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Un tunel de una carretera tiene la forma de un arco parablico,

que tiene 5m de ancho y 4m de altura.

Cul es la altura mxima que puede tener un vehiculo de transporte de 3m de ancho,
para poder pasar por el tunel?

A tunnel is in the shape of a parabla. The maximum height is 16 m and it is 16 m wide at the
base. What is the vertical clearance 7 m from the edge of the tunnel?
Answer choices:
15.4 m 0.3 m 15.7 m 0.6 m
If the parabola is to be 16m high and 16m wide, the vertex is (8, 16)

y = a(x - 8) + 16

We also know that the x-intercepts are (0, 0) and (16, 0)
0 = a(x - 8) + 16
64a = -16
a = -(1/4)

y = -(1/4)(x - 8) + 16

If x = 7, what is y?
answer choice of 15.7

El arco de un puente es semieliptico. Con su eje mayor horizontal. La base del

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