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Ciitical Thinking

Section: 9SS1 1

Fall 2u14
Tuesuay 7-9:Supm
Philosophy 41
Critical Thinking
Section: 9531

Instiuctoi: }ennifei Smith
E-Nail: jsmithlosmeuanos.euu
Location: Bientwoou Centei, Rm 6
0ffice Bouis: Tuesuay 6:Su-7pm

An examlnaLlon of loglc and lLs pracLlcal appllcaLlon ln everyday slLuaLlons, lncludlng problem
solvlng, adverLlsemenL dlscrlmlnaLlon, pollLlcal evaluaLlon and argumenLaLlon. LecLure.
1ransfer: CSu, uC Ceneral LducaLlon: (M!C-CL: u2) (CSu-CL: A3) (lCL1C: 18)
undersLand and arLlculaLe Lhe lmporLance of Lhlnklng crlLlcally ln everyday llfe as
well as ln scholarly pursulLs.
ueflne and recognlze ln appllcaLlon ma[or argumenL paLLerns and Lhelr
Analyze and clearly arLlculaLe Lhe sLrucLure and meanlngs of varlous common Lypes
of argumenL.
ueflne and ldenLlfy Lhe appearance of llleglLlmaLe rheLorlcal devlces, as Lhey appear
ln argumenLs.
Apply Lhe fundamenLal concepLs and Lechnlques of boLh deducLlve and lnducLlve
loglc Lo Lhe evaluaLlon of argumenLs.
ConsLrucL loglcally effecLlve argumenLs ln a varleLy of slLuaLlon.
o Lxam #1 (CaLegorlcal Sylloglsms): 23
o Lxam #2 (roposlLlonal ArgumenLs): 23
o lallacles aper: 13
o llnal Lxam: 23
o Pomework and arLlclpaLlon: 10
Late Work and Makeup Exams:
l do noL accepL laLe papers or glve makeup exams. ?ou wlll be lnformed ln class well ln
advance of each deadllne and exam daLe and l wlll remlnd you frequenLly. Should you mlss
class, lL ls your responslblllLy Lo flnd ouL whaL was mlssed and know when papers are due.

Required Materials
CrlLlcal 1hlnklng by Moore and arker. 11

LdlLlon. ubllsher! McCraw-Plll
lS8n: 978-0078119149

Important Dates
!"#"$% '(
Fall Classes Begin
)*+%*,-*. '
Laboi Bay - No Class
)*+%*,-*. /0
Native Ameiican Bay - No Class
123*,-*. '4
veteian's Bay - No Class
123*,-*. /56/7
Thanksgiving Boliuay - No Class
8*9*,-*. ''6'5
Finals week
8*9*,-*. '5
Semestei Enus

