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Lesson Plans: R.

Grace Room J216

Course: AP World History Onate High School
Week of: September 1-5
Course Description: Onate High School students will identify important people and events in order to analyze significant patterns, relationships, themes, ideas, beliefs, and
turning points in World History in order to understand the complexity of the human experience.

Benchmark(s) covered 1-D. Skills: use critical thinking skills to understand and communicate perspectives of individuals, groups and societies from multiple contexts. 2-
A: analyze and evaluate the characteristics and purposes of geographic tools, knowledge, skills, and perspectives and apply them to explain the
past, present and future in terms of patterns, events and issues.


Content Objectives Performance Standard(s) covered Activities/assessments (strategies) used to
meet objectives
EPSS Goals/Common
Core Standards

Early Societies in
Southwest Asia
and the Indo-

Early African
Societies and
the Bantu
Students will:

1. Explain and evaluate
contributions of
Individuals or
historical times in
politics, economics,
or society.
2. Analyze the rise of
the ancient African
societies and the
impact of the Bantu

2. Understand how to use the skills of
historical analysis to apply to current social,
political, geographic and economic issues;
3. Apply chronological and spatial thinking to
understand the importance of events;
4. Describe primary and secondary sources
and their uses in research;
5. Explain how to use a variety of historical
research methods and documents to
interpret and understand social issues (e.g.,
the friction among societies, the
diffusion of ideas)
6. Interpret events and issues based upon
the historical, economic, political, social and
geographic context of the participants;

7. Analyze the evolution of particular
historical and contemporary perspectives
1. Evaluate and select appropriate
geographic representations to analyze and
explain natural and man-made issues and

1. Finish and Discuss Primary Source
writing: Hammurabis Code
2. Key Vocabulary Chapter 3 pages 49-68
3. Cornell Notes: Early African Societies
and the Bantu Migrations.


1. Redo any assignments not meeting
proficiency (80% or higher)


1. Textbook: Traditions and Encounters
2. Teacher developed assignments
3. Computer/Projector
4. Asian Map Blank
5. Nystrom World Map activities
6. Website:

Critical Focus Question:


Key Ideas and Details

10.2 Determine the
central ideas or
information of a primary
or secondary source;
provide an accurate
summary of how key
events or ideas develop
over the course of the

Craft and Structure

10.4 Determine the
meaning of words and
phrases as they are used
in a text, including
vocabulary describing
political, social, or
economic aspects of
history/social science.

What influence did the Sub-Saharan societies
have on the development of the Egyptian

Range of Reading and
Level of Text Complexity

10.10 By the end of
grade 10, read and
history/social studies
texts in the grades 910
text complexity band
independently and

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