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Aggressive Pediatric Tumor of the Jaw- Ameloblastoma


Ameloblastoma is a benign epithelial odontogenic tumour but is often aggressive and
destructive, with capacity to attain great size, erode bone and invade adjacent structures.
They are one of the commonest neoplasms affecting jaws, with a high rate of recurrence if not
removed adequately. Its incidence, combined with its clinical behaviour, makes
ameloblastoma the most significant odontogenic neoplasm of concern of oral and
maxillofacial surgeons. The challenge in the management of this tumour is not only to
excise the tumour completely in order to prevent recurrence but also to provide the best
reconstruction method with the intention of giving reasonable cosmetic and functional
outcome to the patient.

This poster we present a large multicystic ameloblastoma in the left body-ramus region of the
mandible in a 12-year-old girl. This large lesion was diagnosed with the help of incisional biopsy
and CT scan and was successfully managed by hemimandibulectomy with secondary
reconstruction using free fibula bone graft.

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