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Diverticular Disease- Has 2 different stages and in the colon it develops pockets in the
colon and food/feces get stuck and it becomes inflamed (named diverticulitis). Can
come from smoking and stress or medication complications. People with the disease get
put on a special diet.
2. Crohns Disease- you are born with it, presents itself in the adolescent stage. Colon
(ileum part) gets a cobble stone appearance. Scar tissue builds up then tissue becomes
inflamed and has a mucus production. Can be brought out by stress, bad diet or
3. Cirrhosis- liver disease number one cause is drinking alcohol then liver tissue begins to
die. Also can be caused by medications (Tylenol).
4. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease- Also known as Acid Reflux. You have acid in your
stomach however some of the acid can back up into the esophagus and excessive acid
can cause ulcerations. Can be caused by bad diet, types of food, stress which can cause
tightening of the muscle, lack of exercise (weak stomach muscle). Very common in
obese people.
5. Cholelithiasis- Stones on your gall bladder. Pain in the upper right quadrant. Most
common in overweight middle age white woman.
6. Celiac Disease- People with Celiac disease are not able to eat gluten, protein in wheat,
rye and barley because the small intestine cannot absorb the products. If a person with
this disease eat one of these like gluten that body tells itself to damage or destroy the
cilia in the small intestine. If a person does not have these tiny projections they become
7. Cyclic Vomiting Disease- also known as CVS. When a person has this disease they have
episodes of nausea, vomiting and physical exhaustion with no cause and can last from a
few hours to days. After an episode a person will experience no more symptoms until
another episode comes along with no warning.
8. Diarrhea- watery stools that come along about two or three times a day. Diarrhea can
cause dehydration and is caused by a bacteria, viral or parasitic infection. Diarrhea can
be as simple as one day having the disease then it going away or the Diarrhea can
become so bad that surgery may have to be an option.
9. Gastroparesis- Delay of the stomach empting what it is supposed to and also the slowing
down or stop in the flow of the digestive system. This disease can occur when the vagus
nerve becomes damaged and affect the stomach muscles. Food becomes brady (Slow)
or can completely stop making the person have an emergency room visit.
10. Hemorrhoids- Swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and/or lower rectum. Most
hemorrhoids come and go, but some may protrude and permanently require treatment.

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