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World History Syllabus 2014-2015

Mrs. Nuehring
This course is designed as a comprehensive, chronological treatment of world history to
inform students about the origins and development of major civilizations, both Eastern and
Western. Students will work with the critical thinking skills they need to make objective
judgments of historical and contemporary issues. Credits: 4

Textbook (with cover)
Loose-leaf paper
Folder and/or Binder
Pen & Pencil

Students will be graded on various types of assignments and assessments including, but not
limited to: daily work, discussion, tests, quizzes, and projects. There are no assignment
weights; one point on daily work carries the same effect as one point on a test (exception:
quarter grades and semester final scores when configuring semester grades)
Students are expected to come to class with a serious, thoughtful approach to the
subject matter.
Be on time and in your desk before the bell rings.
Come to class prepared. Bring required materials (see above) everyday.
Be RESPECTFUL AND COURTEOUS of your classmates.
Have a positive attitude and always do your best.
Follow all school rules (school respect, honor code, dress code, etc.).

All assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. If you do not turn in an
assignment, you will be requested to report to 9
hour until it is turned in. If an assignment
is not handed in on the date which it is due, assignments may and will be deducted 10% of
the original point value for each day it is late.

If you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you have missed I
will not seek you out. I would encourage you to come see me during 9
hour the day you
return to discuss make up work and due dates. If your absence is excused, you are given
(per NHS policy) two days for the first day of absence and one day for each additional day
of absence to turn in make-up work. Any assignments turned in after this time will result in
a deduction of points as described above for late work or a zero.
If you are absent the day before a test, but present the day of the test, you will be expected
to take the test. This policy also applies to major assignments and projects. It is understood
that no new material will be presented the day before a test and test dates are set days in
advance allowing students time to review on their own if they are absent.

If a student arrives more than halfway into the class unexcused, they are considered
unexcused absent for the entire period. Whether a student is unexcused because of an
excessive tardy or absent for the whole class period, they will not be eligible to make-up
any quizzes or other in-class assignments that may have been given that period.

Students will not be given extra credit opportunities. However, students are allowed (at
teacher discretion) the chance to re-learn, re-think, and re-do chosen assignments for
additional credit, not to exceed the original point value of the assignment. To be eligible for
this opportunity, the student MUST
(1) Complete a written Retake Form including a take home schedule for
relearning activities and due date/test date to be signed by parent.
(2) Re-learn the course material and prove they are ready for a re-take/ re-do. The
teacher may assign flashcards, a section/chapter summary, a worksheet, study
guide, additional review questions, etc to demonstrate the students re-learning.
(3) Complete the retake form on the Newman High School website.

Tests are included in the re-learning policy. If a student fails a test, they are required to
re-learn and re-take the test per NHS policy. If a student is unhappy with their test grade
and wish to complete the re-learning process to potentially earn a better score, they may
at teacher discretion. A student will be allowed one re-learning opportunity and the better
of their two scores will be taken. Students will not allowed this opportunity if they are
found cheating on the original assignment/test.

Cheating and plagiarism are major offenses and will not be tolerated. Students who choose
to cheat and/or plagiarize will receive an automatic zero for that assignment/test. A
meeting may and will be held between the student, parents, and administration.

As outlined in the NHS student handbook, cell phones are not allowed in the classroom
except when given permission by the teacher for educational use.
First violation of this policy will result in the cell phone being confiscated. The
student may pick it up from the office at the end of the day.
Recurrent violations will result in the device being confiscated and a detention
being given. The student cell phone will have to be picked up by the parent from an

No food, gum, or colored beverages are allowed in the classroom, per NHS policy.
Students are encouraged to bring water in a clear, colorless bottle.

The course requirements and expectations have been discussed in Mrs. Nuehring's
classroom. I understand the requirements and expectations for this course and agree to
follow the outlined policies. I also understand that I can come in and discuss any questions
with Mrs. Nuehring after school or at another time by request.

Student Signature____________________________________________

Parent Signature____________________________________________


The course requirements and expectations have been discussed in Mrs. Nuehring's
classroom. I understand the requirements and expectations for this course and agree to
follow the outlined policies. I also understand that I can come in and discuss any questions
with Mrs. Nuehring after school or at another time by request.

Student Signature____________________________________________

Parent Signature____________________________________________


The course requirements and expectations have been discussed in Mrs. Nuehring's
classroom. I understand the requirements and expectations for this course and agree to
follow the outlined policies. I also understand that I can come in and discuss any questions
with Mrs. Nuehring after school or at another time by request.

Student Signature____________________________________________

Parent Signature____________________________________________

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