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Jershey Micaela Del Pilar

IV- Campos
We study physics so we can better understand the physical world. Physics is the foundation of all Engineering and
technology. No engineer could design any kind of practical device without first understanding the basic principles
involved. Studying Physics is an adventure, it is very challenging, sometimes frustrating, occasionally painful but
often richly rewarding and satisfying. On the first week of classes we had a mechanics review about our previous
course. We had our group activity then we defined what is physics? Physics is the study of the physical world:
energy, matter, and how they are related. People who study physics go on to many different careers. Some become
scientists at universities and colleges, at industries, or in research institutes. Others go into related fields, such as
astronomy, engineering, computer, teaching or medicine. Physics uses mathematics as a powerful language. Many
physicists have their own contributions, Galileo Galilei performed fundamental observations, experiments, and
mathematical analyses in astronomy and physics. Sir Isaac Newton developed theories of gravitation and
mechanical, and invented calculus. Alessandro Volta is the pioneer in study of electricity; he invented the first
electric battery. James Watt invented the modern condensing steam engine and a centrifugal governor. James
Prescott Joule discovered mechanical equivalent of heat. Wave is a rhythmic disturbance that transfers energy
through matter or space. It carries energy without transporting matter from place to place. There are two types of
Mechanical waves: 1.) Transverse Waves matter moves in the medium back and forth at right angles to the
direction that the wave is travelling. For example, a water wave travels horizontally as the water moves vertically up
and down. 2.) Compressional Waves matter in the medium moves back and forth parallel to the direction that the
wave travels. An example of this is Sound waves. There are many examples of waves namely Light waves, Water
waves, Stadium waves, earthquake waves, waves on a string, slinky waves, gamma rays, which kills cancer cells,
radio waves that can be found in television and radio of course, microwaves used to heat our food, infra-red that can
be found in the remote control, visible light, ultra-violet and lastly X-rays determined if there is a fracture in our bone.
Light and radio waves, can travel through space. I can differentiate Electromagnetic waves and Mechanical waves
when we say Electromagnetic waves it is capable of transmitting its energy through a vacuum while Mechanical
waves is not capable of transmitting energy through a vacuum, it requires a medium in order to have transport their
energy from one place to another. There are different parts of waves the crest which is the highest point of a wave,
trough, the lowest point of the wave, amplitude the height of the wave. Wavelength is the distance between one
point on a wave. Now I know that the speed of the wave depends on the wavelength and do not depends on the
properties of the medium it is travel through. Frequency and Period are inversely related .Long wavelength low
frequency, short wavelength high frequency. Frequency is the number of waves that pass a given point each second
while Period is the amount of time needed to pass a point. In calculating the waves speed we need to remember the
formulas: speed = wavelength x frequency, Wavelength/period, wavelength/1/frequency. The wave speed ultimately
depends on the elasticity, density and temperature of the medium. In calculating the speed of the waves on a string
we must remember this formulas: V=T/, where = mass/ length. In finding the speed of the wave in a liquid the
formula: V=B/, In solid V=Y/p where Y is the Youngs Modulus. In gas, V=yRT/M, where T is the absolute
temperature, M is the molar mass, is a unit less quantity called the specific heat ratio. R is the gas constant, equal
to 8.135 J. To be a wave all waves must reflect, refract, and diffract. When the wave reaches a boundary of the
medium, it will return back along its original path of motion thats what we called Reflection. Reflected waves allowed
us to see things. The Law of Reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. The
incident ray, reflected ray and the normal line lie on the same plane. How does the reflection of light allow us to see
ourselves in a mirror? It happens when the light strikes our face and bounces off. Refraction is the bending of a
wave caused by a change in its speed as it moves from one medium to another. Light waves travel slower in water
than in air. This causes light waves to change direction and bend toward the normal. Standing waves produce when
two waves with the same frequency interfere with one another while travelling in opposite directions along the same
medium. It is called because it appears to stand frozen in space. There are two parts of Standing waves, nodes
areas of zero amplitude while antinodes areas of maximum amplitude.. When a wave enters a new medium at an
angle and its velocity INCREASES, the wave will bend AWAY the normal. While if the wave enters a new medium at
an angle and its velocity DECREASES, the wave will bend TOWARD the normal. After they pass through the
opening, the waves spread out thats what we called Diffraction. Interference, when two or more waves overlap and
combine to form a new wave. There are two types: Constructive Interference They will ADD to produce a greater
amplitude, while Destructive Interference is the time when they ADD together they will produce a smaller amplitude.
