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th CBSE PHYSICS Gravitation Class IX

Science CBSE Physics Flotation Term-II Class IX Force :

Pressure :Thrust : Atmospheric pressure: Buoyant force
Thrust The force acting on a body perpendicular to its surface is called thrust.
The S.I. unit of thrust is Newton (N).
e.g. For fixing a poster on a bulletin board one has to press drawing pins with the thumb.
hen pressing a drawing pin! force is applied on the surface area of its head.
The force is directed perpendicular to the surface of the board. This force is called thrust.
"ressure The thrust per unit area is called pressure.
"ressure # Thrust$ %rea
The S.I. unit of pressure is Newton per s&uare metre (N$m') which is also called pascal
(any times a bigger unit of pressure called )ilopascal ()"a) is used.
The pressure depends on two factors*
(a). Force applied (b). %rea o+er which force acts.
The same force can produce different pressures depending on the area o+er which it acts
e.g. when a force acts o+er a large area of an ob,ect! it produces a small pressure.
-ut if the same force acts o+er a small area of the ob,ect! it produces a large pressure.
.et we ta)e two similar bric)s lying on the ground! one in the lying position and another in
the standing position. The two bric)s exert the same force on the ground because they ha+e
the same weight.
-ut the two bric)s exert different pressures on the ground because their areas in contact with
the ground are different.
The bric) in the lying position has a large area in contact with the ground. So! the force of the
weight of the bric) falls on a large area of the ground and the /force per unit area / or
pressure on the ground is less.
The bric) in the standing position has a small area in contact with the ground. So! the force
of the weight of the bric) falls on a smaller area of the ground and the pressure on the
ground is more.
% school bag has wide straps made of thic) cloth
# The weight of bag may fall o+er a large area of the shoulder of the child producing less
pressure on the shoulder. %nd due to less pressure! it is more comfortable to carry the hea+y
school bag.
# 0n the other hand! if the school bag has a strap made of thin string! then the weight of
school bag will fall o+er a small area of the shoulder. This will produce a large pressure on
the shoulder of the child and it will become +ery painful to carry the hea+y school bag.
% sharp )nife cuts better than a blunt )nife.
% sharp )nife has a +ery thin edge to its blade. 1ue to its +ery thin edge! the force of our
hand falls o+er a +ery small area of the ob,ect producing a large pressure. %nd this large
pressure cuts the ob,ect easily.
0n the other hand! a blunt )nife does not cut an ob,ect easily because due to its thic)er
edge! the force of our hand falls o+er a larger area of the ob,ect and produces lesser
pressure. This lesser pressure cuts the ob,ect with difficulty.
The tip of a sewing needle is sharp so that due to its sharp tip! the needle may put the force
on a +ery small area of the cloth! producing a large pressure sufficient to pierce the cloth
being stitched.
The pressure on ground is more when a man is wal)ing than when he is standing.
When a man is walking, then at one time only his one foot is on the ground.
1ue to this! the force of weight of man falls on a smaller area of the ground and produces
more pressure on the ground.
On the other hand, when the man is standing, then both his feet are on the ground.
1ue to this the force of weight of the man falls on a larger area of the ground and produces
lesser pressure on the ground.
The depression is much more when a man stands on the cushion than when he lies down on
hen a man stands on a cushion then only his two feet (ha+ing small area) are in contact
with the cushion. 1ue to this the weight of man falls on a small area of the cushion producing
a large pressure. This large pressure causes a big depression in the cushion.
0n the other hand! when the same man is lying on the cushion! then his whole body (ha+ing
large area) is in contact with the cushion. In this case the weight of man falls on a much
larger area of the cushion producing much smaller pressure. %nd this smaller pressure
produces a +ery little depression in the cushion.
The tractors ha+e broad tyres so that there is less pressure on the ground and the tyres do
not sin) into comparati+ely soft ground in the fields.
% wide steel belt is pro+ided o+er the wheels of army tan)s so that they exert less pressure
on the ground and do not sin) into it.
ooden sleepers (or concrete sleepers) are )ept below the railway line so that there is less
pressure of the train on the ground and railway line may not sin) into the ground.
The snow shoes ha+e large! flat soles so that there is less pressure on the soft snow and this
stops the wearer from sin)ing into it.
It is easier to wal) on soft sand if we ha+e flat shoes rather than shoes with small heels(or
pencil heels). This is because a flat shoe has a greater area in contact with the soft sand due
to which there is less pressure on the soft ground. 1ue to this the flat shoes do not sin)
much in soft sand and it is easy to wal) on it.
0n the other hand! a small heel (or sharp heel) has a small area is contact with the soft
sand and so exerts a greater pressure on the soft sand. 1ue to this greater pressure! the
small heels tend to sin) deep into soft sand ma)ing it difficult for the wearer to wal) on soft
The foundations of buildings and dams are laid on a larger area of ground so that the weight
of the building or dam (to be constructed) produces less pressure on ground and the building
or dam may not sin) into the ground.
%tmospheric pressure
The pressure at any place due to the atmosphere is called atmospheric pressure. Its +alue
+aries from place to place and also with the time.
%tmospheric pressure at the earth2s surface near the sea le+el is around 3.43x345 "a. This
+alue is )nown as 3atmosphere of pressure (3atmosphere # 674mm of 8g).
"ressure in fluids %ll li&uids and gases are fluids.
% solid exerts pressure on a surface due to its weight
Similarly! fluids ha+e weight! and they also exert pressure on the base and walls of
the container in which they are enclosed.
"ressure exerted in any confined mass of fluid is transmitted undiminished in all
The pressure in a li&uid is the same at all points at the same hori9ontal le+el. %s we
go deeper in the li&uid! the pressure increases.
hen an ob,ect is placed in a li&uid! the li&uid exerts an upward force on it e.g. hen
a piece of cor) is held below the surface of water and then released the cor)
immediately rises to the surface.
It is a common experience that a mug filled with water appears to be hea+ier when it
is lifted abo+e the surface of water in a buc)et.
In general! whene+er an ob,ect is immersed in water! it appears to lose some weight
and feels lighter. The weight of the ob,ect in water is called apparent weight. It is less
than its true weight.
The ob,ects appear to be less hea+y when submerged in water because the water
exerts an upward force on them.
The upward force acting on an ob,ect immersed in a li&uid is called buoyant force.
