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Individuals & Societies 7 Overall Rubric 1 = 1-5 2= 6-9 3= 10-14 4= 15-1 5= 19-23 6= 24-27 7 = 2-32

!" #no$in% &

'evelo( )actual & conce(tual
*no$led%e about individuals
& societies"
Uses a range of
terminology in context
Demonstrates knowledge &
understanding of subject
specific content & concepts
(K & U of C & C) through
descriptions explanations
& examples
+" Investi%atin%
'evelo( s,ste-atic researc. s*ills & (rocesses
associated $it. disci(lines in t.e .u-anities &
social sciences"
'evelo( success)ul strate%ies )or investi%atin%
inde(endentl, & collaborativel,"
!ormulates"chooses a clear & focused research
#uestion ($%) explaining its rele&ance
!ormulates & follows an action plan to in&estigate a
Uses methods to collect & record rele&ant info
'&aluates the process & results of the in&estigation
with guidance
/" /o--unicatin%
'evelo( s*ills to or%ani0e1 docu-ent &
co--unicate usin% a variet, o) -edia
& (resentation )or-ats"
Communicates information & ideas in
a style that is appropriate for
audience & purpose
(tructures info & ideas according to
the task instructions
Creates a reference list
'"*in% /riticall,
&se critical*in% s*ills to develo( & a((l, t.eir
understandin% o) I & S in t.e (rocess o)
)nalyses concepts issues models &isual
representations and"or theories
(ummari*es info to make &alid well+supported
)nalyses a range of sources"data in terms of
origin & purpose (,&-) recogni*ing &alues &
limitations (.&/)
$ecogni*es different perspecti&es & their
7- /onsistentl, uses a
ran%e of terminology
'etailed K & U of C & C
through develo(ed &
accurate descriptions,
explanations &
Formulates/Chooses a clear & )ocused RQ
& e3(lains its relevance
Formulates & e))ectivel, follows a
consistent action plan to investigate a RQ
Uses methods to collect & record
a((ro(riate & varied relevant info
ith guidance, provides a detailed
evaluation of the research process & results
Communicates information &
ideas in a style that is
co-(letel, appropriate to the
audience and purpose
!tructures info & ideas
co-(letel, according to tas"
Creates a co-(lete reference
Completes a detailed analysis of concepts,
issues, etc#
Su--ari0es info to ma"e consistent1 $ell-
su((orted arguments
4))ectivel, anal,ses a range of
sources/data in terms of $&%, consistentl,
recogni&ing '&(
/learl, reco%ni0es a ran%e o) different
perspectives & consistentl, e3(lains their
&ses considerable &
relevant terminology
Substantial K & U of C
& C through
explanations, &
Formulates/Chooses clear & )ocused RQ &
describes its relevance, in detail
Formulates & -ostl, follows a su))icientl,
develo(ed action plan to investigate the RQ
Uses methods to collect & record
a((ro(riate relevant info
ith guidance evaluates the research
process & results
Communicates information &
ideas in a style that is -ostl,
appropriate to the audience and
5ostl, structures info & ideas
according to tas" instructions
Creates an ade6uate reference
Completes a substantial analysis of
concepts, issues, etc#
Su--ari0es info to ma"e usuall, valid
!nal,ses sources/data in terms of $&%,
usuall, recogni&ing '&(
/learl, reco%ni0es different perspectives &
describes -ost of their implications
So-e accurate term
Satis)actor, K & U of C
& C through si-(le
explanations, &
Formulates/Chooses clear & )ocused RQ &
describes its relevance
Formulates & occasionall, follows a (artial
action plan to investigate the RQ
Uses methods to collect & record so-e
relevant info
ith guidance re)lects on the research
process & results
Communicates information &
ideas in a style that is so-e$.at
So-e$.at organi&es info &
Creates an ade6uate reference
Completes a si-(le analysis of concepts,
issues, etc#
Su--ari0es info to ma"e so-e ade6uate
!nal,ses sources/data in terms of $&%,
recogni&ing so-e '&(
Reco%ni0es different perspectives &
su%%ests so-e of their implications
1-2 7i-ited use of
+asic K & U of C & C
through li-ited
descriptions & examples
)dentifies a RQ that is clear & )ocused and
Formulates a li-ited action plan or does not
follows a plan
Collects & records li-ited or so-eti-es
irrelevant info
ith guidance re)lects on the research
process & results in a li-ited $a,
Communicates information &
ideas in a style that is not
al$a,s clear
$rgani&es info & ideas in a
li-ited $a,
7ists source of information
+e%ins to anal,se concepts, issues, etc# in
a li-ited $a,
+e%ins to identi), connections *etween info
to ma"e si-(le arguments
Reco%ni0es $&% o) )e$ sources/data, as
well as few '&(
Identi)ies different perspectives
Does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors

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