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8eLhany oon

LuSL 343 A (SM 14)

!"#$%&" !#(()*" +,-&

!"#$%&". !la Cl

/0%. 6

123324#,"2%5 -&$ 6)&4%*&5. (WhaL are Lhe dlfflculLles and concerns assoclaLed wlLh Lhe sLudenL?
WhaL facLors appear Lo be conLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe dlfflculLles and concerns?)

1hls secLlon should be ln narraLlve form and aL leasL 3-3 areas of concern should be llsLed wlLh
clear and conclse explanaLlons.

7&0-0%8%&" 2& -4"292"2%5 -&$ "-5:5
!la Cl wlll engage ln some desk or Lable acLlvlLles, buL she musL be moLlvaLed Lo do so by Lhe
lmmedlaLe relnforcemenL of a reward such as a gummy bear, scenLed LlckeL, or an acLlvlLy LhaL
she llkes. When she ls noL engaged, !la Cl ls unresponslve Lo prompLs and redlrecLlons. lnsLead,
she looks away, geLs an acLlvlLy LhaL ls of hlgher lnLeresL, or leaves Lhe classroom.

/""%&"2)& -&$ *%5()&529%&%55 ") )";%*5
!la Cl conslsLenLly looks away from Lhe speaker and ls unresponslve when addressed by oLhers.
AL Llmes, she seems unaware LhaL she ls expecLed Lo respond Lo requesLs. When Lalklng wlLh !la
Cl, lL ls ofLen dlfflculL Lo deLermlne when she has or has noL heard and undersLood. WlLh
prompLs Lo look and llsLen, !la Cl more frequenLly lndlcaLes undersLandlng of quesLlons and
dlrecLlons by glvlng verbal and non-verbal responses.

<-2&"-2&2&0 (*)=282"> ?2"; 0*)#(
!la Cl sLays ln proxlmlLy of Lhe group (ln Lhe classroom and on Lhe playground) when engaged ln
a preferred acLlvlLy. She someLlmes runs away from Lhe group when dlslnLeresLed ln an acLlvlLy
and durlng unsLrucLured Llme and LranslLlons. When runnlng from Lhe classroom, she ofLen
runs Lo Lhe nurse's offlce or around Lhe hallway Lowards Lhe cafeLerla. AL Lhe playground, she
runs across Lhe parklng loL Loward Lhe sLreeL. An adulL always pursues !la Cl and leads her back
Lo Lhe group wlLh a verbal dlrecLlon or by belng led genLly by Lhe shoulders. Cnce ln a whlle, !la
Cl reslsLs reLurnlng by saylng no, no, no," runnlng furLher, and pushlng Lhe adulL who ls
obsLrucLlng her paLh.

1%8)&5"*-"2&0 #&$%*5"-&$2&0 -&$ :&)?,%$0%
Many more sLandardlzed assessmenLs, such as alphabeL lnvenLorles, are a poor measure of !la
Cl's skllls. lL ls dlfflculL Lo geL a sense of whaL !la Cl Lruly knows because of Lhe challenges
dlscussed prevlously such as engagemenL ln assessmenLs and responslveness Lo

+*2)* @&"%*9%&"2)&5. (WhaL lnLervenLlons have been Lrled? Pow successful have Lhese
lnLervenLlons been?)
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)

!la Cl was a sLudenL ln a blended classroom aL Lhe LxperlmenLal LducaLlon unlL (LLu) aL Lhe
unlverslLy of WashlngLon. 1here, !la Cl recelved early lnLervenLlon servlces. !la Cl Lhen began
aLLendlng a developmenLal preschool ln SeaLLle ubllc Schools where she recelved speclally
deslgned lnsLrucLlon for her cognlLlve, soclal/emoLlonal, adapLlve, communlcaLlon, and moLor

!"#$%&" 6;-*-4"%*25"245. (WhaL are Lhe sLudenL's sLrengLhs and challenges? WhaL oLher sLudenL
characLerlsLlcs need conslderaLlon ln undersLandlng Lhe dlfflculLles and concerns and plannlng
Lhe lnLervenLlons?)

! CbservanL of surroundlngs
! CreeLs famlllar people wlLh a smlle
! Cenerally cheerful
! CfLen complles wlLh dlrecLlons
! Skllled aL balance, cllmblng, and runnlng
! ueveloped self-help skllls
! rogress ln playlng alongslde peers, maklng eye conLacL, eaLlng
! uLlllzes senses of smell and hearlng
! Ln[oys school acLlvlLles (accordlng Lo reporL from parenLs)

6;-,,%&0%5 (ConLlnues Lo need supporL ln.)
! verbal/ non-verbal communlcaLlon
! lmlLaLlon skllls
! Ceneral soclal skllls (for example: learnlng Lo Lake Lurns, walLlng for Lurn)

!"#$%&" +*%5%&" A%9%,5B C)-,5B -&$ DEF%4"29%5. (WhaL are Lhe sLudenL's presenL levels of
funcLlonlng ln Lhe currenL lL ln readlng, maLh, wrlLlng, soclal skllls, communlcaLlon, flne moLor,
and gross moLor skllls? WhaL are Lhe sLudenL's currenL goals ln Lhese areas? Pave Lhey been
meL? Are Lhey conLlnulng?)