The buoyant force is also )nown as upthrust. It is due to the buoyant force exerted by
the li&uid that the weight of an ob,ect appears to be less in the li&uid than its actual
weight in air.
It is due to the buoyant force exerted by water that we are able to swim in water and
ships float on water.
The tendency of a li&uid to exert an upward force on an ob,ect placed in it is called
%s more and more +olume of the ob,ect is immersed in a li&uid! the upward buoyant
force acting on it increases. -ut once the ob,ect is completely immersed in a li&uid!
then lowering it further in the li&uid does not increase the buoyant force. This means
that maximum upward buoyant force acts on an ob,ect when it is completely
immersed in the li&uid.
Factors affecting buoyant force
3. The buoyant force exerted by a li&uid depends on the +olume of the solid ob,ect immersed
in the li&uid.
%s the +olume of the solid ob,ect immersed inside the li&uid increases! the upward
buoyant force also increases. %nd when the ob,ect is completely immersed in the
li&uid! the buoyant force becomes maximum and remains constant.
The magnitude of buoyant force acting on a solid ob,ect does not depend on the
nature of the solid ob,ect! e.g. if two balls made of different metals ha+ing different
weights but e&ual +olumes are fully immersed in a li&uid! they will experience an
e&ual loss in weight and thus e&ual upward buoyant force. This is because both the
balls displace e&ual weight of the li&uid due to their e&ual +olumes.
3. The buoyant force exerted by a li&uid depends on the density of the li&uid in which the
ob,ect is immersed.
The li&uid ha+ing higher density exerts more upward buoyant force on an ob,ect than
another li&uid ha+ing lower density. Thus! as the density of li&uid increases! the
buoyant force exerted by it also increases!
e.g. sea water has higher density than fresh water! therefore! sea:water will exert
more buoyant force on an ob,ect immersed in it than the fresh water. It is easier to
swim in sea water because it exerts a greater buoyant force on the swimmer.
Similarly! mercury is a li&uid ha+ing +ery high density. So! mercury will exert a +ery
great buoyant force on an ob,ect immersed in it. ;+en a +ery hea+y material li)e an
iron bloc) floats in mercury because mercury exerts a +ery high buoyant force on iron
bloc) due to its +ery high density.
hy ob,ects float or sin) in a li&uid
% wooden bloc) floats in water whereas a steel rod sin)s in it. Thus some ob,ects float and
some sin) in water.
hen an ob,ect is put in a li&uid! then two forces act on it*
3. eight () of the ob,ect acting downwards!
'. -uoyant force (-) acting upwards.
%n ob,ect will float or sin) in a li&uid will depend on the relati+e magnitude of these two
forces acting on the ob,ect in opposite directions. Three cases arise*
3. If - exerted by the li&uid < of the ob,ect! the ob,ect will sin) in the li&uid.
'. If - # ! the ob,ect will float in the li&uid.
=. If - > ! the ob,ect will rise in the li&uid and then float.
Thus an ob,ect will float in a li&uid if the upward buoyant force it recei+es from the li&uid is
great enough to o+ercome the downward force of its weight.
For an ob,ect to float! eight of ob,ect # -uoyant force
-ut! -uoyant force # eight of li&uid displaced by the ob,ect?eight of ob,ect # eight of
li&uid displaced by the ob,ect.
Thus an ob,ect will float in a li&uid if the weight of ob,ect is e&ual to the weight of li&uid
displaced by it.
The abo+e relation holds true if the ob,ect has a lower density than the li&uid.
If the ob,ect has a higher density than the li&uid! then the weight of li&uid displaced
will be less than the weight of ob,ect! and the ob,ect will sin).
@ %n ob,ect will also float in a li&uid if its density is e&ual to that of the li&uid.
hen we put a piece of iron in water! it sin)s immediately because iron is denser
than water. -ut a ship made from iron and steel floats on water. This is because a
ship is a hollow ob,ect ha+ing a lot of air in it. %ir has low density due to which the
a+erage density of ship becomes less than the density of water and the ship floats in
This can be explained in another way. % hea+y ship floats in water as it displaces a
large weight of water which pro+ides a great buoyant force to )eep it afloat.
%rchimedes2 principle
Ahen an ob,ect is wholly or partially immersed in a li&uid! it experiences a buoyant force (or
upthrust) which is e&ual to the weight of li&uid displaced by the ob,ectB.
-uoyant force acting # eight of li&uid displaced on an ob,ect by that ob,ect
%rchimedes2 principle is applicable to ob,ects in fluids! i.e. li&uids as well as gases.
Cases (li)e air) exert an upward force (or buoyant force) on the ob,ects placed in them but in
most cases it is so small that we usually ignore it. It is the buoyant force due to displaced air
which ma)es a balloon rise in air.
-uoyant force # eight of water displaced by body.
and -uoyant force # .oss in weight of body in water.? .oss in weight of body in water #
eight of water displaced by body.
%pplications of %rchimedes2 principle
3. It is used in designing ships and submarines.
'. It is used in determining the relati+e density of a substance.
=. The lactometers used for determining the purity of mil) are based on %rchimedes2
D. The hydrometers used for determining the density of li&uids are based on %rchimedes2
1ensity The density of a substance is defined as mass of the substance per unit +olume.
1ensity # (ass of the substance$Eolume of the substance
The SI unit of density is )ilograms per cubic meter (Fg$m=).
The density of a substance! under specified conditions! is always the same. So! the
density of a substance is one of its characteristic properties.
The density of a gi+en substance can help us to determine its purity.
1ifferent substances ha+e different densities e.g. density of water is 3444 Fg$m=
which means that the mass of 3 cubic metre +olume of water is 3444 )g.
Gelati+e density The relati+e density of a substance is the ratio of its density to that of
Gelati+e density of a substance # 1ensity of the substance$1ensity of water
Since the relati+e density is a ratio! it has no units. It is a pure number.
The relati+e density of a substance expresses the hea+iness (or density) of the
substance in comparison to water e.g. the relati+e density of iron is 6.H! which means
iron is 6.H times as hea+y as an e&ual +olume of water.
The relati+e density of water is 3. If the relati+e density of a substance is more than
3! then it will be hea+ier than water and hence it will sin) in water.
