ))- &eauty and 'esthetics %heme
+egional differences
The 3ay of the 3ead
&l 2orte
Advertising and teens
6ommercial pro*ect- students ill create a video commercial of regional fashion.
Students ill study the fashion and influence of these modalities from different
parts of the Spanish8latin American orld. Probing ,uestions included! H6omo
influyen los ideales de la belle%a y la estItica en la vida cotidiana de ciertos
paEsesF H 6omo afecta los ideales en la vida modernaF H6omo se compara con la
moda en los &stados "nidosF
o AP4-"J!&J
o APL-6J y 4
2ovember-Discovering the world * +eliefs
Unidad ,- (Unit ,)- -lo+al $hallenges
6a*as 3e 6arton
3ictionary races
&conomic (ssues
Population and 3emographics
Social <elfare
Social <elfare Pro*ect- students ill learn about variations in currency. +esearch
third orld countries living and economic structures. Students ill be given one
country to research8prepare and present orally to class. 4uiding ,uestions
include! <hat is the currency type, ho does it compare to the ".S.AF <hat are
the economic structuresF <hat is that countries main source of economic
grothF <hat are their employment ratesF &tcK. H6uales son los desafios
sociales, politicos y del medio ambiente ,ue enfrentan las sociedades del mundoF,
H6uDles son los orEgenes de esos desafEosF H6uDles son algLnas posibles
soluciones a esos desafEosF
6hristmas around the orld
o AP4-"4!&4
o APL-6 M y 9
3ecember -.oetry a musical e/0erience
Unidad 1- (Unit 1)- 2cience and %echnology
Poetry vs. music
Poetry (ntroduction
5usic Pro*ect
Technology today
Poetry pro*ect- student ill use technology to donload lyrics to a modern
Spanish song, and use ade,uate literary terms to interpret and brea# don song.
Student ill present song and analysis to class. $buscarDn, rima, repeticiNn,
asonancia, hiberbatNn etcK>
TechnologEa hoy y en el pasado- student ill use a voice recorder $voice memo,
photobooth, soundcloud, audacity etc.> to conduct an intervie of an elder about
their access and use of technology. Student ill intervie three age groups,
different generations to ma#e notation of difference and change ithin the last O?
APL-6@ y @9
=anuary -$ra3y little thing called love
Unidad 4- (Unit 4) .oetry
"n 0so y "n Amor
Love Letters
Poetic devices
Love poems
Love and betrayal
6artas 3e Amor Traicionado
AP4-Paso @-J
APL-6@1 y @M
Aebruary-Does it 5E'667 ma8e a difference?
Unidad 9- (Unit 9) -rammar Enhanced
Poetic structures
<ord (dentification
Accenting rules
o AP4-"9!&9
o APL-6@P, 11 y 1M
5arch -6et:s get down to +usiness(
Unidad ;- (Unit ;) 6earning and Enhancing 7our 2tudy 28ills
AP sections
Ap tests
(t.s rong, but hyF
o AP4 pJ14-JM@ "n poco mDs de prDctica
April -&ecause I said so(
Unidad <- (Unit <) $ommon Everyday .ro+lem-overcoming adversity
Teen issues
2o oyes ladrar los perros
6ontroversial issues
Perspectives ' Solutions
7obby.s Pro*ect
o AP4 Paso 4-O
o APL 6 G y O
5ay -%he 0ur0ose of life
Unidad =>- (Unit =>) $ontem0orary 6ife %heme
<hy am ( here
<hat do ( ant to accomplish
4oal setting
4oal achieving
Student (ntervies86areer Ainal Pro*ect- students use 6alifornia reality chec#
ebpage to investigate careers and set future goals. They ill then research a
college that speciali%es in their interested career, create a pre%i presentation of
both the college and career of interest. Students ill present this to their class
orally. Guii!" #u$%&i'!% i!()u$! <hat are your personal career interestF <hat
school can you picture yourself attendingF <hat type of life style ould you li#e
to carryF <hat motivates you most to improve your current lifestyleF <hat do
you feel ill change mostF <here do you picture yourself @?, J? years from
/ibliografEa de materiales autInticos
AP 6entral
o http!88apcentral.collegeboard.com8apc86ontroller.*pf
6as ?oces de las @uAeres de BelaAC
o is part of an ongoing pro*ect to bring the voices of omen of Latin
America to students of Spanish. ;ideotaped intervies, conducted in
1??J ith 1? omen from Cuet%altenango, 4uatemala, present the vies,
values, and choices of omen of many ages $@? to GO>, bac#grounds, and
o 6as ?oces pro*ect uses an ethnographic approach to listening.
Lecturas, actividades, videos, audio y e*ercicios de la red.
/iblioteca auditiva 0nline
o http!88.emcp.com8electronicQresourceQcenters8litonline.phpF
Caminos peligrosos..
6apEtulos @-@?- $1 6h. al dEa @1-@G min.>
Se provee ho*a para cada capEtulo.
/uscar significado o sinNnimo de vocabulario antes de cada
secciNn auditiva.
o &*emplo! 0ro S elemento 8 metal de valor.
o &studiantes hacen resumen de los capEtulos.
Puerta del Sol
o http!88.champs-elysees.com8products8spanish8default.asp)
o &ntrevista con =uan Luis 4uerra S Audio y transcripciNn.
Thin# Spanish
o Audio y transcripciNn
&*ercicios y pruebas sobre tema
Los chihuahuas! perros diminutos
&ntrevista con 5ariano Tee
6arnaval de /arran,uilla
&l =oropo S ;ene%uela
2uevos 7ori%ontes S audio
o Santo niUo de Atocha
o La gripe
o Santos inocentes
;ideos de &l mundo de &spana
o http!88.elmundo.es8multimedia8seccion8videos.html
o 6ontiene breves informes de las noticias del momento en &spana. Se
ofrece en formato de video
o http!88formespa.rediris.es8inde).html
o &ste sitio contiene una selecciNn de canciones con e*ercicios para la clase.
o &ducation and 6areer
2ational Spanish &)am
o http!88.nationalspanishe)am.org8
o &ste sitio contiene e*ercicios practicos $estilo del e)amen
%riDngulo E ' 0ro0osito de /abara 4ats#i ' =ohn 5cmullan
o TemDtico.
o "sa el formato del e)amen
Encuentros @aravillosos E -ramatica a traves de la literatura deAbby Vanter.
o "n perro ha muerto $de =ardin de invierno>, Pablo 2eruda.
&l imperfectoB el presente perfectoB el pluscuamperfectoB los usos
de ser y estar

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