/$-("29%H!%,3 I%,(H A23% !:2,,5

(updaLed leb 2, 2014)
!la Cl lndependenLly compleLes LolleLlng rouLlnes and conslsLenLly asks Lo use Lhe resLroom
when needed, buL needs verbal/gesLural asslsLance wlLh washlng hands and durlng rare
unexpecLed lncldences. !la Cl ls dolng well wlLh her food program and currenLly Lakes 7-13
samples (puLs food lnLo mouLh and closes mouLh for a few seconds) of new food per day when
glven lmmedlaLe relnforcemenLs of mlnl Creos or sLrawberry ocky sLlcks. She wlll conLlnue Lo
work on Laklng blLes of new foods. She ls able Lo puL on her shoes lndependenLly and puL on
and zlp up her [ackeL lndependenLly.
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)

(updaLed 2013)
ALS: !la Cl's adapLlve skllls were measured uslng Lhe ALS (AssessmenL, LvaluaLlon, and
lannlng SysLem). 1hough noL conslsLenLly and usually when glven some asslsLance, !la Cl ls
puLLlng proper amounLs of food ln her mouLh, Lrylng Lo use uLenslls Lo eaL when necessary, and
Laklng ln proper amounLs of llquld and reLurnlng Lhe cup Lo Lhe surface of Lhe Lable. She needs
full physlcal asslsLance, every Llme, when preparlng and servlng food. !la Cl conslsLenLly volds ln
Lhe LolleL and needs remlnders Lo use LolleL paper, flush, and proceed Lo wash her hands. She
conLlnues Lo need supporL ln fasLenlng garmenLs of cloLhlng lncludlng zlpplng,
buLLonlng/unbuLLonlng, and unLylng and Lylng sLrlng fasLeners. She conslsLenLly zlps her [ackeL
up when lL ls Lhreaded LogeLher aL Lhe sLarL by a Leacher. Cores: Area raw score- 27Area raw
score posslble- 70Area percenL score- 37 8ased on evaluaLlon lnformaLlon, !la Cl conLlnues Lo
need speclally deslgned lnsLrucLlon for her adapLlve (self-care) skllls.

Classroom observaLlons:
!la Cl conLlnues Lo explore new foods by smelllng and Louchlng Lhem (and occaslonally
LasLlng/eaLlng Lhem when she decldes Lo). Per classroom Leam conLlnues Lo wanL Lo expand on
Lhe foods she eaLs here aL school. When poslLloned on Lhe floor so she can puL her arms ln and
fllp lL up and over her body, she ls able Lo puL on her coaL wlLh mlnlmal help. 8esulLs of Lhe
ALS were belleved Lo be valld and rellable esLlmaLes of Lhe skllls measured


(updaLed leb 2, 2014)
!la Cl has demonsLraLed conslsLency ln numeral ldenLlflcaLlon up Lo 10, alphabeL names, color
ldenLlflcaLlon, and concepLs relaLlng Lo flrsL-Lhen and before-afLer sequences. !la Cl conLlnues
Lo work on followlng mulLl-sLep dlrecLlons, leLLer sounds, readlng comprehenslon,
dlsLlngulshlng beLween numbers (e.g. 7 and 17, 2 and 12), sequenclng, and addlLlon.


!la Cl ls a brlghL, happy glrl who ls maklng good progress on her communlcaLlon goals.

8oLh Lngllsh and Chlnese (CanLonese and Mandarln) are spoken ln !la Cl's home, !la Cl's
parenLs reporL LhaL she undersLands boLh languages. !la Cl speaks prlmarlly ln Lngllsh, alLhough
she wlll slng famlllar songs ln boLh languages and uses some Chlnese words.

SLandardlzed LesLlng ls a poor measure of !la Cl's overall recepLlve and expresslve language
ablllLy as she ls noL moLlvaLed Lo engage ln LesLlng. !la Cl wlll engage ln some desk or Lable
acLlvlLles, buL she musL be moLlvaLed Lo do so by Lhe lmmedlaLe relnforcemenL of belng allowed
Lo engage ln an acLlvlLy she llkes. She has a wlde range of acLlvlLles she ls moLlvaLed Lo engage
ln and ls approprlaLely exclLed abouL Lhem.

!la Cl does occaslonally seek ouL adulLs and occaslonally peers Lo lnLeracL wlLh.
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)

!la Cl ls aLLempLlng Lo use oral speech more. She ls maklng oral approxlmaLlons of slngle words
frequenLly. 1hese words are usually lnLelllglble when Lhe conLexL ls known.