0n the other hand! if the relati+e density of a substance is less than 3! then it will be
lighter than water and hence float in water. e.g. Ice has a density of about I44 )g$m=
and water has a density 3444)g$m=.
Thus an ice cube has a relati+e density of 4.I so it floats in water. The relati+e
density of iron is6.H! so an iron nail sin)s in water.
Physics Assignment-I Chapter:Gravitation
Class &
Physics Assi)nment-I 'For month of o*em+er(
Q1. A block weighing 1.0 kg is in the shape of a cube of length 10 cm. It is kept on a horizontal table.
Find the pressure on the portion of the table where the block is kept. (ans. 1000Pa
Q!. Find the thrust acting on the human bod" due to atmospheric pressure. #ake the surface area of a
man of middle size to be 1.$m
and atmospheric pressure (1atm %1.01&'10

(ans.1$.! ton wt
Q&. (alculate the mass of a bod" whose )olume is ! m
and densit" 0.$! g*cm
. (ans. 10+0 kg
Q+. A dining hall has dimensions $0m ' 1$m ' &.$m. (alculate the mass of air in the hall. ,i)en-
densit" of air %1.&0kg*m
. (ans. &+1!.$ kg
Q$. A thread of mercur" of 10.! g is in a tube of uniform cross section 0.1cm
. (alculate the length of
thread. #he densit" of mercur" is 1&..g*cm
. (ans. /.$cm
Q.. A cubical block of water is dipped completel" in water. 0ach edge of the block is 1cm in length.
Find the buo"ant force acting on the block. (ans. 10
Q/. A bod" of mass !.0 kg and densit" 3000 kg*m
is completel" dipped in a li4uid of densit" 300
. Find the force of buo"anc" on it. (ans. !2
Q3. A piece of iron of densit" /.3 ' 10
and )olume 100 cm
is totall" immersed in water.
(alculate (a the weight of the iron piece in air (b the upthrust and (c apparent weight in water. (ans.
(a /.32 (b 12 (c ..3 2
Q5. A solid bod" of mass 1$0g and )olume !$0cm
is put in water. 6ill the bod" float or sink.
Q10. A solid of densit" $000kg*m
weights 0.$ kg in air. It is completel" immersed in water of densit"
(a (alculate the apparent weight of solid in water.(ans. 0.+ kg
(b 6hat will be its apparent weight if water is replaced b" a li4uid of densit" 3000kg*m
7 (ans. 0
Q11. #he mass of a block made of certain material is 1&.$ kg and its )olume is 1$ ' 10
. 6ill the
block float or sink in water. ,i)e reason for "our answer.
Q1!. (a 6hat is the densit" of air in 2#P7 (b6hat is the unit of relati)e densit"7
Q1&. (a 6hen does a bod" sinks in a fluid7
(b6h" does a balloon filled with h"drogen gas rise up against gra)it"7
Q1+. (a 6hich has greater densit"8 1 kg of iron or ! kg of iron7
(bIf a hollow sphere and a solid sphere are both made of the same amount of iron- which sphere has
greater a)erage densit"7
Q1$. (a. A bod" weighs 10 2 in air and 3 2 when full" immersed in water. 9ow much is the buo"ant
force acting on the bod"7
(a 6h" are the buo"s making the channel in a ri)er are hollow spheres7
Q1.. :tate one important effect produced b" the buo"ant force e;erted b" water.
Q1/. 6here does a solid weigh more1 in air or in a li4uid7
Q13. 2ame two factors on which the buo"ant force depends7
Q15. 6hat is the relationship between the buo"ant force on an ob<ect and the li4uid displaced b" it7
Q!0. #he relati)e densit" of mercur" is 1&... 6hat does this statement mean7
Q!1. #he densit" of turpentine oil is 3+0 kg*m
. 6hat will be its relati)e densit"7
Q!!. 0;plain wh" big boulders can be mo)ed easil" b" floods.
Q!&. 6h" is a slight blow on a cork of bottle full" filled with a li4uid sufficient to break the bottle7
Q!+. 6h" is it easier to walk on soft sand with a flat shoe than a pencil1heeled shoe7
Q!$. =ead has greater densit" than iron and both are denser than water. Is the buo"ant force on a lead
pencil greater than- less than or e4ual to the buo"ant force on an iron ob<ect of same )olume7
Q!.. 6h" do "ou feel lighter when "ou swim7
Q!/. 6h" is a bucket of water lighter when in water than when it is taken out of water7
Q!3. 6h" it is easier to swim in sea water tan in ri)er water7
Q!5. #wo different ob<ects are completel" immersed in water and undergo same loss in weight. Is it
necessar" that the weight of these ob<ects in air be also the same7
Q&0. If two e4ual weights of une4ual )olumes are balanced in air- what will happen when these are
completel" dipped in water7
Class 9th Physics !otes on Gravitation
IX CBSE Physics Chapter : !e"ton : Gravity : #epler : $restre%: &ree &all
3) Cra+itation * Cra+itation is the force of attraction between two ob,ects in the uni+erse.
i) Cra+itation may be the attraction of ob,ects by the earth. ;g *: If a body is dropped from
a certain height! it falls downwards due to earth2s gra+ity.
If a body is thrown upwards! it reaches a certain height and then falls downwards due to the
earth2s gra+ity.
ii) Cra+itation may be the attraction between ob,ects in outer space.
;g *: %ttraction between the earth and moon.
%ttraction between the sun and planets.
Jentripetal force *
hen a body mo+es in a circular path! it changes its direction at e+ery point. The force
which )eeps the body in the circular path acts towards the centre of the circle. This force is
called centripetal force.
If there is no centripetal force! the body will mo+e in a straight line tangent to the circular
') Kni+ersal law of gra+itation *:
The uni+ersal law of gra+itation states that! /;+ery ob,ect in the uni+erse attracts e+ery other
ob,ect with a force which is directly proportional to product of the masses and in+ersely
proportional to the s&uare of the distance between them.2
.et two ob,ects % and - of masses ( and m lie at a distance d from each other. .et F be the
force of attraction between them.
