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Lesson 16

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Unit 4 Physics: Light & Application of Optics

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:
Analyze how properties of light and colour are applied in technology and the impact
of these technologies on society;
Investigate, through inquiry, properties of light, and predict its behaviour in mirrors
and as it passes through different media;
Demonstrate an understanding of characteristics and properties of light, particularly
with respect to reflection and refraction and the addition and subtraction of colour.

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Lesson 16: Kinds of Light

What is Light?

Visible light is any electromagnetic wave that the human eye can detect and the
visible spectrum is the continuous sequence of colours that make up white light.

Think for a moment. Think of a campfire with all of your friends.
You are by a lake, the moon and stars are out. There are
fireflies in the distance. Some of your friends have brought
flash lights, glow sticks and sparklers. Others are roasting
marshmallows or drinking soda out of cans. How many
sources of light can you name in this mental picture?

From your list, how many are natural and how many are

Check your answers;

Natural Artificial
Fireflies flashlight
Stars glow sticks
Marshmallow glow

Reflection from the moon, ground, trees, water, soda cans, etc. are not
considered the light source and therefore not light.

In general Natural Light is light that originates from the sun, animals or plants.
Artificial Light is anything that is man-made that emits light.

Sources of Light there are many sources of light they are classed as non-luminous
(reflective light) or luminous (light producing and reflecting).

Type Example
Non-luminous Not capable of producing light BUT can reflect light Moon
Luminous Fluorescence emission of light by a substance that
has absorbed light or other EM radiation
Florescent bulbs
Chemiluminescence emission of light and heat as a
result of a chemical reaction
Glow sticks
Bioluminescence production and emission of light by
a living organism
Electric Discharge flow of electric charge through
solid, liquid or gas that can emit light
Neon lights
Incandescence emission of light from a hot body
due to temperature
Light bulb
Phosphorescence absorbs radiation and re-emits it
slow over a long period of time
Many glow in the dark items
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Light travels at a very high speed (c = 3.010
m/s) it circles earths equator about 7.5
times in just 1 second. Light travels in straight lines (referred to as Rectilinear
Propagation) however, the path of the straight line can be manipulated or bent to
change the direction of travel of the light. Light does not require a medium for
transmission. Light is an Electromagnetic Wave. Energy is transferred through

A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from one point to another without
transferring matter. Imagine a duck on the surface of the lake. The waves move up and
down so then the duck moves up and down with the wave, meaning wave transfers
energy to the duck.

Parts of a Wave

Crest - the highest point in a wave.

Trough - The lowest point in a wave.

Rest position - the level when there is no wave at all.

Rest Position
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Wavelength: (lambda - ) Distance from one place in a wave to the next similar place
on the wave

Amplitude: maximum height from the rest position, the highest or lowest spot in a

The electromagnetic spectrum is a diagram that illustrates the range, or spectrum of
electromagnetic waves, in order of wavelength or frequency. Notice the colours of light
are just different wavelengths of light. The colour red has the longest wavelength and
the violet colour the shortest.

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

Visible Spectrum Colours (from shortest to longest wavelength) violet, blue, green,
yellow, orange, red.

Support Questions

1. State two properties of light.
2. What makes up white light?
3. Using the electromagnetic spectrum diagram in the lesson, sort the following
wavelengths from shortest to longest - Ultraviolet, x-rays, Infrared, Gamma, AM
4. Why is the moon considered non-luminous even though it lights up the night sky?
5. What is the difference between phosphorescence and fluorescence?
6. What is the symbol for wavelength?
7. Draw a wave diagram and label the following: amplitude, wavelength, trough, crest
and rest position.

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Key Question #16 (29 marks)

1. Below are 3 diagrams of various wavelengths. All of the wave diagrams represent a
type of wave from the electromagnetic spectrum, either visible light, infrared waves
or x-rays. Compare the wave diagrams and decide which diagram would represent
which wavelength and explain your decision. (3 marks each = 9 marks)

2. Fluorescent materials are used for many applications in our environment. Research
one of the following applications and prepare a one page summary on how it is used
and the benefits of its use. (20 marks)

Fluorescence in medicine
Fluorescence in dentistry
Fluorescent paints and dyes for application in theatre or clothing
Fluorescence uses for counterfeit detection in banking, legal documents,
Fluorescence in lighting
Fluorescent in mining, geology, gemology

Begin your search by using a good search engine and search fluorescence
applications in industry.