8ased on observaLlon, she aLLempLs Lo produce oral speech and language when she ls
moLlvaLed Lo do so. She ls someLlmes frusLraLed or reslsLanL when her aLLempLs are noL

!la Cl has been observed Lo produce a phrase of up Lo Lhree words Lo make requesLs durlng
hlghly moLlvaLlng acLlvlLes, such as snack. She has also been observed Lo use some sponLaneous
commenLs and requesLs durlng cholce Llme for hlghly preferred ob[ecLs. !la Cl has lncreased her
use of eye conLacL prlor Lo maklng a requesL.

!la Cl does aLLempL Lo lnLeracL wlLh peers ln a parallel manner when she wanLs Lo engage ln a
novel and lnLeresLlng acLlvlLy. !la Cl ls beglnnlng Lo undersLand Lhere are communlcaLlve
expecLaLlons assoclaLed wlLh school and she ls even beglnnlng Lo learn how Lo meeL Lhose

She someLlmes ls sLlll unaware LhaL she ls expecLed Lo respond Lo requesLs. 1ranslLlons are
someLlmes dlfflculL for !la Cl and she requlres some warnlng LhaL a change ln acLlvlLles ls
expecLed. A vlsual schedule ls of greaL beneflL Lo !la Cl. She ls developlng an awareness of
complylng wlLh school expecLaLlons. An ablllLy Lo begln readlng faclal and verbal
cues ls an approprlaLe goal for her.

!la Cl has been worklng on Lhe followlng goals:

- when glven Lyplcal classroom acLlvlLles, !la Cl wlll use words from a varleLy of semanLlc
caLegorles (l.e., acLlons, ad[ecLlves, preposlLlons) Lo requesLs or commenLs, lmprovlng
expresslve vocabulary skllls, from 0 lndependenL requesLs/commenLs conLalnlng acLlons,
ad[ecLlves, or preposlLlons, Lo aL leasL 10 lndependenL requesLs/commenLs conLalnlng
acLlons, ad[ecLlves and preposlLlons wlLhln one week, as measured by sysLemaLlc
observaLlon and documenLaLlon. rogress -- dependenL on moLlvaLlon for relnforcemenL,
goal meL for deslred relnforcers.

- when glven lnLeracLlons wlLh adulLs and peers durlng low-sLrucLured acLlvlLles (e.g., free
cholce acLlvlLles, recess), !la Cl wlll use spoken words or plcLures symbols Lo requesL ob[ecLs
and acLlons, lmprovlng soclal communlcaLlon skllls, from 2/3 lndependenL requesLs, Lo 8/10
lndependenL requesLs durlng each of Lwo consecuLlve weeks, as measured by sysLemaLlc
observaLlon and documenLaLlon. rogress -- goal meL for deslred relnforcers.

- when glven lnlLlaLlons from boLh adulLs and peers, !la Cl wlll respond prompLly (<4 seconds)
and approprlaLely (uslng speech, gesLure, plcLure symbol, eLc.), lmprovlng soclal
communlcaLlon skllls, from ~4/10 lndependenL responses, Lo 8/10 lndependenL responses
wlLh aL leasL 3 dlfferenL adulLs/peers, durlng each of Lwo consecuLlve weeks, as measured
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)
by sysLemaLlc observaLlon and documenLaLlon. rogress -- goal meL for deslred relnforcers.

!la Cl ls able Lo produce Lhe ma[orlLy of consonanL sounds across word poslLlons. She produced
Lhe sounds /s/ and /z/ slmllar Lo Lhe sound sh" (e.g., housh"/house and pesho"/pencll).
1hese alLered producLlons are Lyplcal of Lhe dlalecLs spoken ln !la Cl's home and were noL
consldered errors. She speaks prlmarlly ln one-word uLLerances and lnLelllglblllLy
ls someLlmes conLexL-dependenL.

!la Cl conLlnues Lo be ellglble for communlcaLlon servlce ln Lhe areas of recepLlve, expresslve
and pragmaLlc language. 1herapy wlll focus on comprehenslon, analysls, undersLandlng and
response Lo academlc and soclal slLuaLlons and lncreaslng her success ln lnLeracLlng wlLh adulLs
and peers. vlsual supporLs (plcLure schedules) are llkely Lo beneflL !la Cl ln school.

!la Cl ls a glrl ln klndergarLen aL 8roadvlew k-8 School. Per dlsablllLy ln Lhe area of
communlcaLlon dlsorders lmpacLs her lnvolvemenL and progress ln Lhe general educaLlon
envlronmenL. !la Cl recelves speclally deslgned lnsLrucLlon ln Lhe area of communlcaLlon Lo
address Lhls lmpacL.