%ccording to the uni+ersal law of gra+itation the force between the ob,ects is directly
proportional to the product of their masses and in+ersely proportional to the s&uare of the
distance between them
F L ( x m
and F L 3$ d

Jombining the two e&uations
F L (xm$ d

0r F # C ( x m$ d

where C is a constant of proportionality called uni+ersal gra+itation constant
Jross multiplying we get
F x d
# C ( x m or C # F x d
$ ( x m
The SI unit of C is N m
and its +alue is 7.76= x 34
N m
=) Free fall *:
The earth attracts ob,ects towards it due to gra+itational force. hen an ob,ect falls towards
the earth due to the earth2s gra+itational force it is called free fall.
hen an ob,ect falls towards the earth there is a change in its acceleration due to the
gra+itational force of the earth. So this acceleration is called acceleration due to gra+ity.
The acceleration due to gra+ity is denoted by g.
The unit of g is same as the unit of acceleration ms
From the second law of motion! force is the product of mass and acceleration.
F # ma
For free fall! force is the product of mass and acceleration due to gra+ity.
F # mg
mg # C ( x m$d
g # C m$d

where ( is the mass of the earth and d is the distance between the ob,ect and the earth.
For ob,ects near or on the surface of the earth d is e&ual to the radius of the earth G
mg # C ( x m$ G
or g # C ($ G
The +alue of g is I.H ms
D a) (ass *:
The mass of a body is the measure of its inertia. If the mass of a body is more its inertia is
more. The mass of a body is constant and does not change from place to place. The SI
unit of mass is )g.
b) eight *:
The weight of a body is the force with which the earth attracts the body.
The force with which a body is attracted by the earth depends on its mass m and
acceleration due to gra+ity g.
F = m x g
Since weight of a body is the force with which the earth attracts the body!
W = m x g
Since g at a place is constant ! W m
The weight of a body changes from place to place.
The SI unit of weight is the same as force Newton (N).
c) eight of an ob,ect on the moon *
The weight of an ob,ect on the earth is the force with which the earth attracts the ob,ect and
the weight of an ob,ect on the moon is the force with which the moon attracts the ob,ect.
The mass of the moon is less than the mass of the earth. So the moon exerts lesser force on
the ob,ects than the earth.
The weight of an ob,ect on the moon is one sixth (3$7
) of its weight on the earth.
(5) Thrust and pressure *:
a) Thrust * Thrust is the force acting on an ob,ect perpendicular to the surface. ;g *:
hen you stand on loose sand the force (weight) of your body is acting on an area e&ual to
the area of your feet. hen you lie down! the same force acts on an area e&ual to the
contact area of the whole body. In both cases the force acting on the sand (thrust) is the
b) "ressure "ressure is the force acting on unit area of a surface.
"ressure # Thrust$ %rea
;g *: The effect of thrust on loose sand is larger while standing than while lying down.
The SI unit of thrust is N$m
or N m
. It is called "ascal ("a).
7 (a) "ressure in fluids (.i&uids and gases)
Fluids exert pressure on the base and walls of the container. Fluids exert pressure in all
directions. "ressure exerted on fluids is transmitted e&ually in all directions.
(b) -uoyancy (Kpthrust)
hen an ob,ect is immersed in a fluid it experiences an upward force called buoyant force.
This property is called buoyancy or upthrust. The force of gra+ity pulls the ob,ect
downward and the buoyant force pushes it upwards. The magnitude of the buoyant force
depends upon the density of the fluid.
(c) hy ob,ects float or sin) in water M
If the density of an ob,ect is less than the density of a li&uid! it will float on the li&uid and if
the density of an ob,ect is more than the density of a li&uid! it will sin) in the li&uid.
%cti+ity *: Ta)e some water in a bea)er. Ta)e a piece of cor) and an iron nail of the same
mass. "lace them on the water. The cor) floats and the nail sin)s.
The cor) floats because the density of cor) is less than the density of water and the upthrust
of water is more than the weight of the cor).
The nail sin)s because the density of the iron nail is more than the density of water and the
upthrust of water is less than the weight of the nail.
6) %rchimedes2 principle *:
%rchimedes2 principle states that! / hen a body is partially or fully immersed in a fluid it
experiences an upward force that is e&ual to the weight of the fluid displaced by it.2
%rchimedes principle has many uses. It is used in designing ships and submarines!
8ydrometers used to determine the density of li&uids! lactometers used to determine purity
of mil) etc.
H) 1ensity and relati+e density *:
i) 1ensity The density of a substance is the mass of a unit +olume of the
1ensity # (ass$ Eolume
The unit of density is )ilogram per metre cube ()g m
ii) Gelati+e density *: The relati+e density of a substance is the ratio of the density of a
substance to the density of water.
Gelati+e density # 1ensity of a substance$ 1ensity of water
Since relati+e density is a ratio of similar &uantities! it has no unit.
CBSE 'est Papers (or Class 9thIX) Chapter
>(Q8 1 >ark Questions ?" @sunil
1. 0)en though stone also attracts earth towards itself- earth does not mo)e
(a ?ecause of greater mass of earth (b ?ecause of lesser mass of stone
(c Force e;erted b" stone is less (d Force e;erted earth is large
!. #he weight of an ob<ect is 81
(a ,reater on earth and lesser on >oon (b =esser on earth and ,reater on earth
(c 04ual on both earth and >oon (d 2one of these
&. 6eight of an ob<ect has :.I- unit of 81
(a 2ewton (b kg
(c 2*Ag (d Ag*2
+. 6hich of the statements is correct7
(a >ass is constant and weight is )ariable (c ?oth >ass and weight are )ariable
(b >ass is )ariable and weight is constant. (d ?oth >ass and weight are constant.
! >ark Questions
$. :tate the Bni)ersal law of ,ra)itation7
.. If hea)ier bodies are attracted more strongl" b" the earth- wh" do the" not fall faster to
the ground7
/. :tate Archimedes Principle7
3. A stone is dropped from the edge of the roof. It passes a window !m high is 0.1 s.9ow
far is the roof abo)e the window7
& >ark Questions
5. #he radius of earth is .&/0Am and of mars is &+00 Am. If an ob<ect weighs !002 or
earth- what will be its weight on mars. #he mass of mars is 0.11 that of earth.
10. Cetermine the )alue and units of uni)ersal ,ra)itational constant- ,7
11. 6hat is the up thrust e;perienced b" a cube of edge D length $cm made of iron when
completel" immersed in ethanol of densit" 0.3 g*cm&
1!. A stone is dropped from a height of $0m on earth. At the same time- another stone is
thrown )erticall" upwards from the ground with a )elocit" up wards from the ground
with a )elocit" of $0m*s. At what height from the ground will the two stones meet (g %
110 m*s!
