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Materials for L2
Using simplified texts
- one of the strategy
used to help children
read more confidently.
-adjust downwards the
readibilty level of
material they use.
- Greatest challenge
faced by teacher of
young leaners is how
best to respond to the
wide range of ability ,
maturity , ethnicity ,
language competence
and individual needs.
-Provide clear illustrations or
- Higlight important terms.
- Improve the layout and
format of the sheet ; try larger
font size.
- Use bullet points or lists
when preparing worksheets or
Shorten sentence length or
change sentence structure :
- A long sentence makes
greater processing demands
on readers attention and
working memory.
- Disadvantage of
simplifying makes the
sentences difficult to read.

Adapting print materials :
- teacher adapt and
modify existing print
materials for example re-
write in easier form.
- Simplify vocabulary is
the major factor
determining readability
level of any text.
- Swift fluent reading
allows to focus.

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