MosL recenL evaluaLlon resulLs from 2/27/2013: !la Cl was challenged by flne and gross moLor
Lasks (l.e. [umplng, ball skllls, mulLl-sLep acLlvlLles, copylng leLLers, sclssor skllls). 1he z- scores of
Lhe Mlller luncLlon & arLlclpaLlon Scales were -3.0 Su from Lhe mean. ln addlLlon, she
demonsLraLed dlfflculLles wlLh sensory processlng as measured by Lhe Sensory rocesslng
Measure and observaLlons wlLhln Lhe classroom.

lebruary 2014 updaLe: !la Cl ls acLlve on Lhe playground. She plays on a varleLy of sLrucLures
and ls able Lo cllmb ladders and smooLhly LranslLlon Lo play sLrucLure plaLforms. She swlngs on
monkey bars, [umps down from elghLeen lnches landlng on her feeL, runs, gallops, and sklps. !la
Cl ls able Lo balance on one fooL and puL on her socks demonsLraLlng excellenL ablllLy Lo
balance. uurlng classroom gross moLor acLlvlLles, she ls beglnnlng Lo lmlLaLe movemenLs
demonsLraLed by her peers and Leachers. When shown yoga poses, she wlll form Lhem brlefly
once she recelves asslsL Lo lnlLlaLe Lhem. She ls able Lo Lhrow a ball Lo a LargeL from over flve
feeL away and ls beglnnlng Lo gaze aL parLners who are engaglng ln ball acLlvlLles. AL Llmes, she
wlll presenL her arms Lo caLch a ball by Lrapplng lL agalnsL her body. She wlll klck balls held ln a
sLaLlonary poslLlon wlLh adequaLe force ln a forward dlrecLlon, buL has more dlfflculLy klcklng a
ball rolled Lo her.

!la Cl made many galns ln gross moLor skllls over Lhe lasL year. She conLlnues Lo work on
lmlLaLlon of body moLlons and Lo work on ball skllls for greaLer parLlclpaLlon ln classroom moLor
games wlLh classroom peers.

hyslcal Lherapy ls recommended Lo supporL skllls needed for greaLer parLlclpaLlon ln moLor
games wlLh peers.
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)

!la Cl ls wllllng Lo Lrace and copy leLLers ln her handwrlLlng book and ln dally workbook
lncludlng her name, leLLers of Lhe alphabeL and numbers. 1raclng accuracy ls varlable as ls Lhe
quallLy of her copylng. She ls able Lo lndependenLly prlnL her name wlLh caplLal leLLers, buL now
LhaL lowercase leLLers have been lnLroduced for all buL Lhe flrsL leLLers ln her flrsL name !la"Cl"
she sLlll Lends Lo use upper case when prlnLlng from memory, and lowercase leLLers are more
dlfflculL for her Lo Lrace wlLh correcL leLLer formaLlon. Some work has been done uslng Lhe lpad
Lo Lrace and she ofLen requlres some mlnlmal physlcal asslsLance Lo be successful ln Lraclng
leLLers Lo meeL requlremenLs of Lhe app, buL she ls moLlvaLed and wlll sLlck wlLh Lhls for a few
leLLers wlLh much beLLer accuracy. 1hls ls a helpful learnlng Lool prlor Lo prlnLlng on paper.

!la Cl wlll parLlclpaLe ln arL pro[ecLs buL conLlnues Lo need adulL supporL for Lhe sequenclng of a
mulLl-sLep pro[ecL and Lo sLay lnvolved ln Lhe pro[ecL Lo compleLlon. She wlll lndependenLly flll
ln a space when palnLlng, and lmlLaLes parLs of Lhe pro[ecL when presenLed sLep by sLep. She
requlres asslsLance Lo place flngers correcLly lnLo chlld sclssors, buL wlll cuL across paper
wlLhouL asslsLance, holdlng Lhe paper wlLh her oLher hand. lf asslsLed Lo sLarL, she wlll cuL abouL
3 lnches on a llne, buL Lhen she needs asslsLance Lo conLlnue on Lhe llne.

Sensory: She en[oys play on moveable equlpmenL such as swlngs, and wlll swlng wlLh a peer,
buL needs adulL asslsLance Lo lnlLlaLe Lhls and Lo Lake Lurns on equlpmenL. She seeks ouL
sensory Lools such as Lhe body sock, whlch she llkes Lo slL ln durlng clrcle and desk acLlvlLles.
She prefers Lo have shoes off, buL ls able Lo puL shoes and socks on lndependenLly when
LranslLlonlng ouLslde of Lhe classroom. She conLlnues Lo be plcky abouL foods, en[oylng crunchy
food, buL ls lncreaslng Lhe varleLy of food she wlll LasLe durlng snack Llme. She en[oys havlng
access Lo a waLer boLLle aL her desk durlng Lhe day.

CccupaLlonal 1herapy servlces conLlnue Lo be needed Lo supporL !la Cl ln developmenL of
funcLlonal flne moLor skllls Lo allow greaLer parLlclpaLlon and lndependence ln Lhe classroom,
play skllls wlLh peers, and sensory consulLaLlon.

+*%G/4-$%824H J#&4"2)&-, /4-$%824

(updaLed leb 2, 2014)
!la Cl conLlnues Lo work on lmlLaLlng peer acLlons wlLhln a sLrucLured Leacher-dlrecLed acLlvlLy.
When glven a verbal prompL of, "uo whaL l do" or "Copy me," !la Cl verbally lmlLaLes peers and
adulLs, buL needs verbal prompLlng Lo lmlLaLe physlcal movemenLs (e.g. "uL your hands on
your head.") !la Cl also conLlnues Lo work on compleLlng 3-sLep play/academlc acLlvlLles
lndependenLly. She currenLly compleLes each Lask lndependenLly buL walLs for adulL prompLlng
prlor Lo beglnnlng Lasks. CLher Lasks requlre consLanL redlrecLlon from adulLs for compleLlon. As
a resulL, !la Cl has compleLed 3-sLep Lasks lndependenLly ln 0/3 acLlvlLles.

