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1st Quarter Portfolio PROJECT due October 3

Portfolio Current Event & Naturalist Activities

Project Proposal Form
I, _______________________________ for my 1st quarter Current Event Article, would
have chosen the article titled _______________________________________________
from __________________________________________________________________.
I, _______________________________ for my 1st quarter Portfolio Naturalist Project,
would like to be a _______________________________naturalist! I plan to __________
For my final product / documentation I will hand in _______________________________

For Portfolio Naturalist Projects that need to include a summary / reflections I will
include the following three things:
1. Why I chose to be the naturalist I chose
2. Explain what I did (the procedure of how I did it and what I did while I was doing it)
- and most importantly 3. What I learned
I understand that the summary / reflection paper is to be typed in 12pt. size font, double
spaced, and consist of 1 page. If I do not have access to a computer I may legibly
handwrite my summary / reflection paper but it must be in ink with no mistakes.

Student Signature ___________________________________________________

Parent Signature ____________________________________________________

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