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This year we will cover many mathematical concepts including:

Integers and Expressions
Operations with Rational Numbers
Equations and Inequalities
Proportional Reasoning and Percents
Data Collection and Analysis

Expectations and Guidelines-Students should come to class prepared to learn with all supplies, agenda, homework and
an attitude of cooperation. To receive credit, work should be turned in on time.
How to complete work:
Every assignment will have name, date, period in top right corner of paper and title on the top line
All work will be completed in pencil (-10 for using pen!)
All problems (except word problems) will be written with all work shown underneath
Problems will be worked out vertically and can be continued into 2
column and/or back of page
Answers will be circled or boxed for easy reference
Class Work: Students should maintain a spiral-bound MATH NOTEBOOK (5-subject notebook) that records essential
information for all units. Notebooks will be graded periodically. Class usually follows the same format: BOP (beginning
of period activity), Homework Check, Lesson, Activity, and Lesson Summary/Journal/Activity which reflects on the
lessons essential questions. There will be a lot of opportunities for students to work together which means that
students must follow directions and participate in all class activities in order to maximize learning.
Homework: Homework will be assigned daily including Friday for the purpose of reinforcing learning and should take
approximately 30 to 40 minutes to complete. It should be completed in the one-subject spiral notebook, unless
otherwise specified. Homework will be checked at the beginning of class.
Check plus Homework is complete with all work shown (5 points)
Check-Most homework is done (4 points) and work is shown
Check minus-some attempt has been made but homework is mostly incomplete. (2 points)
Zero-Homework is not attempted.
A cumulative homework grade will be posted periodically. Students may not go back to their locker to get homework.
Regular homework completion reinforces learning and students who faithfully complete homework typically understand
the topics better.
Computation of grades:
Major grades (tests and projects) .50%
Intermediate grades: (quizzes, bop, activities) 35%
Minor grades: (class work and homework) ..15%
Extra Help-Math help is available every morning in the tutoring room in the gym area. Help is also available weekly in
the team area from 3:20-4:00. Students should plan in advance with parents if they want to stay after school or they will
not be allowed to stay. Parents should write a permission note in the agenda which will be signed by the teacher when
they stay.
Extra help time is a student-led process where students may ask questions on homework and/or make corrections on
quizzes and tests (not for credit) or take retests. It is not direct instruction because usually there are too many students
needing help on a variety of topics for re-teaching to occur.
Absences: It is the students responsibility to check the class website and the ABSENT file when they miss class.
Students will be allowed to make up any work for an excused absence for full credit. Students are responsible for
completing make-up work in a timely manner. Students receive one make-up day for every day absent unless there is
an extended absence.


Clarification of Specific Classroom Behavior Expectations
A. Preparation/Etiquette- Students should
Enter the classroom quietly, place homework/agenda on desk, check the board for instructions and begin working.
Sign the tardy book if tardy.
Not talk while homework is checked and BOP completed.
Check ABSENT file if you have been out.
Follow all PRIDE classroom expectations.
Raise hand before speaking.
Stay seated during instruction.
Follow all Fire Drill procedures Out the left door and down the ramp; left on sidewalk; no talking walking in or out.
B. Integrity/Logistics-Students should
Leave all backpacks in locker.
Leave cell phones off while at school.
Get to work immediately upon entering the classroom without teacher prompting.
Take care of restroom needs between classes.
Not bring food or drink into the classroom.
Clean up work area before leaving the room.
Push chairs under desk before leaving.
Wait for dismissal.
C. Respect/Environment-Students should
STOP AND LISTEN When Mrs. D speaks or rings bell.
Do your best and encourage others to do their best
Say Please and Thank You.
Not engage in horseplay: throwing, running, inappropriate use of materials
Keep noise to a minimum
Complete THINK SHEET if assigned and return it with a parent signature the next day.

If you have questions or concerns, please email me at or you may call guidance to arrange a
conference. I look forward to a year of successful growth for every student.

Mrs. E. Daniel

Name of Student:______________________________________
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the information about Mathematics for the 2014-15 school year and I am clear on
the class expectations. Please return the letter by Friday, August 29

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