(updaLed 2013)
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)
!la Cl's cognlLlve skllls were measured uslng Lhe ALS (AssessmenL, LvaluaLlon, and lannlng
SysLem). She conslsLenLly demonsLraLes undersLandlng of varlous cognlLlve concepLs such as
shapes and colors. She occaslonally demonsLraLes accuraLe undersLandlng of spaLlal relaLlon
concepLs such as puL Lhe person ln Lhe car" (when playlng wlLh Loys ln Lhe block area). She
conLlnues Lo need some asslsLance ln her ablllLy Lo ldenLlfy mosL spaLlal relaLlons, grouplng
ob[ecLs accordlng Lo feaLure or funcLlon, and ln followlng 3-sLep dlrecLlons. She ls noL
demonsLraLlng skllls relaLed Lo undersLandlng quallLaLlve, quanLlLaLlve, Lemporal concepLs,
phonologlcal awareness, recalllng evenLs, and problem solvlng.
Area raw score- 17
Area raw score posslble- 108
Area percenL score- 13

8ased on evaluaLlon lnformaLlon !la Cl conLlnues Lo need speclally deslgned lnsLrucLlon for her
cognlLlve developmenL

Classroom observaLlons:
!la Cl conLlnues Lo show us a reperLolre of whaL she knows (polnL Lo, show me, 1-sLep
dlrecLlons, and lmlLaLlng back words verbally). !la Cl ls progresslng ln followlng 2-sLep dlrecLlons
buL ofLen Llmes needs Lhe dlrecLlons broken down as lL ls occaslonally hard Lo galn and keep her
aLLenLlon. When uslng a moLlvaLlng relnforcer (such as Lhe lad), !la Cl ls much beLLer aL
aLLendlng Lo and followlng Lhrough wlLh a dlrecLlon. 1hls ls an lmporLanL Lool Lo use Lo Leach !la
Cl new skllls and expand on cognlLlve skllls she has already masLered. CurrenLly, she needs
conslsLenL lnsLrucLlon around belng able Lo aLLend properly. 8lghL now, she lnconslsLenLly
refers Lo Lhe person Lalklng Lo her and/or glvlng her a dlrecLlon. She conLlnues Lo need physlcal
asslsLance Lo follow Lhrough wlLh lmlLaLlon buL can follow lmlLaLlon rouLlnes LhaL are slmple
and moLor acLlons she ls famlllar wlLh when moLlvaLed and glven verbal/gesLural prompLs Lo

8esulLs of Lhe ALs were belleved Lo be a rellable and valld esLlmaLe of Lhe skllls measured.


(updaLed leb 2, 2014)
!la Cl sLays wlLhln proxlmlLy of Lhe group ln sLrucLured seLLlngs ln 9/10 opporLunlLles wlLhln one
week. She conLlnues Lo work on proxlmal play ln unsLrucLured seLLlngs. She ls currenLly wllllng
Lo work wlLh Lhe same maLerlals durlng sLrucLured acLlvlLles buL needs consLanL redlrecLlon. !la
Cl conLlnues Lo need supporL ln Lurn Laklng and does so successfully wlLhln sLrucLured playLlme,
buL conLlnues Lo sLruggle wlLh Lurn Laklng when lLems are of hlgh preference for her. !la Cl
conLlnues Lo need supporL ln aLLendlng Lo small group and large group acLlvlLles.

(updaLed 2013)
!la Cl's soclal skllls were measured uslng Lhe ALS (AssessmenL, LvaluaLlon, and lannlng
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)
SysLem). !la Cl conslsLenLly defends her possesslons when lL ls a hlghly preferred lLem (lad or
muslcal cause and effecL Loy). She conslsLenLly remalns wlLh boLh large and small groups wlLhln
Lhe classroom buL needs remlnders Lo sLay wlLh Lhe group when ouL aL recess. She conslsLenLly
selecLs preferred acLlvlLles/lLems and lnlLlaLes Lhem. She lnconslsLenLly Lakes Lurns, lnlLlaLes
greeLlngs, and malnLalns cooperaLlve acLlvlLles wlLh oLhers and needs asslsLance Lo follow
Lhrough ln Lhese areas. She conLlnues Lo need supporL ln aLLendlng Lo boLh large and small
group acLlvlLles ln meeLlng. She ls noL demonsLraLlng ldenLlfylng lnformaLlon abouL self and
Area raw score- 34
Area raw score posslble- 94
Area percenL score- 36

8ased on evaluaLlon lnformaLlon !la Cl conLlnues Lo need speclally deslgned lnsLrucLlon for her
soclal/emoLlonal developmenL

Classroom observaLlons:
!la Cl loves slnglng and playlng wlLh her Leachers. !la Cl, wlLh help from a sLaff member, wlll
sLay wlLh peers durlng large moLor games LhaL ofLen lnclude runnlng. She needs
encouragemenL Lo follow and keep up buL wlll sLay wlLh Lhe group when an adulL helps her sLay
engaged ln Lhe play. She would beneflL from conLlnuous supporL Lo aLLend Lo adulLs and peers
Lo look aL Lhem flrsL (aLLend) and Lhen llsLen/follow Lhe dlrecLlon. 8elng able Lo conslsLenLly
follow Lhese sLeps (1. ALLend and 2. LlsLen) wlll help her ln all of her soclal lnLeracLlons wlLh
adulLs and peers.

