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Layers of Atmosphere
1. Troposphere layer nearest o te ground
2. Stratosphere next to troposphere, contains the ozone
3. Mesosphere between stratosphere and ionosphere; no variation in temperature
4. Thermosphere above mesosphere; earths atmosphere merges with interplanetary

Physical Environment

limiting factor anything that is essential to an organism and for which there is a
tolerance ability of an organism to withstand environmental conditions
hibernation dormancy during winter
estivation inactivity during summer

Biotic-biotic interactions

Consumers are grouped:
a. herbivores
b. carnivores
c. omnivores
d. primary consumers
e. secondary consumers
f. tertiary consumers
g. scavengers
h. decomposers

Mimicry organism mimics another organism which is more aggressive and stronger

Competition: intraspecific competition between species; interspecific between different

Decrease and increase in population may be: density-dependent (limiting factor based on
the population density) or density-independent (limiting factor based on the organisms
size, shape, reproductive system, etc)

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