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40 R and the Tinn-R Editor

Table 3: Probability Distributions in R

R Function Distribution Parameters Package
beta Beta shape1,shape2 stats
binom Binomial size,prob stats
cauchy Cauchy location,scale stats
chisq (non-central) Chi-squared df,ncp stats
dirichlet Dirichlet alpha MCMCpack
exp Exponential rate stats
f F df1,df2 stats
gamma Gamma shape,rate stats
geom Geometric prob stats
gev Generalized Extreme Value xi,mu,sigma evir
gpd Generalized Pareto xi,mu,beta evir
hyper Hypergeometric m,n,k stats
invgamma Inverse Gamma shape,rate MCMCpack
iwish Inverse Wishart v,S MCMCpack
logis Logistic location,scale stats
lnorm Log Normal meanlog,sdlog stats
multinom Multinomial size,prob stats
mvnorm Multivariate Normal mean,sigma mvtnorm
mvt Multivariate-t sigma,df mvtnorm
nbinom Negative Binomial size,prob stats
norm Normal mean,sd stats
pois Poisson lambda stats
signrank Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic n stats
t Student-t df stats
unif Uniform min,max stats
weibull Weibull shape,scale stats
wilcox Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic m,n stats
wish Wishart v,S MCMCpack

c CSIRO Australia, 2005 Course Materials and Exercises

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