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Classroom Policies
Ms. Anderson

Course: US History GT
Room: 203
Textbook: The American Journey

Classroom Conduct

You are expected to be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be considered
late. Seats will be assigned and reassigned periodically during the term. Students
should not pack up items prior to the bell. Students will raise hands and avoid
calling out. Food, drinks and candy are not to be consumed in this class. Do not
mark or deface anything in this room. Remain in your seat until you are dismissed.
Do not move chairs or desks without permission. Cell phones are not to be seen or
heard in class I reserve the right to deny credit during any period if this is a
problem without further warning. Please note that at all times the school rules and
expectations are in effect in this classroom as per the OMHS Student Handbook,
Academic Integrity guidelines and in accordance with PBIS behavior policies.


It is the responsibility of the individual student to arrive in class on time and
prepared for class. This includes having the proper materials, completed
assignments and attention focused on the days lesson.

Grading Policy

Your grade will be determined through the use of weighted grades in three
categories: Tests/Projects (40%), Quizzes (20%) and Classwork/Homework (40%).
Each categorys work will be totaled up and weighted accordingly. I believe it is
important to stress that each student has a personal responsibility to himself or
herself to earn the best grade possible.

I. Classwork/Homework (40%)

a. There are many types of classroom assignments that include
classwork, homework and class expectations.
b. Unexcused late work will decrease by 10% (letter grade) for each day
it is late. After three days, the assignment is no longer accepted.
c. Students are responsible for finding out what work was missed
when absent and making it up on their own time.
d. All assignments are expected to be neat and legible - preferably in
blue or black ink. Typed or printed assignments are strongly
encouraged especially for those with handwriting difficulties.
e. Every paper to be graded should have the required student
information described below or be subject to a reduction in points.
That information should appear in the upper right hand corner and
include: student name, date, period and have an appropriate title on
the top line of you paper.
f. When answering a question from a textbook/overhead etc., students
must use proper English. This includes the use of full sentences
and valid references to the question asked as well as the answer.
g. Any answers which are not original will receive a zero and
appropriate disciplinary actions will ensue.

II. Quizzes (20%)

a. Most quizzes are short (~10-15 questions) and cover small amounts
of material (1-3 days of lessons) and occur with previous student
awareness of the material to be covered.
b. I do reserve the right to hold Pop-quizzes.
c. Missed quizzes must be made up immediately upon return during
non-class time.

III. Tests/Projects (40%)

a. A test is given at the end of each unit to ascertain the ability of
students to recall, process and synthesize materials presented
during the unit. The materials for which students are responsible
on each test will be made clear prior to the test.
b. Missed tests must be made up immediately upon return during non-
class time.


A brief summary of the topics and time sequence for this course appear below:

Marking period 1:
Economic and Geographic Expansion and the Social and Political Response, 1877-

Marking period 2:
The Great War and A New Economic Order, 1912-1932

Marking period 3:
The Expanding Power of the United States Government at Home and Abroad, 1932-53

Marking period 4:
The Transformation of Modern America, 1950s-Present

Further details and information may be found on the Howard County Public
Schools website ( under the secondary social studies curriculum

HCPSS uses ASPEN which provides an online resource for students and parents to
check on progress in classes throughout the school year please make use of this
valuable resource.

Quarter grades will be assigned according to Howard County Policy:

A => 89.5 and up, B=> 79.5 to 89.4, C=>69.5 to 79.4, D=> 59.5 to 69.4, E=>
59.4 and below

Finally: In order to guarantee the students in my classroom the learning
climate they deserve, I will not tolerate a disruption in class that
prevents another student from learning.

Dear Parents,

Your child has signed up to take U.S. History GT. This short letter serves as an
introduction about the expectations I have regarding this course.

I hope to instill in students an appreciation for the history they are studying by making
the connections that make the information valuable and relevant to them. I have spoken
with your child today regarding the expectation and performance levels that are necessary to
succeed at the Gifted and Talented level. Although I am a teacher who truly appreciates the
uniqueness in all students, the GT level of this course leaves little room for missed
assignments, lack of preparation and poor test scores. I encourage you to have a discussion
with your child regarding the benefits/commitments this course requires of them.

I also encourage you to stay in touch with what your child is studying in class. You can
expect your child to have homework on a fairly regular basis. While I expect GT students to
be self-motivated and be able to keep their own schedule in order, it never hurts to have
outside input relevant to their study of history. There are many ways to help encourage this
connection: movies, news stories, artwork and geography while traveling and just talking
about what is going on in class.

Hopefully, a large part of the change your child will go through in the next four years is
learning the value of self-advocacy. So, while I welcome parent interactions, I strongly
encourage these young adults to converse with me about whatever concerns they have during
the course of the year first. If you do need to contact me I can be reached preferably via email
( or via phone at the school (410) 313-6945.

Please sign below to let me know that you have seen this letter. Students should
return this as soon as possible (so that they can start of the quarter with an easy grade!)

Student Signature ____________________________________

Parents/Guardians Signature ____________________________________

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