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and by appointment.

Civics Syllabus (2014-2015)

Course Description
What does it mean to be an American? What do we believe
about our country and government? How do we know what to
expect from our government? How do we know what is
expected of us? These are all questions that are addressed by
the study of Civics.

Course Objectives
Students will study the core concepts of American
citizenship, government, economics and the legal system.
They will be able to define key terms and apply them to real world scenarios.
Students will learn the basic meaning of citizenship. They will learn the rights and
responsibilities granted to Americans and will engage in civic/service activities.
Students will develop reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills.

Topics Covered
The course is divided into 9 units of study.
1. Foundations of Citizenship
2. History of American Government
3. The Federal Government
4. State and Local Government
5. Foundations of Economics
6. Government and the Economy
7. The American Legal System
8. Political Parties, Voting and Elections
9. American Foreign Policy

Course Supplies
Hi-lighters, pens, pencils, and colored pencils
1 notebook dedicated exclusively to this course
1 folder dedicated exclusively to this course
3 X 5 file box with 12 dividers
3 x 5 index cards (one for each vocabulary word)
* Index cards can be purchased on an as need basis; one pack required when class starts.
4G flash drive (can be shared with other classes)

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Homework Expectations
Ample notice will be given for any assignment, quiz, essay or exam. The amount of work
depends on the unit being covered in class.
Vocabulary terms are given for each unit. Each term must be written on a separate 3x5 index
card along with its definition, an original sentence using the term, and an image that represents
the term. Vocabulary quizzes will be given each week.
Most exams will be given at the end of each unit. Exams will include terms, short answer, and
multiple choice questions. 10-15% of questions on each exam will come from previous chapters.
Other assignments include class presentations, projects, speeches and papers.
Grading Proportions
Description Percentage of Grade
Tests 60%
Quizzes 15%
Homework/Classwork 25%

Class Rules
1. Respect others.
2. Be polite and helpful.
3. Listen and follow directions.
4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
First failure to follow a rule will result in a verbal reminder.
Second failure will result in either the assessment of discipline points or a logical
consequence such as a seat change, an apology, cleaning, etc.
Repeated or severe offenses will result in an immediate referral to the office.
Class Procedures
Entry Procedures
Bring textbook and required supplies to class each day.
Use the bathroom and water fountain between class periods; you will not be allowed to
leave during class unless it is an emergency. If it is an emergency, quietly hold up three
fingers and shake your fingers to notify the teacher.
Turn in your homework in homework tray.
Only your notebook, agenda and pen or pencil belong on your desk; everything else
should be in your backpack under your chair.
Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings; tardiness will be marked!
Read the daily objectives and homework on the whiteboard and record in your agenda.
Begin on your bell-work.

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Participation Procedures
Come to class prepared to actively participate in your learning; this may include whole-
group or small group discussions and activities or independent work.
Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
Make eye contact with teacher and peers when they are speaking.
Respect others thoughts and opinions even if they differ from your own.
Sleeping, class disruptions, and failure to complete bell work or in-class assignments
will result in disciplinary action.
Textbook Procedures
Write your first and last name inside the front cover of your textbook.
Keep handouts, homework and other papers in your binder or folder. Do not store them
in your textbook because it ruins the binding.
Per School Policy: Do not write or highlight in your textbook.
Per School Policy: All textbooks must be covered with a Keswick book cover at all times.
Book covers can be purchased in the high school office for 35.
Per School Policy: Students must reimburse the school for lost or stolen textbooks.

Homework Procedures
Turn your homework into the homework tray prior to class; work submitted after the
bell rings will be marked late.
Incomplete work will not be accepted; it will be returned to the student to complete and
resubmit. Credit will not be given for partially completed work.
Late or incomplete work will not receive a grade higher than a C.
Late or incomplete work will not be accepted after one week past the due date.

Absence Procedures
Students are responsible for communicating all absences with the teacher.
For known absences, students must make assignment, quiz and test arrangements with
the teacher prior to the absence.
For unexpected absences, students are expected to make arrangements to turn in
assignments and make-up tests and quizzes within two days of returning to school. If
they do not, they will receive a zero.
Per School Policy: If a student misses class for a school-related activity, they are must
turn in all assignments prior to leaving for the activity.

Going to Other Parts of the School
Permission is always needed to leave the classroom.
Only one person may go at a time.
Always bring the hall pass with you.
Per School Policy: Do not prop the door open.
Walk straight to permitted destination.
Come back immediately and enter quietly.
Place hall pass back for others to use and quietly take your seat.

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Students: Please read the course syllabus and share it with your parents. Then you and your
parents should sign this sheet. Please return this sheet by Friday, August 15.

I have read the policies and expectations for the Civics class and understand them. If I choose
not to meet these expectations, I am willing to accept the consequences.
Student Printed Name:

Parent/Guardian Printed Name:

Student Signature:

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Date: ____________________ Date: ____________________

Parent/Guardian: Please check the preferred method you would like the teacher to use to
communicate with you about your child's progress.

Email: ______________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
No Preference

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