Lesson 17

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Lesson 17: Additive and Subtractive Colour Theory

Important Terms:

Visible Light Spectrum the light that humans can see. It typically contains the
colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Reflection when light bounces off a surface and changes direction.

Absorption when light energy is absorbed by an object and is
converted into heat. Think of wearing a black t-shirt on a hot day!
You can feel the absorption!

Transmission when light penetrates an object and keeps
traveling allowing you to see objects on the other side. Clear glass
and plastic allow transmission of light where wood does not.

Transparent an object that allows light to penetrate it, making it possible to see
objects on the other side. E.g. Clear glass & plastic

Translucent an object that allows light to pass through but
scatters it in different directions. E.g. Tinted windows. Paper,

Opaque an object that will not allow any light to penetrate it. Ex. Wood, books & walls

The Colour of an Opaque Object

Opaque objects either absorb light or reflect light. Imagine a basket
of fruit full of different colours. White light is striking all of the fruit in
the basket but certain fruit absorb colours and then reflect others.
Grapes would absorb all of the colours but reflect only purple. An
orange would absorb all the colours in the visible spectrum and
reflect orange! What happens though if you shine a blue light though, on a red apple?
The red apple absorbs all of the blue light, but has no red light to reflect and will appear
as dark blue or nearly black.

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The Colour of a Translucent or Transparent Object

For a transparent or translucent object to have colour it
must absorb all other colours of light AND it must also
transmit and reflect the colour that it is! For example a
blue bubble would absorb all the colours in the visible light
spectrum as well as transmit and reflect the colour blue.

Additive Colour Theory of Light

White light is composed of different colours of light.
White light can be produced by combining red, blue and
green light. These are the primary colours. Yellow,
cyan & magenta are secondary colours of light.
Google Primary Colours of Light images to see a full
colour image. It should look similar to what you see

When you overlap the three primary colours they add
up to form white light. When you add any 2 or 3 of the
primary colours they generate the secondary colours

Subtractive Colour Theory of Light

When a light strikes an object, some light gets reflected.
Coloured matter selectively absorbs different colours or
wavelengths of light. The colours absorbed are subtracted
from the reflected light that is seen by the eye. Black
absorbs all colours and white reflects all colours. Google
Subtractive Colour Theory images

Support Questions

1. Think of the fruit basket example from the lesson. What colours of light would a
banana absorb? Reflect? What about a whole pineapple?
2. What would happen if you shine a red light on a green apple?
3. What would happen if you shone a red + green + blue light together?
4. What would happen if you shone a red + green light together?

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Key Questions #17 (10 marks)

1. You are shopping at the mall and stop to look at a rack of t-shirts. You notice that the
red t-shirt is really vibrant and bright and you purchase it. When you get it home
though it appears more faded and less red then you thought. What trick did the
store use with lights to fool you? What would have happened if they did the same
trick on blue t-shirts? (5 marks)

2. Explain using a Venn Diagram What are the similarities of the additive and
subtractive colour theories? (5 marks)

Note: Not sure how to do a Venn diagram? Check out the following website:

or use a reliable search engine to fine out how to do a Venn diagram.


Lesson 18

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Lesson 18: Reflection

Important Terms:

Incident Ray the ray of light traveling towards the surface.

Reflected Ray the ray of light that has bounced off a reflecting surface.

Normal line perpendicular to a surface (like a mirror).

Angle of Incidence (i) the angle between the incident ray and the normal

reflecting surface
reflecting surface
reflecting surface
reflecting surface
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Angle of Reflection (r) the angle between the reflected ray and the normal.

Plane Mirror a flat reflecting surface, such as a mirror or a still body of water like a

The Law of Reflection

The angle of reflection (r) is equal to the angle of
incidence (i). The reflected ray and the incident ray are on
opposite sides of the normal. These laws apply to every
reflecting surface.

