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September 2014

Dear Grade Two Parents/Guardians,

Please, read the handout carefully to gain an introductory insight
to your childs Grade 2 learning expectations. If you have any
queries, please do not hesitate to contact your classroom teacher.

The Grade 2 Team

Curriculum Information:

Units of Inquiry:

For some of you just starting at GWA, hearing about Units of Inquiry may be something new. The
focus of our units throughout the year are usually Science or Social Studies based, though
Inquiry is not meant to be a standalone subject. While we will set aside periods to devote to each
unit, the units will weave themselves through our other subject areas. In this way, things we do in
other subjects like Mathematics, Literacy, Art or P.E., often help to support a Transdisciplinary
Theme or Central Idea that encompasses each unit.

As part of the IB Primary Years Programme our goal is to get students to understand how they
can become better learners and global citizens. Throughout this year we want them to see
themselves as, and strive to be, thinkers, knowledgeable, inquirers, balanced, open-minded,
principled, communicators, caring, risk-takers, and reflective. These are the different areas of
the IB Learner Profile.

Over the course of the year, Grade Two will cover six Units of Inquiry. The table below lists the
unit titles in chronological order.

Units of Inquiry
Sharing the Planet
How we Express Ourselves
Where we are in Time and Place
How we Organise Ourselves
How the World Works
Who we are

Sharing the Planet
Our first Unit of Inquiry will begin on Sunday 7
September. A detailed curriculum map and
newsletter will be sent home at the beginning of each unit. During the first week of school, we will
take time to develop our essential agreements, familiarize ourselves with the Learner Profile and
Attitudes as global citizens, ensuring we get to know each other and learn new school routines.

Language Art
In Grade 2 the Literacy curriculum will provide students with the opportunity to:
Learn language by participating in shared, guided and independent reading and writing
activities, using different genres and text types.
Learn about language by reflecting on reading and writing strategies and literary
knowledge. Students will develop fluency, integrate strategies to gain comprehension, and
build a broad background of literature.
Learn through language by using texts to investigate inquiries and make connections about
the world and their own lives as they become proficient readers and writers.

At the start of each week individual students will be given 10 or more words to learn to spell from
sources such as class lists, books being read and personal writing pieces. The objective will be to
extend student learning, based upon what they know and to provide them with a range of spelling
approaches. We will reinforce a variety of strategies as student knowledge and language develop.

In Mathematics, students will explore and apply ideas about number, chance and data, shape and
space, measurement and mathematical ways of representing patterns and relationships. A
balanced approach allows students to discover mathematical concepts and skills through:
inquiry and discussion
explicit teaching
use of manipulatives to solve problems
student-centred hands-on activities
individual work
group work
demonstrating thinking in pictures, numbers, and words
differentiated tasks
regular assessment
optional home learning inquiry-based activities

Our Math work this year will begin with reviewing and reinforcing key concepts and skills. Before
we know where to lead each student in their Math understandings, we first need to determine
what their prior knowledge is through a variety of assessments.

Home Communication

Grade 2 Weebly
Weebly sites are the main communication tool within the elementary school at GWA. This is
where the Grade 2 Team will share grade level information and create individual pages for each of
the 6 classes. At the start of each Unit of Inquiry, the newsletter and curriculum map will be
posted to highlight the skills and concepts your child will explore. Each class will post to individual
pages once per week. Parents are recommended to check the Weebly every Sunday evening.

Communication Diary
In order to maintain ongoing communication between school and home, your child will bring home
the Parent and Teacher Communication Diary each day. This diary contains a class schedule,
passwords and more. It is a daily communication tool for students, parents and teachers. Please,
ensure your child brings the diary to school every day.

Home Learning
The GWA Home Learning Policy for Grade Two includes 10-20 minutes of home learning each
night. Students need to read each night and practice spelling little and often. Optional activities
in Math and Inquiry investigations will be posted to the Grade 2 Team Weebly Page.

Home Learning will be sent home Sunday and returned on Thursday. Home reading will begin
during the third week of school, once student assessments have been completed, to ensure they
are bringing home books that are at level.

Home Reading
It is important that students read at least 10 minutes each night for enjoyment, to reinforce
strategies and build fluency. Discuss the book with your child to support comprehension.
Rereading of challenging and favourite books is encouraged.

This reading may include:
1 Parent-to-child reading (enjoy this while it lasts)
2 Child-to-parent reading
3 Child reading with or to siblings, family via skype, teddy bears love books too
4 Independent reading

General Information

Lunches and Snacks
It is worth discussing with your child what goes into his/her lunchbox. With the element of
choice, it is more likely that your child will eat the food that you send to school. Nutritious snacks
and healthy lunches are recommended for active bodies and brains. For morning snack, students
are always encouraged to choose fruit first. Please remember your child may buy food from the
cafeteria at lunch only. Please note that GWA is adopting a cash-less, lunch card system. Please
talk to your child about daily limits and food choices. It is recommended to set a daily limit of

Please try to ensure that your child is well rested for school. A consistent and early bedtime
ensures that your child can make the most of his/her school day.

Arrival & Dismissal
Starting the second week of school all students need to be dropped off in the gymnasium with
their bags by 8:10a.m. sharp. No supervision is provided in the classrooms.

At this time, due to hot weather, pick-up at dismissal will be from the classroom at 3:35p.m.

Nut-Free School
GWA is operating as a nut-free school. Please ensure that your child does not bring
food to school which contains nuts. (Ex. Peanut-butter, Nutella, nuts, nut-barsetc.)

Essential Agreements/Classroom Guidelines
Our classes will spend time discussing Essential Agreements/Classroom Guidelines and what they
look like in practice. They will be posted in class and revisited during the year.

On your childs birthday you can bring in a small nut-free treat to share with his/her classmates
(cupcakes, cookies etc.). Please, notify us about a week ahead of time so we can set up a day and a
block of 10-15 minutes to recognize the special day.

We recommend (require) that you label your childs P.E. kit and any other clothing
(Ex. hats, ties, shirts, shorts, swimsuits etc.). It will help us return items to the
It is required that students are in full uniform with ties daily (except on PE days).

Field Trips
We will plan a few field trips to support student learning. Permission letters
and trip information will be sent home in advance. As much as possible, we will
email permission letters and would appreciate email confirmation/signatures
to minimize paper wastage.

1. All students must wear a sunhat
2. A water bottle must be brought to school EVERY day
3. Sunscreen needs to be applied daily before they come to school
4. A healthy snack and lunch is recommended
5. On P.E. and swimming days, students may wear P.E. uniforms
6. Ties are to be worn ALL YEAR starting on the 1

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