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Weekly Overview SK Date: 18.08.

Special Notes:
-Swimming commences this week
-Helper of the Week- Our Helpers will have a chance to present Show & Tell this week. Please remember our theme this week is our family. Please have them bring
in a photo of their family.
Learner profle focus isk-taker an! "aring
! attitu"es "onfi!ence an! "ooperation
ersonal# Social# $ealt% &
#eveloping in!epen!ence at the beginning an! en! of each !ay $ fin!ing their names an! hanging them up% putting
water bottle an! !iary fol!ers in the correct place
&ocus on taking turns when participating in class !iscussions & when playing with their frien!s
Lan)ua)e Speaking and Listening: the chil!ren will be given the opportunity to talk about what makes them special as well as i!entify
how they are similar an! !ifferent to each other.
Phonics: learning the letter 'm(.
Reading/ Books: 'The one an! only special me)% *The family +ook)% ',ll ,bout -e(. "hil!ren will use these books to
un!erstan! that they are uni.ue
Pre-writing skills/ 0ame tracing 1bubble letters2 !otty letters3% letter m 1rainbow writing3
Songs:!"#i$%&L'k(d' )Letter *m+ song,
*at%s Number: "ounting parts of the bo!y 14 hea!% 5 eyes% 4 nose 5 ears% etc.3% number recognition% 4 to 4 correspon!ence for
numbers 4-46
Songs:!"!-n./01hhSk )2y 3hole Body 4an 2o!e,
+.O.,- .rt & /raft This week we will be in.uiring into what makes us uni.ue being(s. We will use the book 'The one an! only special me) as a
provocation to get the chil!ren thinking about the .ualities that make them special. ,s a way of assessing how the chil!ren
can e7press themselves% we will be getting the chil!ren to comment on things that are special about them such as their
favourite8 colour% foo!% toy etc. We will be collating their responses into a class book. We will also be getting them to !raw
themselves an! will then use this to !o some pre-assessment on how well they are aware of !ifferent bo!y parts an! their
Please look at the following links that we will be using through the week that are relate! to our 9O:/
-!"5k65'4#w7a& )Body Parts Song,$30/!w4a, (This is Me)
/o(puters Starfall $ in the ';earning to rea!( section <n=oy playing with the letter m game.
>ou can watch youtube vi!eos to support learning.
.'. -s -ichelle 1+eetles class3Tues!ay an! Thurs!ay
-s ?ulie 1#ragonflies class3 Tues!ay an! Thurs!ay 8 don+t 9orget to send in sports shoes
Swi((in) -s -ichelle - -on!ay 46/66-46.@A $ helpers please meet at pool 46/66am
-s ?ulie $ -on!ay 46.@A-44.B6$ helpers please meet at pool 46.@Aam
5L/ +eetles- -on!ay an! Thurs!ay2#ragonflies $ -on!ay an! &ri!ay
*usic Tues!ay an! Thurs!ay
Li0rary -s -ichelle-We!nes!ay2-s ?ulie - -on!ay 1!on(t forget the library bag3
Please be aware that some classes may change !ue to stu!ents( interest an! focus.
:f you have any .uestions% please !rop us a note in the !iary or come in any time to visit us in the classroom.
Cin! regar!s $ The SC team

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