So how does our eye see objects?

Imagine our eye is looking at a basket of flowers and that the sun is shining on the
basket of flowers. The surfaces of the flowers are not
mirror-smooth. This means that the light rays reflect in all
different directions, some of which reach your eye. This
is happening all over the pot of flowers, allowing us
to see the entire pot of flowers!

reflecting surface
i r
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How does our eye see reflected objects?
All of the light rays from the pot of flowers that strike the mirror reflect from it.

This is what the Law of Reflection says!
The rays that your eye sees appear that they are coming from behind the

Terms to Know for Ray Diagrams

Object the item in front of the mirror

Image the reflection of the object in the mirror

Object distance the distance from the mirror to the object

Image distance the distance from the mirror to the image

Plane mirror
object distance image distance
back of mirror
image object
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Things to Remember

The size of the image is the same size as the object.
The image distance is always equal to the object distance
The image is always orientated in the same direction as the object.
The image seen in the plane mirror is always a virtual images, located behind
the mirror.

Support Questions

1. Explain in your own words The Law of Reflection.
2. Matching match the terms in column A and column B together that correspond!

Column A Column B
1. Incidence ray a. the distance from the mirror to the object
2. Reflected ray b. the angle between the reflected ray and the normal.
3. Normal c. the ray of light that has bounced off a reflecting
4. Angle of
d. the ray of light traveling towards the surface.

5. Angle of
e. the reflection of the object in the mirror
6. Plane mirror f. the angle between the incident ray and the normal
7. Object g. the distance from the mirror to the image
8. Image h. line perpendicular to a surface (like a mirror).
9. Object
i. the item in front of the mirror
10. Image
j. a flat reflecting surface

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How to Draw Ray Diagrams in a Plane Mirror

Step 1
Draw a double line to represent a plane mirror
Draw a simple object
Label one point of the object a and one point b

Step 2
Draw an incident ray from point A directly to the mirror at a 90o angle
Draw the reflected ray (from the mirror) backwards along the same line as the
incident ray.

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Step 3
Draw another incident ray from point A at an angle to the mirror
At the point where the incident ray hits the mirror, draw a normal.
Measure the angle of incidence with a protractor
Using the law of reflection, draw the reflected ray
o angle of incidence = angle of reflection

Step 4
use the dashed line extend both reflected rays behind the mirror until they meet
where they meet mark it as A
. This shows that it is the image of point A.


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Step 5
repeat steps 2 4 for point B
draw the image now between points A
and B

Support Questions

3. In your notebook, use a ruler and a protractor to draw object-image lines, lines of
equal length that are perpendicular to the mirror, incident rays, and reflected rays for
the object. Locate the apparent source behind the mirror.



a. b.
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Other kinds of mirrors

Concave Mirrors

This is a mirror that has a caved-in reflective surface, for example,
the bowl part of a shiny spoon. The image distance is greater than
the object distance. The image is larger than the object and the
image is virtual. The image can be upright or flipped upside down
depending on where the object is located.

Convex Mirrors

This is a mirror that bulges out in the centre, for example, the back of a shiny spoon,
convenience store mirrors, or the passenger side mirror in a car. It is sometimes called
a fisheye mirror. The image is closer to the mirror than then object is, the image is
smaller than the size of the object, it is virtual and upright.

Support Questions

4. You will observe your image in a curved mirror and compared it with your image in a
plane mirror.

What You Need
Plane (flat) Mirror Large kitchen spoon

What to Do

Hold the plane mirror about 25 cm from your face. On your answer sheet record the
following information:

a. Estimate the size of the image
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b. Estimate distance from the mirror to your image.

Hold the spoon the same distance from your face as the plane mirror, looking at the
inside or caved-in side of the spoon. Once again, with the spoon about 25 cm from
your face, try to estimate the size of the image and its distance from the mirror
relative to your face. On your answer sheet record the following information:

c. size of image
d. distance of image from your face

Still looking at the caved-in side of the spoon, move the spoon as close to your
face as you can and still see an image. Then move it as far away as possible and
observe any changes in your image. On your answer sheet record the following

e. How does the size of the image changes as you bring your spoon closer
to your face.
f. Record any other things you observed

Turn the spoon over and look at your reflection on the back of the spoon. Hold it
fairly close to your face and slowly move it away. On your answer sheet record the
following information:

g. How does your image change?