8esulLs of Lhe ALS were belleved Lo be valld and rellable esLlmaLes of Lhe skllls measured


/&&#-, C)-,. ACAuLMlCS - MaLh, number recognlLlon
8y 02/27/2013, when glven 3 numbers from 0-30 LhaL look slmllar (e.g. 7, 17, and 27) and a
verbal prompL of "olnL Lo ______" !la Cl wlll recepLlvely ldenLlfy Lhe correcL number lmprovlng
number recognlLlon from 0/10 consecuLlve sesslons Lo 10/10 consecuLlve sesslons as measured
by sysLemaLlc daLa collecLlon.

/&&#-, C)-,. ACAuLMlCS - 8eadlng CvC words
8y 02/27/2013, when glven a consonanL-vowel-consonanL word (CvC) and a prompL from a
Leacher, !la Cl wlll sound ouL Lhe word, lmprovlng phoneLlc readlng skllls from 4/40 CvC words
Lo 40/40 CvC words as measured by sysLemaLlc daLa collecLlon.

/&&#-, C)-,. ACAuLMlCS - 8eadlng, leLLer sounds
8y 02/27/2013, when glven 3 leLLers and a prompL from a Leacher, !la Cl wlll recepLlvely
ldenLlfy leLLer sounds by polnLlng or glvlng Lhe sound lmprovlng leLLer sound recognlLlon from
1/26 leLLer sounds Lo 26/26 leLLer sounds as measured by sysLemaLlc daLa collecLlon.
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)

/&&#-, C)-,. ACAuLMlCS - 8eadlng, slghL words
8y 02/27/2013, when glven klndergarLen level hlgh frequency slghL words and a prompL from a
Leacher, !la Cl wlll say Lhe slghL word lmprovlng slghL word recognlLlon and readlng skllls from
31/70 klndergarLen slghL words Lo 70/70 klndergarLen slghL words as measured by sysLemaLlc
daLa collecLlon.

/&&#-, C)-,. AuA1lvL/LllL SklLLS - new food
8y 02/27/2013, when glven a new food, !la Cl wlll Lake a blLe (allowlng Lo splL ouL lf necessary)
Lo LasLe lL lmprovlng adapLlve/llfe skllls ln eaLlng from 0/3 successful blLes per day for 3
consecuLlve days Lo 3/3 successful blLes per day for 3 consecuLlve days as measured by
sysLemaLlc observaLlon.

/&&#-, C)-,. Classroom gross moLor
8y 02/27/2013, when glven a requesL Lo lmlLaLe yoga poses, !la Cl wlll lorm yoga poses uslng a
vlsual cue lmprovlng classroom moLor parLlclpaLlon from form flve yoga poses lndependenLly
wlLh a vlsual cue 0:3 Lrlals ln Lhe classroom seLLlng Lo lorms flve yoga poses lndependenLly wlLh
a vlsual cue 2:3 Lrlals ln Lhe classroom seLLlng as measured by sysLemaLlc observaLlon.

/&&#-, C)-,. CCMMunlCA1lCn -- ragmaLlcs
8y 02/27/2013, when glven lnLeracLlons wlLh adulLs and peers durlng low-sLrucLured acLlvlLles
(e.g., free cholce acLlvlLles, recess), !la Cl wlll use spoken words or plcLures symbols Lo requesL
ob[ecLs and acLlons lmprovlng soclal communlcaLlon from 0/3 opporLunlLles Lo 3/3
opporLunlLles as measured by sysLemaLlc observaLlon.

/&&#-, C)-,. CCMMunlCA1lCn -- ragmaLlcs
8y 02/27/2013, when glven a Lherapy Lask requlrlng an oral response, !la Cl wlll respond
prompLly (<4 seconds) uslng a spoken uLLerance of aL leasL Lwo words lmprovlng soclal
communlcaLlon from 0/3 opporLunlLles Lo 3/3 opporLunlLles as measured by sysLemaLlc

/&&#-, C)-,. CCMMunlCA1lCn -- ragmaLlcs
8y 02/27/2013, when glven sLrucLured acLlvlLles ln Lhe Lherapy sesslon, !la Cl wlll
lndependenLly Lake aL leasL Lhree Lurns lmprovlng soclal communlcaLlon ablllLy from 0 of 3
opporLunlLles Lo 3 of 3 opporLunlLles as measured by sysLemaLlc observaLlon.

