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Traditional Lifestyle as a model for Sustainable Development Project



Total number of interviewed: 46
1. I am a conscious consumer
Number %
I buy local food 37 80%
I buy fruit and vegetables in season 41 89%
I buy organic farming products,
when available
18 39%
I prefer fresh products and avoid
packed food
42 91%
It does not fit my lifestyle 5 11%
2. To what extent would you say that you grow your own food?

Number %
31 67%
5% - 20%
8 18%
20% - 40%
3 7%
40%- 60%
2 4%
60% - 80%
2 4%
80% - 100%
0 0%
3. Do you have experience in growing vegetables

Number %
Small; I have only seen my parents /
grandparents do it.
12 26%
I've grown plants and sometimes still
do. I can tell you a few things
10 22%
I'm confident that I can grow my
own food if I have to
18 39%
I grow my own food anyway
6 13%
Project No 2012-1-GR1-GRU06-10484 5

4. Are you aware of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)?

Number %
No, what is it ? 0 0%
I have heard a word, but Im not
quite sure what it means.
8 17%
Yes, I know what they are 26 57%
Yes, I know what they are and I
always look at the labels of products
to avoid buying them.
12 26%

5-If you moved to a village, what would be the reasons? (you can choose more than one)

Number %
For fresh air and healthy climate. 18 39%
For a relaxed and quiet lifestyle. 16 35%
To become a farmer and produce my
own food.
4 9%
I would never move to a village 8 17%

6-Do you cook traditionally?
Number %
Never, I like modern recipes 16 35%
Sometimes, I like to remember tastes
of my childhood
22 48%
Regularly, I find it more healthy food 6 13%
Always, I think old peoples wisdom
must be followed
2 4%

7. What does the word traditional food mean to you?
Number %
Eating things in season and using
local products
24 52%
Eating simple and healthy food 11 24%
Not so tasty and a pit poor 2 4%
Not so healthy and light as I would
like it
5 11%
It does not fit my lifestyle 4 9%
Project No 2012-1-GR1-GRU06-10484 5

8- What percentage of your household waste is organic?
Number %
<20% 18 39%
20% - 40% 28 61%
40% - 60% 0 0%
>60% 0 0%

Thank you!

Project TraLSud Traditional Lifestyle as a Model of Sustainable Development has been funded with support from the
Grundvig Partnership program of the European Commission. This survey reflects the views only of the authors, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No 2012-1-GR1-GRU06-10484 5

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