In which mirror was your image larger?
In which mirror did the image appear to be farther behind the mirror?
What is the biggest difference that you notice between your images on the two sides
of the spoon?

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Key Question #18 (20 marks)

1. Use a ruler and a protractor to draw object-image lines, lines of equal length that are
perpendicular to the mirror, incident rays, and reflected rays for the object. Locate
the apparent source behind the mirror. (Recreate these diagrams in your notebook
prior to completing). (10 marks)

2. Is a dental mirror, shown here, a concave, convex or plane mirror?
Think about the purpose of a dental mirror and then explain and
giving proof to back up your choice. (5 marks)

3. Explain, giving proof, how a spoon can be both a concave and a
convex mirror. (5 marks)

A. B.


Lesson 19

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Lesson 19: Refraction

What is Refraction? Refraction is the bending
effect of light when it crosses a boundary between
two different media. A ray of light can bend when it
travels from one substance across the boundary to
another substance

Medium: is any substance light rays travel through
(plural is media)

Refracted ray: is the ray after crossing the boundary
between 2 media (E.g. Air and water)

Refracted angle: is the angle between the refracted ray and the normal.

The path of light bends as it meets the boundary between one medium (air) and
another medium (water)

What Causes Refraction?

Light refracts because light travels at different speed
in different media. Imagine a car travelling along
smooth pavement and entering a sandy area.

Imagine a car driving off an asphalt surface onto a
sandy pit at an angle. As shown in the figure above,
the right wheel gets onto the sand first, and slows
down a little bit. Meanwhile, the left wheel is still
moving at the original speed. This causes the car to
turn slightly towards the right.

Incident ray
Refracted ray
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The light behaves the same way! The speed of light changes when light goes through
different mediums! The speed of light in a vacuum (no air) = 3.0 x 10
All other mediums that light travels through will be less than this number.

Rules of Refraction

1. The incident ray, refracted ray and the normal all lie in the same plane. The incident
ray and refracted ray are on opposite sides of the line that separates the two media.

2. The refracted ray bends toward the normal when travelling from less optically dense
to more optically dense the speed is reduced.




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3. The refracted ray bends away from the normal when travelling from more optically
dense to less optically dense the speed increases.

4. When light strikes a boundary at 0 (90 to the boundary), no bending will occur.




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Support Questions

1. What is the speed of light?
2. What happens when you pull a wagon from dry pavement through a mud puddle?

Key Question #19 (20 marks)

1. You are given two blocks of glass that look just alike. A classmate tells you that they
are really two different types of glass. Describe an experiment that you could carry
out that would determine whether the blocks of glass were identical or different types
of glass. The experiment should follow the Scientific Method;

You will not actually complete the experiment but you should write it up in a
manner that someone else could follow the steps to test the glass and find the
desired results. (20 marks)


Lesson 20

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Lesson 20: Fibre Optics & Society

What is fibre optics ? Fibre optics is a new field that scientists and engineers have
only recently discovered. The materials used are usually long strands of special glass
called "optical fibres" bundled up into cables called "optical cables", which are capable
of transmitting light across distances.

A single optical fibre consists of three parts:
1. the thin glass core where the light travels
2. the outer cladding, which reflects light into the core
3. the plastic buffer, which protects the inner core and
cladding from moisture and damage.

A group of these optical fibres bundled up into an "optical
cable" is protected by the jacket, or outer covering.

How does a fibre optic system work? The light is bounced along the cladding and
travels by way of the glass. This is known as a type of refraction called total internal
reflection. The more pure the glass is, the farther the light will be able to travel without

The History of Fibre Optics

Fibre optics is based on sending signals by light. Earlier, it was done so by transmitting
the signals via air, a prehistoric "wireless communication".

The field of fibre optics first placed a foot into the limelight in the 1790s, when French
engineer Claude Chappe invented an optical telegraph that consisted of a chain of
semaphores on towers, where human operators relayed messages. This was later
rendered obsolete by the telegraph.