9th Class - PHYSICS G*A+I'A'I$! 'ES' PAPE*
IX-,ra*itation :Important -uestion for SA-I
1. 6hat #he earth attracted to each other b" gra)itational force. Coes the earth attract the
moon- with a force that is greater- or smaller- or the force with which the moon attracts
the earth7 6h"7
!. #he earth attracts the moon. Coes the moon attract the earth7 If it does- wh" does the
earth not mo)e towards the moon7
&. 9ow are ocean tides caused7
+. 6hat do we call the gra)itational force between the earth and "our bod"7
$. #he earth attracts an apple. Coes the apple also attract the earth7 If it does- wh" does
the earth not mo)e towards the apple7
.. Is the gra)itational acceleration independent of mass7 2ame the e;periment which
concluded this7
/. 6here do we obser)e the ma;imum )alue of the gra)itational acceleration7 04uator-
poles or >t 0)erest7
3. Eou must ha)e seen two t"pes of balances- one is the spring balance and the other is
the one with the kabadiwalas. 6hich one of it would "ou use to measure the mass of an
ob<ect7 6h"7
5. 6h" does a buffalo float on the ri)er but not the man7
10. 6h" does ice float on the water7
11. 6h" does a ship made up of iron floats but the iron sinks7
1!. 9ow do submarines float or sink as desired7
1&. 6h" does a mug full of water appear lighter inside the water7
1+. A dead bod" floats in water with its head immersed in water. 0;plain7
1$. In what direction does the buo"ant force on an ob<ect- due to li4uid act7
1.. 6h" does a block of plastic piece left under water cone to the surface of water7
1/. 6rite the condition under which the bod" would float on a li4uid7
Class-i,-Science-physics-Gravitation Solve%
-.estions :!.merical pro/lems
Gravitation Solved Questions :Numerical problems
1. How does the force of gravitation between two objects change when
the distance between them is reduced to half?
nswer: when the distance between the objects is reduced to half the
gravitational force increases b! four times the original force.
". #he gravitational force acts on all objects in proportion to their
masses. $h!% then% a heav! object does not fall faster than a light
nswer: cceleration due to gravit! does not depend on mass of object
. Hence% all bodies fall with the same acceleration provided there is no
air or other resistance
&. #he earth and the moon are attracted to each other b! gravitational
force. 'oes the earth attract the moon with a force that is greater or
smaller or the same as the force with which the moon attracts the
earth? $h!?
nswer: ccording to Newton(s &rd law of motion )ver! action has
e*ual reaction in opposite direction. Since% #he earth surface attracts
the moon with the same force with which the moon attracts the earth
and cancel them
+. ,f the moon attracts the earth% wh! does the earth not move
towards the moon?
nswer: #he earth is much larger than the moon so% the acceleration
produced on the earth surface cannot be noticed.
-. $hat is the importance of .niversal /aw of Gravitation?
ns: #here are man! importance of .niversal /aw of Gravitation
1. #he force of attraction that binds us to the earth%
". #he motion of planets moving around the sun%
&. the motion of moon around the earth
+. #he occurring of tides due to sun and moon.
0 $hat is Gravitation?
nswer: Gravitation is the force of attraction between two objects in
the universe.
i1 Gravitation ma! be the attraction of objects b! the earth. )g :2 ,f a
bod! is dropped from a certain height% it falls downwards due to earth(s
gravit!. ,f a bod! is thrown upwards% it reaches a certain height and
then falls downwards due to the earth(s gravit!.
ii1 Gravitation ma! be the attraction between objects in outer
space.)g :2 ttraction between the earth and moon. ttraction between
the sun and planets
3. $hat is 4entripetal force?
nswer: $hen a bod! moves in a circular path% it changes its direction
at ever! point. #he force which 5eeps the bod! in the circular path acts
towards the centre of the circle. #his force is called centripetal force.
,f there is no centripetal force% the bod! will move in a straight line
tangent to the circular path.
6. State .niversal law of gravitation?
nswer: #he universal law of gravitation states that% 7)ver! object in
the universe attracts ever! other object with a force which is directl!
proportional to product of the masses and inversel! proportional to the
s*uare of the distance between them.(
8. ,n what direction does the buo!ant force on an object immersed in a
li*uid act?
ns: #he buo!ant force acts on an object in the verticall! upward
direction through the center of gravit! of the displaced li*uid.
19. stone is released from the top of a tower of height 18.0 m.
calculate its :nal velocit! just before touching the ground.
ns: Given that% u ; 9% g ; 8.6 ms
% s ; 18.0 m
Now% v
2 u
; "gs
or% v
2 9 ; " = 8.6 = 18.0 ; >18.01
or% v ; 18.0 ms
> v is ?ve due to downward direction1
IX CBSE Physics !.merical &or
IF (?:0 Ph"sics 2umerical For (hapter8 ,ra)itation .Gl"mpiad Practice
1. (alculate the gra)itational force between a 101kg ball and a !01kg ball placed at a
separation of $ m.
!. #hree balls A- ? and ( are kept in a straight line. #he separation between A and (
is 1 m- and ? is placed at the midpoint between them. #he masses of A- ?- ( are 100
g- !00 g and &00 g respecti)el". Find the net gra)itational force on (a A- (b ?- and
(c (.
&. A particle of mass m1 is kept at ; % 0 and another of mass m! at ; % d. 6hen a
third particle is kept at ; % d*+- it e;periences no net gra)itational force due to the
two particles. Find m!*m1.
+. #he acceleration due to gra)it" near the earthHs surface is 5.3 m*s!- and the earthHs
radius is .-+00 km. From this data calculate the mass of the earth. Bse an" uni)ersal
constant if re4uired.
$. #wo particles of mass !00 g each are placed at a separation of 10 cm. Assume that
the onl" forces acting on them are due to their gra)itational attraction. Find the
acceleration of each when the" are allowed to mo)e.
.. A particle weighs 1!0 2 on the surface of the earth. At what height abo)e the
earthHs surface will its weight be &0 27 Iadius of the earth % .-+00 km.
/. :uppose the earth shrinks such that its radius decreases to half the present )alue.
