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Course Purpose
Through hands on skills, KinderPrep students will recognize numbers and math

MATH.KP.01 Students will name, write, and count numbers. (focus)
MATH.KP.01.01 Students will count to 50 by ones.
MATH.KP.01.02 Students will complete a sequence of 3 consecutive numbers given
numbers up to 20.
MATH.KP.01.03 Students will write numbers to 10.
MATH.KP.01.04 Students will identify and name numbers in print to15.
MATH.KP.01.05 Students will be introduced to counting to 50 by tens.

MATH.KP.02 Students will count to tell the number of objects to 20. (focus)
MATH.KP.02.01 Students will count objects in numerical order to 20.
MATH.KP.02.02 Students will count out quantities of objects and match to the
number up to 10.
MATH.KP.02.03 Students will count to answer how many using objects up to 10.

MATH.KP.O3 Students will compare numbers to 10. (Foundation)
MATH.KP.O3.01 Students will identify number quantities of which is greater than,
less than or equal to of number quantities 1-10.
MATH.KP.O3.02 Students will compare 2 written numbers between 1-10 (greater
than, less than, equal to).

MATH.KP.04 At an introductory level, students will demonstrate
understanding of basic addition and subtraction concepts. (introduction)
MATH.KP.04.01 Students will be introduced to adding 2 numbers to equal a sum of
up to 5 with objects.
MATH.KP.O4.02 Students will be introduced to subtracting 2 numbers to equal a
sum of 5 or less with objects.
MATH.KP.04.03 Students will be introduced to the understanding the 1s place value
using objects up to 9.
MATH.KP.04.04 Students will be introduced to the understanding of 10 as 1s being
in the 10s place value using objects.

MATH.KP.O5 Students will extend a pattern with up to 3 different components.
MATH.KP.05.01 Students will extend AB, ABB, ABC patterns
MATH.KP.05.02 Students will be introduced to creating patterns.

MATH.KP.06 Students will describe & compare measureable attributes.
MATH.KP.06.01 Students will describe measurable attributes of: longer, shorter,
same, heavy, light.
MATH.KP.06.02 Students will compare more/less using objects.
MATH.KP.06.03 Students will sort & compare objects by color, size, shape and
identify the rule.
MATH.KP.06.04 Students will be introduced to basic coins (pennies, quarters).
MATH.KP.06.05 Students will name 11 colors

MATH.KP.07 Students will identify 8 geometric
shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, octagon, cube, and cone),
describe their positions & build shapes from geometric designs. (Focus)
MATH.KP.07.01 Students will demonstrate positions of above, below, beside,
between, next to, in front of and behind.
MATH.KP.07.02 Students will name two-dimensional shapes regardless of their size
or orientation.
MATH.KP.07.03 Students will identify between two-dimensional (flat) and three-
dimensional (solid) shapes. Students will be introduced to sphere and cylinder.

MATH.KP.08 Students will analyze, compare, create and compose shapes.
MATH.KP.08.01 Students will model shapes in the world by building shapes from
components (ex: clay, playdough, art supplies). And draw shapes
MATH.KP.08.02 Students will build geometric designs using a variety of shapes.

9-3-14 revised

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