In fixed end boundary, the reflected pulse has the same speed, wavelength, and amplitude as the incident pulse. In
free end boundary the speed, wavelength, and amplitude are the same as the incident pulse. Lastly Change in
Medium, the speed and wavelength of the reflected wave remain the same, but the amplitude decreases. The
speed, wavelength, and amplitude of the transmitted pulse are all smaller than in the incident pulse. We see things
because they reflect light into our eyes. Our primary source of light is the sun. Light travels in a straight line at a
speed of 186,000 miles per second. Light travels very fast- around 300,000km/s you can go around the world 8
times in one second. In 1831, the speed of light is c=2.99792458x108m/s. In finding the speed of light we use the
formula c=f. Because of reflected light, we can read books in any positions. There are two types of Reflection:
Specular Reflection (smooth surface) and Diffuse reflection (rough surface). Law of Refraction states that the
incident ray, refracted ray and the normal line all lie on the same plane. The Snells Law equation: sinna=sinnb.
Index of Refraction is a unit less constants that can be obtained by dividing the speed of light in a vacuum (c) to the
speed of light in the materials (v) n=c/v. The value of the index of refraction is always greater than 1. As n increases
the speed of light decreases. Light slows as the index of refraction increases, they are inversely related. Total
Internal Reflection occurs when angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle. Our last topic is all about Plane
mirrors, a polished surface that reflects an image. When there is no an observers eye, first draw an incident ray, then
the reflected ray then the extended ray and last the law of Reflection. When there is an observers eye Draw a
reflected ray to the eye and then incident ray to the top part of an object then the law of reflection. The difference
between Real Image and Virtual image is that Real image can be projected on screen, it is formed by reflected rays,
and light actually reflect on it, while Virtual image cannot be projected on screen, light does not reflect on the image,
and it is formed by extended rays. Concave mirror is also called converging mirror because rays parallel to the
principal axis reflect from the concave mirror and meet or converge at the Focus. Principal Axis is the line through
the center of the spherical mirror. Center of curvature is the point on the optic axis corresponds to the center of the
sphere. Vertex is the central part of the mirror. Radius of curvature is the distance from vertex to the center of
curvature. Focus is the distance between Center of curvature and Vertex. Convex Mirror is also called diverging
mirror because rays parallel to principal axis hit a convex mirror, the reflected ray spread out or diverge. In convex
mirror it can only form 1 image. A parallel ray is a ray incident along a path parallel to the optic axis and reflected
through the Focus. A chief ray or radial ray is a ray incident through the center of curvature or appear to go through
and reflected along its incident through the center of curvature. Focal Ray passes through the focal point and is
reflected parallel to the optic axis. S means size reduced or in large, A means altitude upright or inverted, L means
location behind of in front, T means type real or virtual. The object and image distance, p and q are related to each
focal length. In equation 1/p+1/q=1/f where, p is the objects distance, q is the image distance, and f is the focal
length. The linear magnification of image in a spherical mirror is equal to m=h`/h=-q/p where, h` is the image height, h
is the objects height and m is the magnification. We always remember that if m1 the image is enlarge or magnified,
if m0 or 1 the image is the same and if m1 the image is diminish or reduce. I learned how to give time and effort in
solving different problems. Just analyze the problems and you can solve it correctly. If we want to survive our
course, we need to Pay close to the lecture of our instructor. Have a regular study habit. Yield or submit to the
demands of the subject. Search for additional lectures in the Internet. Invite your classmate to study with you before
the major exams. Come to the class physically and mentally prepared. Study hard, Pray hard!

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