6hat will be the acceleration due to gra)it" on the surface of the earth7
3. A bod" weighs 1!0 2 on the earth. Find its appro;imate weight on the moon.
5. (alculate the )alue of the acceleration due to gra)it" at a place &-!00 km abo)e
the surface of the earth.
10. #he acceleration due to gra)it" at a place is 0.! m*s !. Find its height abo)e the
earthHs surface.
11. As one mo)es to a place &-!00 km abo)e the earthHs surface- the acceleration due
to gra)it" reduces to +*5 of its )alue at the earthHs surface. (alculate the radius of the
earth from this data.
1!. A ball is dropped from a cliff. Find (a its speed ! s after it is dropped- (b its
speed when it has fallen through /3.+ m- and (c the time taken in falling through
/3.+ m.
1&. A ball is thrown upwards with a speed of &5.! m*s. (alculate (a the ma;imum
height it reaches- and (b the time taken in reaching the ma;imum height.
1+. A ball thrown upwards takes + s to reach the ma;imum height. Find (a the initial
speed with which it was thrown- and (b the ma;imum height reached.
1$. An ob<ect thrown upwards reaches the highest point in $.0 s. Find the )elocit"
with which it was thrown.
1.. A stone thrown upwards attains a ma;imum height of 15.. m. Find the )elocit"
with which it was thrown.
1/. A bod" is thrown upwards with a )elocit" of !0 m*s. 9ow much time will it take
to return to its original position7
13. A ball is dropped from a height !.$0 m abo)e the floor- (a Find the speed ) with
which it reaches the floor- (b #he ball now rebounds. #he speed of the ball is
decreased to &u*+ due to this collision. 9ow high will the ball rise7
15. A stone is dropped from a cliff at !8&08&0 p.m. (hour8 minute8second. Another
stone is dropped from the same point at !8&08&1 p.m. Find the separation between the
stones at (a !8&08&1 p.m.- (b !8&08&$ p.m.
!0. A ball is thrown upwards from the surface of the moon with a )elocit" of 15..
m*s. (a 9ow much time will it take to attain the ma;imum height7 (b 9ow high
will it go7
!1. A flowerpot drops from the edge of the roof of a multistoried building. (alculate
the time taken b" the pot to cross a particular distance A? of height !.5 m- the upper
point A being 15.. m below the roof.
!!. A wicket keeping glo)e is dropped from a height of +0 m and simultaneousl" a
ball is thrown upwards from the ground with a speed of +0 m*s. 6hen and where do
the" meet7
!&. A bo" on a /3.+1m1high cliff drops a stone. Gne second later- he throws another
stone downwards with some speed. #he two stones reach the ground simultaneousl".
Find the speed with which the second stone was thrown.
1. $.&+ ; 10J10 2 !. (a /.&+ ; 10
2 towards (
(b 1.0/ ; 10
2 towards ( (c 1.30 ; 10
2 towards A
&. 5 +. ..0!;10
kg $. 1.&& ; 10 K5 m*s!
.. .-+00 km /. &5.! m*s
3. !0 2
5. +.&. m*s
10. Ie % &3-+00 km 11. .-+00 km
1!. (a 15.. m*s (b &5.! m*s (c + s 1&. (a /3.+ m (b + s
1+. (a &5.! m*s (b /3.+ m 1$.+5 m*s . 1..15.. m*s
1/.+.03 s 13. (a / m*s (b 1.+ m 15. (a +.5 m (b ++.1 m
!0. (a 1! s (b 11/.. m !1. 1*/s !!. 1 s after the glo)e is dropped-
!&. 1 m abo)e the ground !+. 11.+&
CBSE : Physics: Gravitation !otes class 9th IX)
IF ,ra)itation 0;tra scoring notes
,ra)itation is a natural phenomenon b" which ob<ects with mass attract one another.
In e)er"da" life- gra)itation is most commonl" thought of as the agenc" which lends weight to ob<ects
with mass.
It is responsible
for )eeping the 0arth and the other planets in their orbits around the :unL
for keeping the >oon in its orbit around the 0arth-
for the formation of tidesL
for con)ection (b" which fluid flow occurs under the influence of a temperature gradient and gra)it"
for heating the interiors of forming stars and planets to )er" high temperaturesL and
for )arious other phenomena that we obser)e.
>odern ph"sics describes ,ra)itation as a conse4uence of the cur)ature of space time which go)erns
the motion of inertial ob<ects.
#epler0s 1a"s
Nohannes Fepler! wor)ing with data painsta)ingly collected by Tycho -rahe without the aid of
a telescope! de+eloped three laws which described the motion of the planets across the s)y.
3. The .aw of 0rbits* %ll planets mo+e in elliptical orbits! with the sun at one focus.
'. The .aw of %reas* % line that connects a planet to the sun sweeps out e&ual areas in
e&ual times.
=. The .aw of "eriods* The s&uare of the period of any planet is proportional to the cube of
the semi ma,or axis of its orbit.
FeplerOs laws were deri+ed for orbits around the sun! but they apply to satellite orbits as well.
B2IM0I:A= =A6 GF ,IAMI#A#IG2 8
!ery ob"ect in the uni!erse attracts e!ery other ob"ect with a force which is proportional
to the product of their masses and in!ersely proportional to the s#uare of the distance
between them. The force is along the line "oining the centres of two ob"ects.
F% , ; >m*d
If two ob<ects A and ? of masses > and m lie at a distance d from each other.
=et the force of attraction between two ob<ects be F.
According to the uni)ersal law of gra)itation-
(a#he force between two ob<ects is directl" proportional to the product of their masses. #hat is-
F > ; m
And the force between two ob<ects is in)ersel" proportional to the s4uare of the distance between
them- that is-
F 1*d
(ombining the 04s. we get
F% , ; >m*d
6here , is the constant of proportionalit" and is called the uni)ersal gra)itation constant.
?" multipl"ing crosswise- 04. gi)es
F ' d
% , > ' m
, % (F ' d
#he :I unit of , can be obtained b" substituting the units of force- distance and mass in 04. as
2 m
#he )alue of , was found out b" 9enr" (a)endish (1/&1 D 1310 b" using a sensiti)e balance. #he
accepted )alue of , is .../& ' 10
2 m
I>PGI#A2(0 GF #90 B2IM0I:A= =A6 GF ,IAMI#A#IG2
#he uni)ersal law of gra)itation successfull" e;plained se)eral phenomena which were belie)ed to be
(i the force that binds us to the earthL
(ii the motion of the moon around the earthL
(iii the motion of planets around the :unL and
(i) the tides due to the moon and the :un.
