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Social 9 Course Outline

Ms. Hooper 2014-2015

Course Objective
In this course, you will focus primarily on Canada, examining the political and economic systems
of our nation-state. Our study of these two systems will revolve around such issues as
governance, rights and responsibilities, citizenship, quality of life and identity. Current events of
both a local and national nature will be utilized in our examination of these issues. The overall
goal of all social studies courses is to provide you with the knowledge, skills and processes and
attitudes necessary to be active and responsible citizens, engaged in the democratic process,
and aware of your ability to effect change in your community, society and the world.
Focus of Study
Issues for Canadians: Governance and Rights
What we will learn about
1) Canadas Federal Government 2) Charter of Rights and Collective Rights
3) Canadas Justice System 4) Canadian Governance and Immigration

Economic Systems in Canada and the United States
What we will learn about
1) The Market and Mixed Economies
2) Consumerism and Quality of Life in Canada and the United States
3) Relationship between Political Decisions and Economic Systems

Course Work
Assessment for Learning (Formative) Assessment of Learning (Summative)
Assigned Reading
Classroom Discussion
Cooperative/Group Work
Assessment for Learning activities are designed to help students achieve their best on
Assessment of Learning activities, which count for 100% of the grade earned in class. All course
work throughout the year will be cumulative.
Course Work 45% Writing Assignments 25%
Tests and Quizzes 35% Final Exam (PAT) 25%
Classroom Expectations
Respect yourself, your peers and your teacher. Any disturbance to the learning of others will
not be tolerated. If you choose not to participate in group activities you will be removed and
will complete the assignment by yourself.
Assigned Work
Each assignment is to challenge your understanding and to help you prepare for a test or major
assignment. Remember: Your mark is cumulative throughout the year, several zeros or poor
marks will impact your overall mark severely.
Restricted Zero Policy
Northern Lights School Division has a "Restricted Zero Policy" in place. Students who are caught cheating
on an exam or plagiarizing an assignment will be automatically awarded a mark of zero. Any student
who is absent the day of a test and has not made prior arrangements with their teacher will be awarded
a mark of zero. The intent of this policy is to assess student's academic abilities accurately in order to
improve teaching and learning.
Late Assignments
Assignments will be expected on a due date set by the teacher. Assignments not handed in on the due
date have five days to hand in the late assignment. If the assignment is not handed in five days after the
deadline it will be awarded a mark of zero. Students with late assignments will also be required to go
Tutor Time during lunch with their designated teacher
Day 1: Mr. Backer (Distance Ed, Shop and Math) and Mr. Mubashir (Math)
Day 2: Mr. G (Social) and Mr. D (Science)
Day 3: Mr. Mubashir and Mrs. Reilly (LA, Social, CTS and French)
Day 4: Ms. Hooper (English and Social) and Mrs. Smith (LA and Science)

Cell Phones and Hand Held Devices
The use of electronics during class time will be at the discretion of each teacher to determine what is
"appropriate use" for that course. In Social 9, cellphones are expected to stay in your locker, backpack,
etc. (out of sight). Hooper will let you know when it is okay to use your device. Inappropriate use=
phone is confiscated until the end of the school day.

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