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Classroom Management and Procedure Plan

Beginning of Class
Be on time
Enter the classroom quietly
Put away personal belongings
Sharpen pencils before class begin
Be in your assigned seat and prepared to work when the final bell rings
Work Requirement
Everyone participates
Write neatly
Write your name and date on all papers
Keep your work area organized
Place assignments due in appropriate bins when completed
Instructional Activity
Raise your hand if help is needed
Raise your hand to ask or answer a question
When all daily assignments are complete, sit quietly, read and/or begin homework
Bring needed supplies/materials to class daily
Remain in assigned seat unless instructed otherwise
Group Activity
Each group member will be assigned a task
Positive interdependence success should be a team effort; correlate positively
Individual accountability each individual is accountable for his/her input
Equal participation each individual will participate and will be graded as such
Simultaneous interaction group members will work together to complete assignment;
be a team player
Peer evaluations each individual will evaluate each group members performance on a
form provided
Loud outbursts are unacceptable
When the teacher talks, the students listen
When the teachers hand is raised, quietly give the teacher your attention
Communicate with classmates as needed or otherwise instructed
Keep conversations with classmates to a minimum
No arguing in class; concerns and/ or appeals must be discussed with teacher privately
before/ after class or submitted to teacher in writing after class
Use of Room
Be courteous to your teacher and your classmates
Respect the rights and property of others
Teachers desk is off limits unless otherwise instructed
Handle classroom materials with care; you and others will need them again
Replace materials back in the proper location before leaving class
Electronic devices (computers, tablets, smartphones) are for classroom use, not personal
use, unless otherwise instructed
Use only your supplies/materials or devices assigned to you and no one elses
Abstain from eating, drinking, chewing and grooming in the classroom
No sleeping; no heads on desks
Ending Class
Turn in assignments; place in appropriate bins
Put away supplies/materials and equipment
Leave your work area neat and clean
Remain in your seat until you are dismissed
Exit the classroom quietly

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