#o calculate the )alue of g- we should put the )alues of ,- > and I in 04. namel"-
uni)ersal gra)itational constant- , % ../ ' 10
2 m
mass of the earth- > % . ' 10
kg- and
radius of the earth- I % ..+ ' 10
F # m a
F # C (m$d
m a # C (m$d
mg # C (m$d
g # C ($d
g # (../ ' 10
2 m
; . ' 10
kg*( ..+ ' 10
g I.H m$s
#hus- the )alue of acceleration due to gra)it" of the earth-g% 5.3 ms
(0TI0N 0F 0-N;JTS KN1;G CG%EIT%TI0N%. F0GJ; 0F T8; ;%GT8
6e know that an ob<ect e;periences acceleration during free fall due to gra)itational force.
,ra)itational acceleration e;perienced b" an ob<ect is independent of its mass.
#his means that all ob<ects hollow or solid- big or small- should fall at the same rate.
According to a story, Galileo dropped different objects from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in
Italy to prove the same.
As g is constant near the earth- all the e4uations for the uniforml" accelerated motion of ob<ects
become )alid with acceleration a replaced b" g
#he e4uations are8
) % u N at :% ut N O at
% u
N !as
6here u and ) are the initial and final )elocities and s is the distance co)ered in time- t.
In appl"ing these e4uations- we will take acceleration- a to be positi)e when it is in the direction of the
)elocit"- that is- in the direction of motion. #he acceleration- a will be taken as negati)e when it
opposes the motion.
0;ample8 A car falls off a ledge and drops to the ground in 0.$ s. =et g % 10 m sD! (for simplif"ing
the calculations.
(i 6hat is its speed on striking the ground7 (ii 6hat is its a)erage speed during the 0.$ s7
(iii 9ow high is the ledge from the ground7
:olution8 #ime- t % O second
Initial )elocit"- u % 0 m s
Acceleration due to gra)it"- g % 10 m s
Acceleration of the car- a % N 10 m s
(i speed ) % a t
) % 10 m s
' 0.$ s
% $ m s
(ii a)erage speed % (u N) *!
% (0 m s
N $ m s
*! % !.$ m s
(iii distance tra)eled- s % O a t

% O ' 10 m s
' (0.$ s
% O ' 10 m s
' 0.!$ s
% 1.!$ m
#hus-(i Its speed on striking the ground % $ m s
(ii Its a)erage speed during the 0.$ s % !.$ m s
(iii 9eight of the ledge from the ground % 1.!$ m.
0;ample8 An ob<ect is thrown )erticall" upwards and rises to a height of 10 m. (alculate (i the
)elocit" with which the ob<ect was thrown upwards and (ii the time taken b" the ob<ect to reach the
highest point.
Solution: Cistance tra)eled- s % 10 m
Final )elocit"- ) % 0 m s
Acceleration due to gra)it"- g % 5.3 m s
Acceleration of the ob<ect- a % D5.3 m s
(i )
% u
N !a s
0 % u
N ! ' (D5.3 m s
' 10 m
% D! ' 5.3 ' 10 m
u % 1+ m s
(ii ) % u N a t
0 % 1+ m s
D 5.3 m s
' t
t % 1.+& s.
(i Initial )elocit"- u % 1+ m s
- and
(ii #ime taken- t % 1.+& s.
%ass:1 mass refers to the degree of acceleration a bod" ac4uires when sub<ect to a force8 bodies with
greater mass are accelerated less b" the same force.
1ei)ht81 6eight is the force of gra)it" acting on a mass. 6eight should be measured in 2ewtons and
has a direction component ()ector. #his direction is normall" downward due to gra)it".
6e know that the earth attracts e)er" ob<ect with a certain force and this force depends on the mass
(m of the ob<ect and the acceleration due to the gra)it" (g.
#he weight of an ob<ect is the force with which it is attracted towards the earth.
6e know that
F % m ' a-
that is- F % m ' g.
#he force of attraction of the earth on an ob<ect is known as the weight of the ob<ect. It is denoted b"
1 2 m 3 )
;IC8T 0F %N 0-N;JT 0N T8; (00N
#he weight of an ob<ect on the earth is the force with which the earth attracts the ob<ect. In the same
wa"- the weight of an ob<ect on the moon is the force with which the moon attracts that ob<ect. #he
mass of the moon is less than that of the earth. Cue to this the moon e;erts lesser force of attraction on
=et the mass of an ob<ect be m. =et its weight on the moon be 6m. =et the mass of the moon be >m
and its radius be Im. ?" appl"ing the uni)ersal law of gra)itation- the weight of the ob<ect on the
moon will be
6m% , ; >m ;m*I!m
=et the weight of the same ob<ect on the earth be 6e. #he mass of the earth is > and its radius is I.
From 04s. and we ha)e-
6e % , >;m*d
:ubstituting the )alues- we get
6m % !.+&1 '10
, ; m
and 6e%1.+/+ '10
, ' m
Ci)iding 04.- we get
6m*6e %1*.
Gr- 6eight of the Gb<ect on >oon*6eight of the Gb<ect on 0arth % 1*.
6eight of the ob<ect on the moon % (1*. ' its weight on the earth
0;ample8 An ob<ect weighs 10 2 when measured on the surface of the earth. 6hat would be its
weight when measured on the surface of the moon7
Solution: 6e know- 6eight of ob<ect on the moon % (1*. ' its weight on the earth.
#hat is- 6m % 6e*. % 10*.%1../ 2
#hus- the weight of ob<ect on the surface of the moon would be 1../ 2.
#hrust and Pressure
#hurst8 #hrust is a reaction force described 4uantitati)el" b" 2ewtonHs :econd and #hird =aws. 6hen
a s"stem e;pels or accelerates mass in one direction the accelerated mass will cause a proportional but
opposite force on that s"stem.
Pressure: Pressure (s"mbol8 p or sometimes P is the force per unit area applied to an ob<ect in a
direction perpendicular to the surface. ,auge pressure is the pressure relati)e to the local atmospheric
or ambient pressure.
