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When contacting agencies for help you need to remain calm so they can

understand you as talk so they can get the help you need as fast as they can.
When calling the police:
Stay calm and speak clearly so dispatch can understand you
If needed call when you are not near the person you are calling about so
you do not upset them.
Identify yourself and your part in the situation. (An example is you are the
spouse that is abused in a domestic abuse situation.)
Explain the danger
Know your rights
Stay Safe
Stay on the line until help arrives

When calling the hospital:
Stay calm and speak clearly so dispatch can understand you
If needed call when you are not near the person you are calling about so
you do not upset them.
Identify yourself and your part in the situation. (An example is you are the
spouse that is abused in a domestic abuse situation.)
Explain the injuries.
If needed wait for an ambulance

When contacting child services:
Clearly state the information so they can check into the correct problem.
Clearly state your concerns

Communicating with the hospital,
police, child protective services,
Additional sites
and information
Steps For
Family Support
IPTV (n.d.). Establishing strong family-school
Children and families of Iowa http://
CADRE (n.d.). Steps to success: Communi-
cating youre your childs school. http://
Department of Health Services (n.d.) Guidelines
for effective communication with 911 dispatch.
Retrieved from
American Academy of Pediatrics http://

Support for a abusive situations
Are you ready to
take the next step?

Its only a website or
phone call away.
For immediate help
contact 911 our your
local non-emergency
phone number.
Iowa Domestic Violence
Hotline 1-800-942-0333
For immediate help
contact 911 our your
local non-emergency
phone number.
Iowa Domestic Violence
Hotline 1-800-942-0333
Contact school office to
let the principal know of
family situation.
Clearly tell him/her of
the situation
Listen to their per-
spective because they
may need you to pro-
vide more information
or documentation.
Clarify what they need
Keep in contact on
how things are going.

What can we do for children living in violent communities?
Friendly, Knowledgable Agents
It is important for your childs success in school for you to be in contact with the school and their teacher so they
know what is going on at home that could impact their schooling. If there is a restraining order the school needs to
know so they can comply with it.
o Be a part of a team (teachers, students, families, law enforcement, juvenile justice officials, community leaders)
o Establish before and after school programs.
o Teach students conflict resolution strategies.
o Engage in group problem solving regarding classroom conflicts.
o Help students form positive and healthy relationships with adults.
o Learn to recognize signs for students who are experiencing violence.
o Have a strict no-bullying, harassment, name-calling, or teasing policy. This will help to create a positive classroom environment.
o Encourage students to report threats of criminal activity without fear for their safety.
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with the school
Communication for steps in family support with school

Contact the teacher to let
the teacher know of family
situations so the teacher
can watch for signs the
student is having trouble.
Explain the situation
and let the teacher
know how to get a
hold of you if they
have concerns.
Keep in contact be-
cause things can
If needed contact the
guidance counselor for

Explain what is going
on and ask for help.
Clarify what you can
do to help at home
Keep in contact to talk
about progress or
what still needs to be
worked on.

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