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8/11/2014 FANTASTIC WORK - Davis, Aurora 1/1
A great big THANK YOU is in order to the staff who worked last Friday. It was a very hectic capacity day
throughout the organization and you all did a fantastic job expediting discharges. Mary Keller and Joan Towery
deserve special kudos for having 17 discharges and 17 admissions. They rocked it! Also, Breanne and Aurora did
an excellent job on the BMT unit in expediting 9 discharges/admissions. Thanks again to everyone that dayyou
were all pivotal in helping the entire hospital manage the capacity crisis. Great work!!

Jamie Nordhagen, RN, BSN, OCN
Associate Nurse Manager
Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
University of Colorado Hospital

"UCH Nursing. Quality. Excellence. Always.

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Nordhagen, Jamie
Mon 1/13/2014 9:04 AM
To:UCH-AIP 11th Onc Staff All <>;

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