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Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction

Teacher Elizabeth Mulcock

Grade level and theme 4
Grade Social Studies Thread/crossover Culture
I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
This lesson looks at how culture is a huge part of a person and immigrants not onl! brought their own uni"ue cultures to #merica
but also had to ad$ust to new cultural norms%
How does this lesson tie in to our !ig Idea
#ll of us have culture and our countr! continues to be shaped b! different cultures so we want to emphasize that bringing new
cultures together can be challenging and create divides%
What are our objectives for this lesson? &'students will be able to(%) Indicate connections to a""licable national or state
standards #glces$. *ndicate themes an! threads addressed in this lesson &e+,Geograph!,human environment interaction)
0) 1efine the term 'cultural norm( and give e+amples of it
2) 3ecognizes the challenges of combining cultures
4) E+plain wh! people settled in an area where people from their culture had alread! settled
4) 3ecognize that immigrants had to ad$ust to a whole new culture when the! came to #merica
0) 1efine the term 'cultural norm( and give e+amples of it
2) 3ecognizes the challenges of combining cultures
4) E+plain wh! people settled in an area where people from their culture had alread! settled
4) 3ecognize that immigrants had to ad$ust to a whole new culture when the! came to #merica
II. !efore ou start
Prere%uisite &nowledge and s&ills.
What are ou assuming the &now
or have alread done.
Students have had some e+perience looking into different cultures when the! researched their
own ancestr! in 5esson 2% -e will appl! those concepts to this lesson and look deeper into the
challenges that combining cultures presents%
#formative and summative$
Student participation in the activit! and class discussion will give us an informal assessment of
how well the! understand the material%
(e vocabular for this lesson
Cultural 7orms
)aterials*what materials #boo&s+
handouts+ etc$ do ou need for this
lesson and do ou have them?
2 poster boards for culture rules
O""ortunities for differentiation
III. ,he Plan
,he descri"tion of #scri"t for$ the lesson+ wherein ou describe teacher activities and student
3ecall ancestr! lesson and ask students to brainstorm what the word 'culture( means%
#sk '1oes an!one know what the phrase 'cultural norm means8(
E+plain that cultural norms are the parts of our culture that feel normal to us but ma! not be for others%
&Give e+ample of how we ma! greet each other with a handshake and that is normal but in other cultures
the! ma! bow or kiss on the cheek ect%)
Tell students that we are going to be doing an e+periment with cultural norms% ,1ivide the class in half%
Tell the class that each group is now their own countr!% The! need to come up with a name and 9 cultural
norms in their countr! &for e+ample we will skip ever!where in our countr! or we will talk using a .ritish
Each group brainstorms their norms and creates a poster with their countr! name and cultural norms
listed on it%
:ave students practice their new cultures for a few minutes%
Tell students that the! will be combining countries and must now tr! to ad$ust to each other6s cultural
norms without looking at the posters%
;air two students from each countr! together and have them ad$ust to each other6s cultures without sa!ing
what their rules are%
;ause activit! and tell students that one countr! is now considered worse than another and that countr!
must onl! use the cultural norms of the other countr! and none of their own% The! have to tr! to figure
out what the norms of the other countr! are without looking at the poster%
:ave class come back together%
.oth countries hang their poster up and sit on the floor for a discussion%
#sk students 'what was challenging about this activit!8(
(:ow do !ou think this relates to what we have been learning about in this unit8(
(-hat would have made this activit! easier8(
#sk <lesser6 countr!/ ':ow did !ou feel when * said that !ou had to drop all of !our cultural norms and
learn new ones8(
#sk 'if !ou had the choice of living near people from !our own group or with the new group which
would !ou choose8(
E+plain that when millions of immigrants came to #merica both 'native( #mericans and immigrant
#mericans needed to ad$ust to each other% Each group had different norms and because of that man!
cultures lived clumped together% Show map of 7ew =ork Cit! with 5ittle *tal! Chinatown ect%
5ook at the two different posters% #sk one student from each countr! to point out something that the! like
about the other countr!%
Show pictures of different things that we have because of different cultures &foods clothing music
:ave students return to their seats and $ournal one thing that the! think is difficult about having different
cultures and one thing that is good about having different cultures in the >nited States%

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