Alexander Graham Bell invented an optical telephone or "photophone", but this was
quickly rendered useless when the telephone proved more efficient, cheap, and reliable,
considering wires transmitted electric signals better than air transmits light.

It was later, in the mid-19th century that the concept of total internal refraction was
discovered. Water was the medium first experimented with, and scientists soon turned
to prisms and glass. Breakthrough discoveries were made by people such as John
Logie Baird in England and Clarence W. Hansell in the United States, who made
important contributions with regards to fibre optics and television. However, the first
person who really showed the demonstration of transmitting images by light was
Heinrich Lamm, a student living in Munich, who dreamed of exploring the human body
Take a moment and use Google Images to find an image of Claude Chappes
Optical Telegraph (semaphores).
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by means of fibre optics. As engineers perfected fibre optics usage for medicine, they
turned towards the communications sector.

Telecommunications engineers rushed to delve further and deeper into this hot, new
field with vast possibilities. As more experiments were performed, scientists realized
with dismay that transmitting by light seemed to be too flimsy for long-distance
communication. A team from Standard Telecommunications Laboratories headed by
Antoni E. Karbowiak, with a young Chinese engineer Charles K. Kao, did not give up
hope. They submitted a proposal entailing a fibre optics communication system based
on single-mode fibres, which would serve to carry communication long-distance. With
their success came breakthrough upon breakthrough, as the field expanded into daily
life (i.e. internet, cable television, telephones).

Today, fibre optics is a serious competition for the more
established communications systems. Compared to the commonly
used copper wire, optical fibres are cheaper, thinner, more flexible,
non-flammable, lightweight, low powered (and thus cheaper for the
user), carries more information, and has less impurities and loss of

Getting into the Nooks and Crannies

One of the most useful characteristics of optical fibres is their ability to enter the minute
passageways and hard-to-reach areas of the human body. Fibre optics has made
important contributions to the medical field, especially with regards to surgery. This has
been accomplished by cutting and polishing the ends of a very slim bundle of fibres, to
form a fiberscope. The light is sent to the site of inquiry, reflected off of the area that the
doctor wishes to see, and sent back to a receiver. Afterwards, the image is magnified to
be analyzed. Because optical fibres are so flexible, they are able to navigate around the
curvy parts of the human body in areas such as the stomach, heart, blood vessels, and
joints. It is now even becoming possible to do surgery with instruments attached to the
optical fibres, such as joint surgeries. Fibre optics is becoming especially important in
heart surgery, since it can be done without disturbing the functioning of this delicate

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The Physics of Fibre Optics

In physics, there is a phenomenon called refraction, where light "bends" upon entering
medium with different indexes of refraction.

There is a certain angle, called the critical angle, at which a light ray can enter the first
medium and then travel between the two mediums, without crossing into the second
medium. If the angle at which the ray passes through the first medium is greater than
the critical angle, the ray will experience total internal reflection, where it will just reflect
off the surface between the two mediums and re-enter the first medium. This is the case
with optical fibres.

The glass core is the first medium that the light travels through. The cladding is the
second medium, whose tangent surface to the core the light bounces off of. To picture it
better, imagine two mirrors facing each other. The light bounces continually off each of
them, getting absorbed by neither. In this case, the air acts as the core instead of glass.
For optical fibres, the angle at which the ray passes through is always greater than the
critical angle, thus causing no absorbance of light by the cladding. Any error that occurs
or loss of signal is mainly because of impurities within the glass, which continually
proves to be a problem in the field.

Fibre Optics text was Adapted From:

Support Questions

1. What are the three parts of a fibre optic cable?
2. What is total internal reflection?
3. What are semaphores? What was their purpose?
4. Why are fibre optics a better medium for communication?
5. What is a fiberscope? What is it used for? How is it made?

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Key Question #20 (33 marks)

1. Keeping the mirror analogy in mind, draw an image to represent total internal
reflection in fibre optics. (5 marks)

2. Search a recent newspaper or an Internet newspaper source to find a current article
discussing fibre optics. You are going to analyze the article by following the rubric
and completing the following activities. (28 marks)

Half page summary of article - Include: the general idea, the central and underlying
issues, relevance to science.

