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How has t e c hnol ogy affe c t e d t his t e xt ?

The l ost t hing by Shaun Tan

Ye ar Le ve l : 7

Ac t ivit y out l ine :
1. Work individually, pairs or small
2. Students are to read the picture book
and then watch its animated version
to gain an understanding of how
technology has affected the original

Re sourc e s ne e de d:
! iPads and/or laptops
! Picture book (The lost thing by Shaun Tan)
! Animated version (youtube clip):
! Internet access

I nt e nde d Le arning Out c ome s:
By the end of this lesson students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to:
! analyse and describe similarities and differences between different versions of a
narrative (picturebook and animated version)
! discuss how technology has affected texts

! Students are to read the picture book The lost thing by Shaun Tan.
! After reading the book, they are to view the animated version of the narrative (youtube
! Once they have viewed both versions, students are to discuss and write down some
differences and similarities between both versions (Students can choose to either use a
Venn Diagram or a Compare and Contrast Map)
! Students must work in pairs (can also be individual) and choose a part of the
narration from both versions and analyse them. They need to discuss what one has that
the other hasnt and how technology has changed the meaning of the story.
! Finally they must write a paragraph on the most important features of each and
discuss whether technology has affected the book negatively or positively.

Curric ul um Links:
Engl ish / Ye ar 7 / Lit e rac y / Te xt s in c ont e xt
! Analyse and explain the effect of technological innovations on texts, particularly media
texts (ACELY1765)

Engl ish / Ye ar 7 / Lit e rac y / I nt e rpre t ing, anal ysing, e val uat ing
! Use prior knowledge and text processing strategies to interpret a range of types of texts
! inferring the tone and emotional intent of a character in dialogue in a narrative.
! Use comprehension strategies to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information,
critiquing ideas and issues from a variety of textual sources (ACELY1723)
! Compare the text structures and language features of multimodal texts, explaining how
they combine to influence audiences (ACELY1724)

Adapt at ions:
! Various choices for individual, pair or small group work.
! This activity will accommodate any book that has an animated version. Some of these

Digit al Re sourc e s:
! Compare and Contrast map from Read, Write, Think:

! Venn Diagram from Read, Write, Think:

! The lost thing youtube and vimeo clip:


Animat e d Ve rsion

! Fant ast ic Mr. Fox by Roal d Dahl

! Fant ast ic Mr. Fox (2 009 )

! Cl oudy wirh a Chanc e of Me at bal l s by Judi Barre t t

! Cl oudy wit h a c hanc e of
me at bal l s (2 009 )

! The I nve nt ion of Hugo Cabre t by Brian Se l znic k

! Hugo (2 01 1 )

! The Lorax by Dr. Se uss

! The Lorax (2 01 2 )

! Hol e s by Louis Sac har

! Hol e s (2 01 3 )

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