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Christopher Yaw

Malone Middle School

Life Science: Curriculum Calendar
September 1) Unit 1
A) Chapter 1
B) Chapter 2
-The Study of Livin Thins
-The World of Life Science
-Its Alive !r Is It"
!ctober !) Unit !
A) Chapter #
B) Chapter $
-Cells% The Basic &nits of Life
-The Cell in Action
'overmber ") Unit "
A) Chapter (
B) Chapter )
-#eredity$ %volution$ and Classification
-,enes and ,ene Technolo-+
.ecember C) Chapter /
.) Chapter 0
1) Chapter 2
-The 1vol3tion of Livin- Thin-s
-The *istor+ of Life on 1arth
4an3ar+ &) Unit &
A) Chapter 15
B) Chapter 11
-Simple 'ranisms$ (uni$ and )lants
- Bacteria and 6ir3ses
-7rotists and 83n-i
8ebr3ar+ C) Chapter 12
.) Chapter 1#
*) Unit *
A) Chapter 1$
-Introd3ction to 7lants
-7lant 7rocesses
-Animals and Behavior
9arch B) Chapter 1(
C) Chapter 1)
.) Chapter 1/
-8ishes: Amphibians: and ;eptiles
-Birds and 9ammals
April ,) Unit ,
A) Chapter 10
B) Chapter 12
C) Chapter 25
-%coloy and the %nvironment
-Interaction of Livin- Thin-s
-C+cles in 'at3re
-The 1arths 1cos+stems
9a+ .) Chapter 21
-) Unit -
A) Chapter 22
B) Chapter 2#
-1nvironmental 7roblems and Sol3tions
-#uman .ody Systems
-Bod+ !r-ani<ation and Str3ct3re
-Circ3lation and ;espiration
43ne C) Chapter 2$
.) Chapter 2(
1) Chapter 2/-20
-The .i-estive and &rinar+ S+stems
-Comm3nication and Control
-The Imm3ne S+stem and Sta+in- *ealth+
=7lease note that the order in >hich topics are covered is s3b?ect to chan-e based on @b3t not
limited to) the follo>in- circ3mstances% lacA of s3fficient lab materials: aptit3de and learnin-
st+les of st3dents: the need for a teacher to maAe material fresh and interestin- @>hereb+ the+
mi-ht choose to chan-e the order in >hich certain ob?ectives are ta3-ht in order to reinvi-orate
the co3rse)B In other >ords: altho3-h the order presented here ma+ ver+ >ell be the order in
>hich the material is covered: it is possible: and liAel+: that the order and time frame in >hich
these ob?ectives are presented ma+ in fact not be the order or time frame in >hich material is
coveredB This frame>orA o3tlines an ideal teachin- +earB That bein- said: I have never Ano>n a
teacher >ho has ever had an ideal teachin- +earB
This curriculum calendar was designed to be aligned with the Holt Science and Technology: Life Science
textbook published by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston copyrighted in 2004.

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