5 Critical Thinking Discussion Questions - come up with 5 questions that could be
used to discuss your article.

3 Supporting Websites include websites that give background info, photos, etc. that
support the main article

4 3 2 1
4 marks
Proper, detailed APA
Mostly proper APA
Some errors in APA
Lack of proper format
8 marks
Concise brief, page
summary that contains
all 4 criteria.
A brief, page summary
that may contain only 3
of the 4 criteria.
The summary may be
too long or too short
and contains only 2 of
the 4 criteria.
The summary may be
too long or too short
and contains only 1 of
the 4 criteria or none at
8 marks
5 clear, thoughtful,
insightful questions have
been asked.
5 questions have been
asked but lack that
insightful edge
Fewer than 5 questions
are included and may
lack that insightful edge
Fewer than 5 questions
are included and I am
not sure what you are
trying to determine.
4 marks
3 amazing URLs are
included that support the
main article.
3 URLs are included that
mostly support the main
Fewer than 3 URLs are
included that attempt to
support the main article.
Fewer than 3 URLs are
included but they do not
support the main article.
4 marks
You definitely proofread!
Spelling, grammar and
punctuation are correct.
You proofread but there
are still at least 4
grammar, mechanics,
and spelling mistakes.
Did you proofread?
There are at least 5
grammar, mechanics,
and spelling mistakes.
No proofreading is
evident. More than 6
grammar, mechanics,
and spelling mistakes

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Support Question Answers

Lesson 16

1. Light travels at a very high speed (c = 3.010
m/s) & Light travels in straight lines
(shadows, eclipse)
2. The visible spectrum of light
3. AM Radio, Infrared, Ultraviolet, x-rays, , Gamma,
4. The moon considered non-luminous even though it lights up the night sky because
it does not create its own light, it reflects the light of the sun.
5. Phosphorescence saves the light energy and releases it over a longer period of
time whereas fluorescence releases the light immediately.
6. Lambda -
7. See the lesson.

Lesson 17

1. A banana absorbs all colours of light and reflects yellow. A whole pineapple would
absorb all colours and reflect green in the stem and green/brown on the fruit.
2. It would appear blue.
3. It produces white light.
4. It produces yellow light

Lesson 18

1. The law of reflection - The angle of reflection (r) is equal to the angle of incidence
(i). The reflected ray and the incident ray are on opposite sides of the normal.
These laws apply to every reflecting surface.

2. 1d, 2c, 3h, 4f, 5b, 6j , 7i, 8e, 9a, 10g

3. Answers may vary slightly but should follow the steps provided in the lesson.

a. Answers will vary depending on the spoon curvature
b. Answers will vary depending on the spoon curvature
c. Answers will vary depending on the spoon curvature
d. Answers will vary depending on the spoon curvature
e. The image gets larger and more spread out.
f. Answers may vary
g. the image becomes smaller.

concave is inverted while convex is not.
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Lesson 19

1. The speed of light is 3.0 x 10
2. You will slow down! As you move from the pavement to the mud, initially only your
front wheels will be in the mud (your front wheels will slow down). However, the
back wheels will still be on pavement (still moving at the original speed). This
inconsistency between the front and back wheels will cause a pivoting motion.
This pivoting motion can be compared to the bending of light as it changes

Lesson 20

1. A single optical fibre consists of:
the thin glass core where the light travels
the outer cladding, which reflects light into the core
the plastic buffer which protects the inner core and cladding from moisture and
2. Total internal reflection is when light is bounced back and forth in glass fibres
being reflected rather than absorbed.
3. Semaphores are large lenses that were used to reflect light in optical telegraphs to
relay messages.
4. Fibres optics are cheaper, thinner, more flexible, non-flammable, lightweight, low
powered (and thus cheaper for the user), carries more information, and has less
impurities and loss of signal.
5. A fiberscope is a bundle of fibre optics that have been cut and polished to create a
method of examining hard to reach areas. It can be used for internal medicine to
examine organs.

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