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English 9 Lesson Plan September 15 September 19

Course Title: Pre-AP English 9

Teacher: Kever, Londa
Instructional Topic: World Literature------Greek
Performance Indicators
Students will do the following tasks:
*Demonstrate knowledge of
technology to submit/share
documents with one another and
with the instructor.
*Exhibit 21st century skill of focus
on bellwork.
*Exhibit 21st century skill of self-
awareness in monitoring reading
*Expand both their general and
domain-specific word base.
*Manage their independent reading
by monitoring their progress
throughout the week, documenting
their results, and reflecting on their
level of achievement of the goals.
*Access prior knowledge and use as
a foundation for new content
*Apply knowledge of rhetorical
devices with 80% or higher
*Apply new knowledge to write
*Be respectful, responsible, and
reach rigorous standards.

Instructional Strategies
X lecture and application
X question/answer
X independent reading
X interactive learning
X technology-based activity
X quiz/test
____ video
____ other ____________

In-class Procedures
*Submit Reading Log via
technology (link on PRHS
Website/Mrs. Kevers
Weebly)225 or more pages
*Update Reading Record
(as needed) via technology
*Student-led library visits
as determined by students
*Independent reading in
*Rhetorical Devices
*Read Dateline Troy,
world literature
*Bell work
*Capitalization Rules 1-4
*Read Dateline Troy
*Exit ticket: capitalization
*Bell work
*Capitalization Rules 5- 8
*Vocabulary assessment
via technology.
*Students turn in
Vocabulary Cards on time.
*Writing with vocabulary/
application of 2
capitalization rules
*Bell work
*Read Dateline Troy
*New vocabulary 30 words

X Chromebook
X handout
X visuals
X website
X whiteboard
X projector
X library books

Assessment Strategies
X teacher
X homework
vocabulary cards
X active daily
X teacher-made
X whole-class
X exit ticket
X reading log
X reading record
X listening skills
____ performance-
based assessment
____ project
____ other

X verbal prompts
X audio and visual
X positive
X self-selection of
capitalization rule
X instructions are
X Playaways and cds
Common Core Standards Applied
L9.5 Students will demonstrate
understanding of figurative language,
word relationships, and nuances in
word meanings.
L9.5a Students will interpret figures
of speech (similes, metaphors,
idioms, personification, euphemisms,
oxymorons, etc.).
RL 9.4 Students will determine the
meanings of words and phrases as
they are used in a text, including
figurative and connotative meanings;
analyze the cumulative impact of
specific word choices on meaning
and tone.
RL 9.6 Students will analyze a
particular point of view or cultural
experience reflected in a work of
literature from outside the United
States, drawing on a wide reading of
world literature.
RL 9.10 By the end of Grade 9,
students will read and comprehend
literature, including stories, dramas,
and poems, in the grades 9-10 text
complexity band proficiently, with
scaffolding as needed at the high end
of the range.
VA 9.6 Students will acquire and use
accurately general academic and
domain-specific words and phrases,
sufficient for reading, writing,
listening, and speaking at the college
and career readiness level . . .
VA 9.4c Students will learn how to
consult general and specialized
reference materials (dictionaries,
glossaries, thesauruses) both print
and digital, to find the pronunciation
of a word or determine or clarify its
precise meaning, its part of speech,
or its etymology.
LP9.3.3a Students will choose words
and phrases for effect.
LP9.2 Students will demonstrate
Students Weekly
*Students make 30
vocabulary cards (1 per
word) which they
subsequently use while
taking vocab test on
*Students read 225 or more
pages in a student-selected
book and keep track of the
pages read daily.
Students should have
finished 3 -4 books by
Monday, September 22
(25 school days/36 days
since school began)
Note: Each student should
be finishing a book 200 or
more pages--every 7-12
days to meet his/her goals.

which read a
book to student.

command of the conventions of
standard English capitalization . . .
when writing.
LP9.4.1f Students will produce
complete sentences, recognizing and
correcting inappropriate fragments
and run-ons.

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