Ciitical Thinking
Section: 9SS1 2
Class Policies
LAClA8lSM: Successful sLudenLs always make sure LhaL Lhelr work ls orlglnal. 1hls ls lmporLanL because Lhe lnsLrucLor musL be able Lo gauge whaL Lhe
sLudenL has learned, Lherefore, copylng Lhe work of anoLher person, wheLher an essay or answers durlng a LesL, ls consldered plaglarlsm. lf you are
suspecLed" of plaglarlsm, you wlll bear Lhe burden of proof. ?ou musL be able Lo presenL rough drafLs or relaLed maLerlals and dlscuss Lhe Loplc
lnLelllgenLly. 8esearch papers wlll be submlLLed Lo an anLl-plaglarlsm webslLe Lo provlde an orlglnallLy reporL as parL of Lhe gradlng process.
CheaLlng or plaglarlsm demonsLraLes a fallure Lo compleLe Lhe mosL baslc requlremenL of any course. 1hus, Lhe lnsLrucLor may admlnlsLer academlc
consequences for vlolaLlng Lhe Academlc lnLegrlLy ollcy ranglng from parLlal or no credlL on an exam or asslgnmenL Lo an l ln Lhe course. 1he
lnsLrucLor may also conslder LhaL a sLudenL's vlolaLlon of academlc lnLegrlLy should be a conslderaLlon for dlsclpllnary measures, such as suspenslon or
removal from Lhe course or Lhe College. ulsclpllnary acLlon for vlolaLlng academlc lnLegrlLy ls admlnlsLered Lhrough Lhe offlce of Lhe uean of Counsellng
and SLudenL Servlces.
CLLL PCnLS & LA1CS: unless Lhe phone call ls from me, l ask you Lo Lurn off your cell phones before enLerlng class. no LexLlng, no emalllng, no
surflng, no movles, no muslc whlle ln class. lL's rude Lo me, lL's rude Lo oLhers, and lL's usually obvlous Lo everyone around you, lncludlng me. no lapLop
use whlle ln class, unless you slL ln Lhe fronL row.
LA1lnC: you may eaL ln class lf your food lnLake ls mlnlmal. lease do noL brlng nolsy food Lo class.
ClllCL PCu8S: lf you are havlng dlfflculLles ln Lhe course, come speak wlLh me as soon as posslble! AlLhough l do noL offer offlce hours, l am avallable
afLer class for exLra help. l am also happy Lo arrange anoLher Llme, or help vla emall.
A11LnuAnCL: l reserve Lhe rlghL Lo drop sLudenLs who have noL aLLended for 3 consecuLlve class sesslons as measured by PW and ln-class exerclses.
S1uuLn1 ulSA8lLl1lLS: l wlll make every efforL Lo work wlLh sLudenLs wlLh dlsablllLles. lf you have a learnlng or oLher dlsablllLy you should leL me know
and as well slgn up wlLh Lhe LMC ulsablllLy Servlces CenLer lf you have noL already done so. ulsablllLy Servlces wlll asslsL sLudenLs wlLh dlsablllLles ln
parLlclpaLlng ln college acLlvlLles, securlng flnanclal ald, schedullng classes and examlnaLlons, and plannlng careers.
CLASS8CCM L1lCuL11L: uo noL come Lo class laLe. uo noL leave early. (unless prlor undersLandlng has been made)
Auu/u8C: lL ls your responslblllLy, as a sLudenL, Lo offlclally enroll ln Lhe class.

1PL CLASS lS ulvluLu ln1C lCu8 SLC1lCnS:
#$%&'() *: CaLegorlcal Loglc (a.k.a. !"##$%&!'&( loglc) - whlch formed Lhe basls of loglc for over Lwo Lhousand years - ls Lhe sLudy of argumenLs whose
consLlLuenL senLences express cerLaln relaLlons beLween (#)!!*! (or ()'*%$+&*!) of Lhlngs.
#$%&'() **: roposlLlonal Loglc (a.k.a. ,$$#*)- loglc) ls Lhe sLudy of argumenLs LhaL depend on Lhe a number of lmporLanL senLence-connecLlng
expresslons ln ordlnary language llke )-., $+, and -$' - expresslons whose loglc also lles aL Lhe foundaLlon of modern compuLer sysLems.
#$%&'() ***: lallacles are defecLs LhaL weaken argumenLs. 8y learnlng Lo look for Lhem ln your own and oLhers' wrlLlng, you can sLrengLhen your ablllLy
Lo evaluaLe Lhe argumenLs you make, read, and hear. lL ls lmporLanL Lo reallze Lwo Lhlngs abouL fallacles: flrsL, fallaclous argumenLs are very, very
common and can be qulLe persuaslve, aL leasL Lo Lhe casual reader or llsLener. Second, lL ls someLlmes hard Lo evaluaLe wheLher an argumenL ls
fallaclous. An argumenL mlghL be very weak, somewhaL weak, somewhaL sLrong, or very sLrong. An argumenL LhaL has several sLages or parLs mlghL
have some sLrong secLlons and some weak ones.
#$%&'() *+: 1o be deLermlned.

Ciitical Thinking
Section: 9SS1 S
Classroom Topic: Reading Due that Day:
August 19

August 26 Introduce Categorical Logic
Section 1.1: Categorical Propositions

September 2 Section 1.2: Categorical Syllogisms

September 9 Section 1.3: Conv, Obv, & Contr.
Section 1.4: Reduce the Number of Terms

September 16 Review for Exam

September 23 Exam #1

September 30 Symbols and Translations Critical Thinking: pages 284 - 292

October 7 Truth Functions
Truth Tables for Arguments
Critical Thinking: pages 299 - 307

October 14 Indirect Truth Tables
Review for Exam

October 21 Exam #2

October 28 Fallacies Critical Thinking: Chapter 6 &7

November 4 Application of Fallacies
Fallacies in Editorials

November 11 To be determined

November 18 To be determined

November 25 To be determined

December 2 To be determined

Final Exam Week:
December 9 (Tuesday) --Final Exam Due at 7:00pm --

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