/&&#-, C)-,. llnL MC1C8 - LeLLer wrlLlng
8y 02/27/2013, when glven a near model Lo copy on her desk such as ln a handwrlLlng
workbook, !la Cl wlll prlnL her name "!la Cl" and Lrace and/or copy leLLers and grade
approprlaLe words uslng correcL leLLer formaLlon so leLLers and words are leglble, lmprovlng
flne moLor and wrlLlng skllls from 0 of 3 Lrlals Lo 2 of 3 Lrlals as measured by sysLemaLlc
observaLlon and classroom work samples on a monLhly basls.

/&&#-, C)-,. llnL MC1C8- 1ool use/funcLlonal flne moLor
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)
8y 02/27/2013, when glven a demonsLraLlon and/or vlsual schedule, !la Cl wlll plck up sclssors
and cuL on a 6 lnch llne and around a shape, such as clrcle or square, lndependenLly Lo add Lo
an arL pro[ecL, lmprovlng her flne moLor and vlsual moLor skllls, from 0/3 Lrlals Lo 3/3 Lrlals as
measured by sysLemaLlc observaLlon on 3 separaLe days.

DEF%4"29%. llnL MC1C8 - CuLLlng llnes
8y 02/27/2013, !la Cl wlll cuL along a 6" sLralghL, curved or zlg zag llne wlLhln 1/2" of Lhe llne
(wlLh adapLlve or regular chlld's sclssors) and uslng an asslsLlve hand lmprovlng bllaLeral hand
use and flne moLor plannlng/sequenclng from cuLLlng across a 6" paper wlLh moderaLe
MasLery CrlLerla: 3/3 cuLs (l.e. sLralghL, curved, zlg-zag) on 3 dlfferenL days
LvaluaLlon MeLhod: SysLemaLlc observaLlon

/&&#-, C)-,. C8CSS MC1C8 - 1hrow and caLch
8y 02/27/2013, when glven demonsLraLlon or a vlsual cue Lo Lhrow or caLch, !la Cl wlll Lhrow
and caLch a Lennls ball or bean bag, medlum slzed ball, and playground slzed ball wlLh a peer
from 3 fL away for 3 cycles lmprovlng vlsual moLor and ball skllls from 2:3 cycles Lo 3:3 cycles as
measured by sysLemaLlc observaLlon on 3 separaLe days.

/&&#-, C)-,. 8L-ACAuLMlCS/lunC1lCnAL ACAuLMlCS - lmlLaLlon
8y 02/27/2013, when glven an opporLunlLy Lo lmlLaLe peers and a prompL of "do whaL l do" or
"copy me," !la Cl wlll look aL Lhe peer's acLlon and perform Lhe same acLlon lmprovlng pre-
academlc skllls from 3/10 successful opporLunlLles across one week Lo 8/10 successful
opporLunlLles across one week as measured by sysLemaLlc observaLlon.

DEF%4"29%. WlLhln sLrucLured acLlvlLy
8y 02/27/2013, !la Cl wlll lmlLaLe a peer's play acLlon wlLhln a sLrucLured, Leacher-dlrecLed
MasLery CrlLerla: 4/3 opporLunlLles successfully
LvaluaLlon MeLhod: SysLemaLlc observaLlon

DEF%4"29%. WlLhln unsLrucLured acLlvlLy
8y 02/27/2013, !la Cl wlll lmlLaLe a peer's play acLlon wlLhln an unsLrucLured, chlld-dlrecLed
MasLery CrlLerla: 4/3 opporLunlLles successfully
LvaluaLlon MeLhod: SysLemaLlc observaLlon

/&&#-, C)-,. 8L-ACAuLMlCS/lunC1lCnAL ACAuLMlCS - lndependenL Lasks
8y 02/27/2013, when glven a vlsual acLlvlLy schedule, !la Cl wlll compleLe a 3-sLep play or
academlc acLlvlLy lndependenLly lmprovlng pre-academlc skllls from 0/3 acLlvlLles compleLed
lndependenLly across one week Lo 4/3 acLlvlLles compleLed lndependenLly across one week as
measured by sysLemaLlc observaLlon.

/&&#-, C)-,. SCClAL/8LPAvlC8 - ApproprlaLe response
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)
8y 02/27/2013, when glven opporLunlLles Lo lnLeracL wlLh peers ln a small group seLLlng wlLh
vlsual supporL, !la Cl wlll respond approprlaLely Lo peer prompLs (e.g. 8eplylng wlLh "Pl" when
peers say "Pl !la Cl," or replylng wlLh "Cood (or) bad" when peers ask, "Pow are you?") ln a
sLrucLured and/or unsLrucLured acLlvlLy lmprovlng soclal lnLeracLlons wlLh peers from 0/3
successful opporLunlLles across one week Lo 3/3 successful opporLunlLles across one week as
measured by sysLemaLlc observaLlon.