Pressure % #hrust* Area
#he :I unit of pressure is 2*m
or 2 m
0;ample8 A block of wood is kept on a tabletop. #he mass of wooden block is $ kg and its dimensions
are +0 cm ' !0 cm ' 10 cm. Find the pressure e;erted b" the wooden block on the table top if it is
made to lie on the table top with its sides of dimensions (a !0 cm ' 10 cm and (b +0 cm ' !0 cm.
:olution8 #he mass of the wooden block % $ kg #he dimensions % +0 cm ' !0 cm ' 10 cm
9ere- the weight of the wooden block applies a thrust on the table top.
#hat is- #hrust % F % m ' g % $ kg ' 5.3 m s
% +5 2
Area of a side % length ' breadth % !0 cm ' 10 cm
% !00 cm
% 0.0! m
From 04. Pressure % +5*0.0! m
% !+$0 2m
6hen the block lies on its side of dimensions +0 cm ' !0 cm- it e;erts the same thrust.
Area% length ' breadth % +0 cm ' !0 cm % 300 cm
% 0.03 m
Gr- Pressure % +5*0.03 m
% .1!.$ 2m
#he pressure e;erted b" the side !0 cm ' 10 cm is !+$0 2 m
and b" the side +0 cm ' !0 cm is .1!.$ 2 m
All li4uids and gases are fluids. A solid e;erts pressure on a surface due to its weight. :imilarl"- fluids
ha)e weight- and the" also e;ert pressure on the base and walls of the container in which the" are
enclosed. Pressure e;erted in an" confined mass of fluid is transmitted undiminished in all directions.
1/5 "BJECTS F!"AT "# SI6 1/E P!ACE4 " T/E SU#FACE "F 1ATE#7
#he nail sinks. #he force due to the gra)itational attraction of the earth on the iron nail pulls it
downwards. #here is an up thrust of water on the nail- which pushes it upwards. ?ut the downward
force acting on the nail is greater than the up thrust of water on the nail. :o it sinks.
#he cork floats while the nail sinks. #his happens because of the difference in their densities.
#he densit" of a substance is defined as the mass per unit )olume. #he densit" of cork is less than the
densit" of water. #his means that the up thrust of water on the cork is greater than the weight of the
cork. :o it floats.
#he densit" of an iron nail is more than the densit" of water. #his means that the up thrust of water on
the iron nail is less than the weight of the nail. :o it sinks.
Therefore, objects of density less than that of a liqid float on the liqid. The objects of density greater
than that of a liqid sin! in the liqid.
ArchimedesP Principle

ArchimedesH principle- states that a bod" immersed in a fluid is buo"ed up b" a force e4ual to the
weight of the displaced fluid.
#he principle applies to both floating and submerged bodies and to all fluids- i.e.- li4uids and gases.
It e;plains not onl" the buo"anc" of ships and other )essels in water but also the rise of a balloon in
the air and the apparent loss of weight of ob<ects underwater.
In determining whether a gi)en bod" will float in a gi)en fluid- both weight and )olume must be
consideredL that is- the relati)e densit"-
weight per unit of )olume- of the bod" compared to the fluid determines the buo"ant force. If the bod"
is less dense than the fluid- it will float or- in the case of a balloon- it will rise. If the bod" is denser
than the fluid- it will sink.
Ielati)e densit" also determines the proportion of a floating bod" that will be submerged in a fluid. If
the bod" is two thirds as dense as the fluid- then two thirds of its )olume will be submerged-
displacing in the process a )olume of fluid whose weight is e4ual to the entire weight of the bod". In
the case of a submerged bod"- the apparent weight of the bod" is e4ual to its weight in air less the
weight of an e4ual )olume of fluid.
Gelati+e 1ensity # 1ensity of substance $ 1ensity of water
0;ample8 Ielati)e densit" of sil)er is 10.3. #he densit" of water is 10& kg m
. 6hat is the densit" of
sil)er in :I unit7
Solution: Ielati)e densit" of sil)er % 10.3
Ielati)e densit" % Censit" of :il)er*Censit" of 6ater
Gr- Censit" of sil)er % Ielati)e densit" of sil)er ' densit" of water
% 10.3 ' 10& kg m
CBSE Practice Papers Class IX Gravitation
CBSE SA-II Physics Chapter-,ra*itation 'e.ton8s la.s for ,ra*itation(
1. :ate 2ewtonHs law of motion. Ceri)e it.
!. Cefine
a ,ra)it" and an e;pression for acceleration due to gra)it"
b Pressure
c Free fall
&. If the earth attracts an apple does the apple also attract the earth7 If "es- wh" does the
earth not mo)e towards the apple7
+. 6h" does a mug full of water feel lighter inside water7
$. A perpendicular force of $02 acting on a surface generate a pressur of !$0pa. (alculate
area of cross section of surface on which pressure is acting.
.. 6h" and when does acceleration due t gra)it" acting on a bod" change.
/. A bod" has +0kg mass. (alculate itHs wt. when it is taken to a planet whose mass is +
times the earth and radius half then that of the earth.
3. 9ow does the wt. of a bod" gets affected when the is taken to poles from e4uator7
5. 6" does the moon not actu<all" fall on the surface of the earth7
10. :tate the difference between mass and weight.
11. A bar of gold has mass of 100g ad weight is5.3 2 at some place when it is taken to
some place at e4uator mass remains 100g but wt. is Q0.53. 0;plain.
1!. If the force of gra)it" )nishes wh" would we be fl"ing in space7
1&. A bag of sugar weighs 6 at a certain pace at e4uator. If this bag is taken to Antertica
will th wt. remain the same or more or less7 6h"
1+. ,i)e reasons8
a :leepers are pro)ided under railwa"n tracks
b It is difficult to dross a rsert on a horce back.
c #he bull of a rifle is )er" broad but tip of bullet is pointed.
d Cams are made wide at base
e (uttin instruments are often sharpened
f ?oard pins are broad at the end and ointed on the other.
g :kierHs sink in fresh snow.
h :ledges used b" eskimos ha)e no wheels.
1$. (alaulate the pressure when force of 10002 acts on !m! area.
1.. (alculate the force if it produces a pressure of $0000pa. o)er 0.1!$m!.

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