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QUIZ: 1015 minutes

BODY OF LESSON: 55 minutes (10:40am; 2:10pm)

Timing/Pacing Activity Annotations:
1015 minutes Quiz on Canada 1870s, National Policy, CPR Syndicate
Timing/Pacing Activity Annotations:
15 minutes Whats the story we want to tell?
I. Dove: One side Beauty, Other side objectifying women?
A. Two types of advertising when it comes to beauty:
show Dove; then axe
B. then ask students what connection is; and reveal.
II. Nike: Motivational/Sweatshops and lack of opportunity.
III. McDonalds: Ideal food and burger vs
*ask students what
they know before
hand about the
issues of each
Name: Michael Yang
Lesson Topic/Title:
Time: 75 minutes [10:2511:39; 1:54 3:08]

Critical Question:

Concept: Stories we tell, Imagery, Perception (what it
represents, what may be hidden)
Subject: Social Studies 10

Unit and Lesson #: Unit 2, Lesson #6

Textbook: Horizons, Chapter 5.

Date: April 7, 2014 (Mon)
Lesson Outcomes
and Objectives:

I. Evaluate student understanding of the CPR Syndicate and National Policy
II. Explore the power and importance of perception in storytelling, advertisement, and
III. Examine and lear about the historical primary sources surrounding Chinese labourers
for the CPR
Resources and

*check in with
Taylor Cole
I. Powerpoint
II. Quiz (Ver A and Ver B), (28 copies each)
III. Handout to answer the Chinese Labourers Reading Packet
IV. Hardcopies of primary/secondary sources packet
V. iPads
VI. (Food Ad Tricks)
VII. (Dove Commercial)
VIII. (The Axe Effect)
X. journal entry #4

CLOSURE/EXTENSION: 5 minutes (11:30am; 3:00pm).
10 minutes
Last Spike:
I. Go over journal entry #4 questions (build background)
II. Show famous image. Discuss with a partner the following
A. What story is this image trying to tell? In what ways do you
think they thought, as well as others, that the CPR was a
significant project for Canada?
B. At the same time, consider what voices or stories are not
being shared in through this image.
III. Trouble the history behind this image: There is always more
to the story than meets the eye.
IV. Why has more information come about in the last decades?
*timed-think pair

*when did teachers

start teaching more
about the Chinese
labourers on CPR?
[check on that]
25 minutes
Chinese Labourers: Student tasks Using the packet and the
accompanying handout, answer the questions.
I. Go to my website, or some can use these hardcopies.
II. students will be given about 20 minutes to complete these
III. Be prepared to share your answers and thoughts, I will be
calling on people during our debrief and discuss period
IV. sponge activities:
A. take a look at the political cartoon gallery on the website.
Picture a cartoon (numbered #1 #5) and analyze:
1. what is the cartoon saying?
2. what is the purpose of this cartoon?
3. what values or worldview does the author have?
*put these on the
iPad, print out a
few paper copies
for those who cant
access at home.
*let certain students
know I may call
them for a
particular question,
so they are
10 minutes Debrief and Discuss:
Activity Annotations: Timing/Pacing
Timing/Pacing Activity Annotations:
5 minutes Summary:
I. Turn to your neighbour and answer:
A. In your opinion, what is the most important thing to
take away form todays lesson
B. What was something new you learned today?
C. What are you still curious about?
*be prepared to
answer, i will call on
Summative Assessment:
I. Evaluate students on their knowledge regarding the CPR Syndicate and the National Policy
through their reading quiz
Formative Assessment:
I. check for understanding to see if students understand the concept of selective presentation
through advertisement and history.
II. Assess students abilities to properly interpret and understand the packet on Chinese workers on
the CPR through their answers on accompanying handout, and through the class debrief session.

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