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-Norman Paulsen says that the third eye reflects the visions/images of the chakr

a that the person is currently in. It reflects like a mirror. So, in whichever c
hakra you are stuck or dominant, that is what you are going to see.
- He says that that very bright light above the crown (the crown is just an open
ing) is Christ consciousness or the body of Christ.
- He says that by pushing up through the crown (once-soft spot at the top of the
head) one can invite or request Christ's consciousness to come down into the bo
dy. His form of "Spinal Breathing" is this: one breathes up and down the spine,
one pulses the root three times but does not persist in the root lock, one pause
s after breathing the "Breath of Life" up the spine to the third eye, and then p
ulses the root three times to open the door to Christ's consciousness which reve
als the light above the head. Then one visualizes the light (Christ) coming down
to the third eye to sit on the throne. After that, the exhale is performed back
down to the root with the visualization of the light also coming down. During t
he ascent and descent of the breath, there are 8 points/chakras that are in the
spine that are activated. The extra chakra is directly behind the upper mouth ne
ar the medulla.
- He says that you have to activate the Christ consciousness first because if th
e feminine energy (shakti at the root/kundalini) arouses and cannot find her mat
e, she will become very displeased and will rise up hissing like a snake.
- He says that the feminine principle rises up and Christ's male energy comes do
wn to meet at the bridal chamber in the heart producing the immaculate conceptio
n. A little Christ is born in your heart and if nourished properly, will eventua
lly rise up to take his seat on the throne of God in the third eye.
- He points out the "Eightfold Path" which consists of proper Meditation, Conduc
t, Study, Speech, Association, Nourishment, Work and Recreation.
- He points out the "Twelve Virtues" which are Loyalty, Patience, Honesty, Perse
verence, Compassion, Continence, Equanimity, Courage, Humility, Temperance, Char
ity and Faith.
- The last picture in the book is a picture of Norman Paulsen standing in the de
sert next to Paramahansa Yogananda during their last retreat.
- Norman claims that Paramahansa Yogananda appeared to him after he passed on, l
ike Jesus did.
What I would really like to know is this.
How similar is Norman Paulsen's "Spinal Breathing" to Yogananda's?
Have you ever practiced it?
Do you bring the light down from the star above the crown?
Is the procedure documented anywhere?
And lastly, what do you think of a form of spinal breathing that, instead of goi
ng up to the star above the head, makes a 90 turn at the center of the head and
stops at the brow (and then back down with the same path)? How effective would t
hat be?
my tips- do this pulsing at each chakra while going up (can even do like kapalab
hati but while holding the breath)
Norman Paulsen is a disciple of Paramahamsa Yogananda (sorry for the spelling).
In his book Sacred Science he gives a meditation method that goes like this:
1 - While breathing in, feel the Life Force (prana) traveling along the spine fr
om the coccis to back of the head.
2 - Hold a bit the breath
3 - Exhale feeling the Life Force descend through the hollow spine from back of
the head to the coccis.
4 - Hold a bit the breath
Has anyone tried this meditation? What are the signs of progress?
Is it true that this meditation is similar to kriya yoga?

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