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increased by "+" add

I did 5 sit ups yesterday and the amount of
sit ups I can do increased by five today.
How many did I do today? Yesterday = 5;
Today = 5+5=10 (yesterday's amount
increased by 5, or with 5 added to it)
more than "+" add
The number of today's situps is 5 more than
yesterday's. How many did I do today?
Yesterday = 5; Today = 5+5=10 (Today
was 5 more than how many I did yesterday,
or yesterday with 5 added to it)
combined "+" add
Gina had 3 dollars and I had 2 dollars. How
much money do we have combined? 3+2 =
5 (Gina's 3 dollars combined with my 2
dollars, or added to it)
together "+" add
Gina had 3 dollars and I had 2 dollars. How
much money do we have together? 3+2 =
5 (Gina's 3 dollars together with my 2
dollars, or added to it)
total of "+" add
I have 5 cookies. When I buy more, I have
a total of 8 cookies. How many did I buy?
Total = 5 + cookies bought; so 8=5+B
(bought cookies) B=3. I bought 3
cookies. (Total means the amounts are
added together, so the 5 is added to what I
sum "+" add
The sum of my pencils (p) and erasers (e)
is 10 Equation is p+e = 10 (Sum means
the two amounts (pencils and erasers) are
added together to get that number (the
sum)don't forget is means "equals")
added to "+" add
Fred added the $10 he earned to the $15
he had saved. How much does he have?
10+15= 25 (10 is added to 15 to get a
total of 25)
decreased by "-" subtract
I started with 20 cookies. After the kids left
the cookies had decreased by 15. How
many do I have left? 20-15=5 (started
with 20 and subtract 15 because the
cookies decreased by that much, which
gives you a total of 5)
consecutive x and (x+1) add 1
Two numbers are consecutive when they
are right in a row, so you can represent
them with "x" and "x+1". Examples of
consecutive integers are 2 and 3, -5 and -6,
100 and 101.
minus "-" subtract
12 cookies minus the 3 cookies I ate is how
many cookies? 12-3=x; 9 cookies
(Subtract 3 from the 12 cookies, leaving 9
cookies as the total.)
less "-" subtract
John has 2 less cards than Harry. Harry has
10 cards. How many cards does John have?
Harry = 10; John = 10-2=8 (Take Harry's
cards, 10, and find what 2 less is by
fewer than "-" subtract
John has 2 cards fewer than Harry. Harry
has 10 cards. How many cards does John
have? Harry = 10; John = 10-2=8 (Take
Harry's cards, 10, and find what 2 fewer
than is by subtracting)
difference "-" subtract
What is the difference between the $20 I
started with and the $12 I have left? x=20-
12 (Take the first number and subtract the
second number to find the difference
between them, in this example the
difference between 20 and 12 is 8)
of * multiply
How many is 4 bags of 20 candy bars?
4*20=x; 80 candy bars (You multiply the
number of groups (4) by the amount in
each group (20) to get a total)
times * multiply
I brushed my teeth 3 times for 5 days. How
many times did I brush my teeth? 3*5=x;
15 times (there are 5 groups of 3, so you
multiple the number of groups by the
amount in each group to get a total).
multiplied by * multiply
John's paycheck is the number of hours he
worked multiplied by $8. How much does he
make for working 20 hours? 20*8=x;
$160 pay (
product * multiply
The product of the length and the width is
the area. The length is 4 feet. The width is
2 more feet than the length. What is the
area? A=LW; A=4(4+2); A=24 units
squared (product means you multiply the
length (L) by the width (W, which is 2 more
than L, or L+2)...don't forget "is" means an
equal sign)
is "=" equals
What is two added to 3? x=2+3; 5=2+3 (if
you see "is" put an equal sign, then solve
the problem)
are "=" equals
What are two and three together? x=2+3;
5 (if you see "are" put an equal sign, then
solve the problem)
was "=" equals
I bought a drink for $1, candy for $2, and a
poster for $5. How much was it all
together? X=1+2+5; $8 all together (if
you see "was" you may be able put an
equal sign *sometimes was is just part of a
sentence, not in the equation*)
will be "=" equals
Fred started with $20 in his bank and added
$4 today. How much will be in the bank all
together? X=20+8; $28 all together (if
you see "will be" put an equal sign and
solve the problem)
plus "+" add
The length of a rectangle plus it's width is
25. L+W=25 Another example: I have my
$5 plus my mom's $10 for dinner tonight.
How much do I have to spend?
5+10=total; $15 to spend (the two
amounts are added together to get a total)
area of a
rectangle formula A=LW
perimeter formula
P=2L+2W for rectangles/squares, P=(add
the lengths of all of the sides) for any
circumference formula C=3.14D
area of a circle formula A=3.14r^2
twice multiply
Twice means you multiply by 2. The length
is twice the width means L=2W. (Be
carefule herethis means the length is two
times as long as the width, but you show
that in math by putting the 2 with the W
because you would have to have two of
them to be the same as one length.

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