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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, In the name of Allah SWT - The Beneficent and
The Merciful. First of all I would like to express my gratitude to the Almighty Allah
SWT, who gives me health, time, and strength so that I can complete this thesis as my
last assignment to finish my study in English Literature Department, Faculty of
Letters - Dr. Soetomo University.
I would like thank to the Head of English Department; Dra. Anicleta
Yuliastuti,M.Hum, and the Dean of Faculty of Letters University Dr. Soetomo
University; Drs.H.Syamsuri Ari Wibowo,MPD. I also express my sincere gratitude
to all my lecturers for their valuable knowledge, guidance, and advice during my
My sincere thanks are expressed to my supervisor Dra. Anicleta
Yuliastuti,M.Hum and my lecturers; Haryono,SS who help me for correction and help
me finishing this thesis. And I am grateful to all lectures who have given me advice
during the academic years.
Special gratitude to my wife Delina A. Mardiana and my sister Aliye KILIC,
who have patiently given their moral values, financial support, advice, love, and
prayers for me.
To my best friends, M. Martin, Aditya Nugroho, Astomy Ardiansyah,
Sangaji Penukal, Furkon Rosyadi, Ulin K., Yubi Abdiel Charismata, Ageng Satya
who always help me and give their support for me, and help me in seeking the
book which related to my thesis.

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