/&&#-, C)-,. SCClAL/8LPAvlC8 - 8eclprocal play
8y 02/27/2013, when glven opporLunlLles Lo lnLeracL wlLh peers and a sLrucLured acLlvlLy or
Lask, !la Cl wlll lndependenLly Lake Lurns wlLh peers lmprovlng reclprocal play skllls from 0/3
opporLunlLles wlLh physlcal, verbal, and gesLural prompLlng Lo 3/3 opporLunlLles wlLh only
verbal and gesLural prompLlng as measured by sysLemaLlc daLa collecLlon.

I)8%B A-&0#-0%B 6#,"#*-,B -&$ D";%* 6)&52$%*-"2)&5. (WhaL experlenLlal, language, culLural,
and oLher facLors should we conslder ln undersLandlng Lhe dlfflculLles and concerns when
deslgnlng lnLervenLlons?)

Lngllsh and Chlnese (boLh CanLonese and Mandarln) are spoken ln !la Cl's home and her
parenLs reporL LhaL she undersLands boLh languages. !la Cl speaks prlmarlly ln Lngllsh, Lhough
she wlll slng famlllar songs ln boLh languages and uses some Chlnese words.

!"#$%&" L%,-"%$ !%*924%5. (WhaL relaLed servlces ls Lhls sLudenL recelvlng? Could your sLudenL
supporL plan also lnclude goals relaLed Lo Lhese servlces, (e.g. C1 servlces ln flne moLor, your
plan asslsLs wlLh leLLer formaLlon Lechnlques.)

! hyslcal 1herapy: lmlLaLe yoga poses, Lhrowlng and caLchlng
! CccupaLlonal 1herapy: LeLLer wrlLlng, cuLLlng wlLh sclssors
! Speech Language aLhology: use spoken words Lo requesL ob[ecLs and acLlons, respond
prompLly uslng spoken uLLerances ln Lherapy Lasks

!"#$%&" /44)88)$-"2)&5 -&$ <)$2324-"2)&5. (WhaL are Lhe sLudenL's accommodaLlons and
modlflcaLlons ln Lhe currenL lL, ln Lhe classroom and on sLaLe and dlsLrlcL assessmenL?)

! Access/ use of Lhe followlng: CpporLunlLy for alLernaLe response meLhods (e.g., vlsuals or
ob[ecLs Lo polnL Lo durlng small and large group acLlvlLles).
! SupplemenLary Alds and Servlces: vlsual alds (plcLure symbols, Lask sequence sLrlps, eLc.)
! SupplemenLary Alds and Servlces: oslLlve behavlor supporLs (Loken charLs, Langlble
relnforcers such as lad, sLlckers, and preferred edlbles).
! SupplemenLary Alds and Servlces: Sensory supporLs (movemenL breaks, slL aL edge of chalr,

C)-,5. (WhaL ouLcomes do we wanL for Lhe sLudenL? LlsL 3. 8e speclflc.)

1hese goals should address Lhe concerns LhaL you llsLed ln secLlon 1 of Lhe supporL plan.
8eLhany oon
LuSL 343 A (SM 14)
1. 8y 02/24/2013, when glven lnLeracLlons wlLh adulLs and peers durlng low- sLrucLured
acLlvlLles (e.g., free cholce acLlvlLles, recess), !la Cl wlll use spoken words Lo requesL
ob[ecLs and acLlons lmprovlng soclal communlcaLlon from 0/3 opporLunlLles Lo 4/3
opporLunlLles as measured by observaLlon.
2. 8y 02/24/2013, when glven opporLunlLles Lo respond orally Lo a requesL, !la Cl wlll
respond prompLly (<4 seconds) uslng a spoken uLLerance of aL leasL Lwo words
lmprovlng soclal communlcaLlon from 0/3 opporLunlLles Lo 4/3 opporLunlLles as
measured by observaLlon.
3. 8y 02/24/2013, when glven opporLunlLles Lo lnLeracL wlLh peers ln a small group seLLlng,
!la Cl wlll respond approprlaLely Lo peer prompLs (e.g. replylng wlLh "Pl" when peers say
"Pl !la Cl," or replylng wlLh "Cood (or) bad" when peers ask, "Pow are you?"), lmprovlng
soclal lnLeracLlons wlLh peers from 0/3 successful opporLunlLles across one week Lo 3/3
successful opporLunlLles across one week as measured by observaLlon.
4. 8y 02/24/2013, when glven opporLunlLles Lo lnLeracL wlLh peers ln a sLrucLured acLlvlLy
or Lask, !la Cl wlll lndependenLly Lake Lurns wlLh peers lmprovlng reclprocal play skllls
from 0/3 opporLunlLles wlLh physlcal, verbal, and gesLural prompLlng Lo 3/3
opporLunlLles wlLh only verbal and gesLural prompLlng as measured by sysLemaLlc daLa
3. 8y 02/24/2013, when glven a sLrucLured acLlvlLy, !la Cl wlll lndependenLly Lake aL leasL
Lhree Lurns lmprovlng soclal communlcaLlon ablllLy from 0/3 opporLunlLles Lo 3/3
opporLunlLles as measured by sysLemaLlc observaLlon.

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