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CSIT 101 9.35-10.55

Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Zelong Mi
Se.!1 !01"
1. Apple says iOS 8 will shield
your data from police
By Chris Isidore and Jose
Pagliery C!!"ech Septem#er 18$
%&1'( )(1) P* +"
2. #olice cannot get any information on t$e $one t$o%g$ Ale,s ne& mo'ile
oerating system. Also( t$e i)S * &ill no longer allo& t$e comany to 'yass a
c%stomer+s assco,e to access t$e ,ata( '%t &$en c%stomers 'ac- % t$e ,ate t$ey %t
into iClo%, t$e rotection mig$t ,isaears. T$e site also 'rags t$at t$e
/lectronic 0rontier 0o%n,ation $as gi.en Ale to mar-s for 1stan,ing &it$ o%r
c%stomers &$en t$e go.ernment see-s access to t$eir ,ata.1 Ale is trying to fi2 t$e
serio%s soft&are fla&s &$ic$ ca%se, t$e recent lea- of na-e, cele'rity $otos on
iClo%,.If t$e comanies %,ate t$e oerating system( t$e fla&s &ill 'e fi2e,. 3ot only
Ale &ill %,ate t$e oerating system( an, also An,roi, &ill ,o t$e same.
CSIT 101 9.35-10.55
Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Zelong Mi
Se.!1 !01"
3. I %se, $tts:44searc$.ya$ an, &&& to searc$ i)S *. T$e see,
of 'ot$ searc$ engines are .ery fast. T$ey gi.e a lot information &$ic$ is relate, to
t$e -ey&or,s. 5ot$ $a.e searc$ tools &$ic$ ma-es searc$ information easier. /.en it
is t$e same -ey&or,s( 6a$oo %ts t$e official &e'site on t$e to( '%t 7oogle 8%st a&ay all &e'sites &$ic$ $a.e t$e -ey&or,s. #eole can ay for 'ot$ searc$
engine to %t a,s on it. All in all( I t$in- 6a$oo searc$ engine is 'etter t$an 7oogle.
iOS 8 Bugs -oundup( "op -easons
.hy /ou !eed to 0owngrade
19 T$is article &as %'lis$e, at Setem'er !1( !01" 0*:5! 5ST( '%t cannot fin, t$e &$en it
&as &ritten.
!9 T$is article is relate, to my toic.
39 T$e a%t$or is :ino, 6al'%rgi. :ino, is a Senior Tec$nology 3e&s Correson,ent at
I5Times ;< /,ition &it$ a nic$e for tec$ ga,gets( 8ail'rea-s( s$aring tis
an, tric-s on .i,eo games an, %'lis$ing =%ic- g%i,es to rooting an,4or An,roi, firm&are
installation. >it$ a total e2erience of more t$an " years into Tec$ ?o%rnalism( $e -no&s t$e
tren, an, %lse of $is a%,ience.
"9 T$e a%t$or %se, t$e fee,'ac- of c%stomers &$o are %sing t$e i)S * system. Also t$e a%t$or
-no&s a'o%t t$e system. Since $e -no&s more a'o%t An,roi, system( t$is article is not .ery
CSIT 101 9.35-10.55
Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Zelong Mi
Se.!1 !01"
59 T$is article is &ritten in or,er to let eole -no& t$at t$e i)S * still $as '%gs( an, it is 'etter
for t$e %ser ,o&ngra,e t$e system. T$is article is o'8ecti.e.
19 I %se, @i)S *A to fin, articles.
!9 I %se, t$e -ey&or,s to fin, articles t$at is relate, to t$e toic. T$e CC5C li'rary ,ata'ases a&ay ,ifferent tyes of information. Most articles are ne&s or erio,ical.
B. 5ot$ Internet an, 8o%rnal articles are %sef%l tool for eole to fin, t$e information. Internet is
more free for eole to %se( an, eole can fin, e.eryt$ing t$o%g$ t$e Internet. 3o matter &$en
t$at information &as %'lis$e,. Also( e.eryone $as t$eir free,om to %t anyt$ing on t$e Internet.
It 'ecomes imortant t$at eole nee, to 8%,ge t$e information on t$e Internet 'y t$ so
%se t$e Internet is not t$at safe. T$e 8o%rnal articles al&ays gi.e t$e information ,%ring a erio,. It
&ill 'e %'lis$e, 'y official comany( so t$e 8o%rnal articles are a%t$ority. T$ey &ill ,eci,e t$e
information for yo%.
1I)S *.1 IMore. /,. Ditc$ie Dene. 3..( n.,. >e'. !1 Set. !01".
Lins$i( ?ac-. 1* T$ings 6o%+ll Lo.e A'o%t Ale+s 3e& I)S *.1 8 Things You'll Love About
Apple's New IOS 8 En.,.9: 1. Business Source Premier. >e'. * Set. !01".
CSIT 101 9.35-10.55
Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Zelong Mi
Se.!1 !01"
#agliery( ?ose. 1Ale Says I)S * >ill S$iel, 6o%r Fata from #olice.1NNMone!. Ca'le 3e&s
3et&or-( 1* Set. !01". >e'. !1 Set. !01".
#D( 3e&s&ire. 1Mo'ileIron La%nc$es t$e ;ltimate 7%i,e to I)S * in t$e /nterrise.1 MobileIron
L"unches the #ltim"te $ui%e to IOS 8 in the &nterprise E!01"9: 1. 'egion"l Business News.
>e'. 1C Set. !01".
6al'%rgi( :ino,. 1I)S * 5%gs Do%n,%: To Deasons >$y 6o% 3ee, to Fo&ngra,e.1 Y"hoo
News #(. I5 Times( n.,. >e'. !1 Set. !01".

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