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ENG 2301: Contemporary American Literature

Summer 1, 2014
Instructor: Joddi Harkness Assistant Professor
Office Location: To Be Determined
Office ours: Online: 24 Hours a Day & 7 Days a Week
Office !"one: !"#2$%#7%!&
Emai# A$$ress: '(arron")leomail*tamu+*edu
(ateria#s *&ea$in+s, Supp#ementary &ea$in+s:
Course ,escription: T,e study of one or more literary -enres in+ludin-. (ut not limited
to. fi+tion. non#fi+tion. drama. and film* T,is +ourse allo/s t,e fo+us on more s0e+ifi+
studies of a -enre or -enres not normally allo/ed in more -eneri+ +ourses* 10e+ial
to0i+s /it,in literature may (e addressed*
Prere2uisites 345 6"!6 and 345 6"!2*
Stu$ent Learnin+ Outcomes:
Learning outcomes are what you are able to do as a result of the activities,
readings, instruction, etc. that have occurred in this course - these are my
expectations of you. Assignments/activities related to these outcomes are
described in the assignments and assessments portion of the syllabus.
6* Demonstrate a/areness of t,e s+o0e and 7ariety of t,e /orks in t,e arts and
2* 8nderstand t,ose /orks as e90ressions of indi7idual and ,uman 7alues /it,in an
,istori+al and so+ial +onte9t*
"* :es0ond +riti+ally to /orks in t,e arts and ,umanities*
4* 3n-a-e in t,e +reati7e 0ro+ess or inter0reti7e 0erforman+e and +om0re,end t,e
0,ysi+al and intelle+tual demands re2uired of t,e aut,or or 7isual or 0erformin-
%* Arti+ulate as informed 0ersonal rea+tion to /orks in t,e arts
&* De7elo0 an a00re+iation for t,e aest,eti+ 0rin+i0les t,at -uide or -o7ern t,e
,umanities and arts
7* To demonstrate kno/led-e of t,e influen+e of literature. 0,iloso0,y. and;or t,e
arts on inter+ultural e90erien+es
Instructiona# 2 (et"o$s 2 Acti3ities Assessments
A /ide 7ariety of instru+tional met,ods /ill (e utili<ed to 0ro7ide meanin-ful learnin-
e90erien+es. in+ludin- -rou0 0resentations. inde0endent and -rou0 resear+,. 'ournal
entries. intera+ti7e dis+ussion (oards. and a final e9am*
!articipation, Atten$ance, an$ Assi+nments
,emonstration of 4or5 et"ic, responsi6i#ity, an$ inte+rity re#ate$ to course
o67ecti3es: T,is area is a ,olisti+ s+ore (ased on demonstrated effort. attendan+e. and
0arti+i0ation* =t in+ludes assi-nments -i7en in ea+, +lass* 1tudents s,all earn 0oints
0er +lass for attendan+e and 0arti+i0ation* Parti+i0ation in+ludes readin- materials 0rior
to +lass in+ludin- +om0letion of readin- notes and or-ani<ers. (rin-in- s0e+ified
,andouts and notes. and a+ti7ely 0arti+i0atin- in small -rou0 and +lass dis+ussions*
,iscussion .oar$s, 8ourna# Entries, !resentation, E9am: 2!! 0ossi(le 0oints
T,e student /ill /ork on t,eir assi-nments a++ordin- to t,e +ourse s+,edule on t,e
+ourse +alendar and su(mit t,ese a++ordin-ly to t,e Dro0(o9*
>Dis+ussion Board ?% 0oints;0osted +omment 9 7 modules @ "% 0ointsA
>Journal 3ntries ?6% 0oints 9 " modules @ 4% 0ointsA
>Binal 39am ?%! 0ointsC
>Writer Presentation ?7! 0ointsC
T,e students /ill (e di7ided into -rou0s and assi-ned a /riter to resear+,* 3a+,
-rou0 mem(er /ill read one (ook t,at /as /ritten (y t,e assi-ned /riter (ut a
different (ook from t,eir -rou0 mem(ers* T,e -rou0 /ill also dis+uss t,ese /riters in
a -rou0 settin- and -i7e a 0resentation to t,e rest of t,e +lass* T,e +lass. as a
/,ole. /ill ,a7e a (etter understandin- of all t,e /riters t,at /ere 0resented durin-
t,e se7en /eek +ourse*
Assessment Rubric for Group resentation!
(10 pts. Each)
(7. pts. Each)
Almost There
( pts. Each)
!ee"s #mpro$eme%t
(&. pts. Each)
All content throughout the
presentation is accurate. There are
no factual errors.
Most of the content is
accurate but there is one
piece of information that
might be inaccurate.
The content is generally
accurate, but some
information is clearly
flawed or inaccurate.
Content is typically
confusing or contains
more than one factual
error. It is difficult to
understand the topic.
)se of
All graphics are appropriate and
support the theme & content of the
A few graphics are not
able to be viewed
appropriately, but all
support the theme &
content of the
All graphics are
inappropriate but a few
do not seem to support
the theme & content of
the presentation.
everal graphics are
inappropriate A!"
wea#en from the
content of the
Spelli%* a%"
$resentation has no misspellings or
grammatical errors.
$resentation has %&'
spelling and(or grammar
errors, but they do not
wea#en the content.
$resentation has )&*
spelling and(or grammar
errors but they do not
wea#en the content.
$resentation has
many spelling and(or
grammar errors that
wea#en the content.
$resentation effectively
communicates the information in a
mature & academic manner. A video
is included to support content.
$resentation effectively
communicates the
information in a mature
& academic manner. !o
video is included.
$resentation is mostly
effective in
communicating the
information is a mature
& academic manner.
$resentation is pretty
but does not ta#e into
account the serious
nature of the topic.
Therefore is lac#ing
in effectiveness.
tudents presented the material with
confidence & an apparent
understanding of their topic.
tudents presented the
material with
confidence but were not
#nowledgeable beyond
the content in the
tudents had many
difficulties in presenting
the material and could
not answer +uestions
beyond the content of
the presentation.
tudents presentation
seemed incomplete,
lac#ed content, &
students could not
answer +uestions
beyond the content of
the presentation.
All re+uirements are met and
All re+uirements are
%&' re+uirements are not
More than '
re+uirements are not
completely met.
tudent has shown leadership
throughout project and presentation.
tudent did not present
well, but participated
%../ in gathering
information & wor#ing
on $$T.
tudent presented well
but did not participate
much in gathering
information although
wor#ed on $$T.
tudent did not
present well and
hardly participated in
gathering information
or wor#ing on $$T.
A @ 39+eeds 1tandards and demonstrates learnin- (eyond +ourse* DAE /ork is earned
(y learners /,o e9tend learnin- (eyond t,e minimum 0resented in +lass and
demonstrate de7elo0ed /ritten and 7er(al +ommuni+ation skills* ?6$! 0oints and
B @ Feets 1tandards and demonstrates mastery of o('e+ti7es assessed* DBE /ork is
earned (y learners /,o demonstrate res0onsi(ility (y meetin- all deadlines. attendin-
+lass. +om0letin- ,ome/ork assi-nments. and earn 0assin- -rades on assessments*
?6&! 67 0ointsC
G @ Hess t,an ade2uate demonstration of t,e mastery of o('e+ti7es assessed* ?64!
6% 0ointsC
D or B@ Bailure to meet 1tandards ?6" 0oints and (elo/C
T,is is an online +ourse and some o(7ious te+,nolo-i+al resour+es /ill (e re2uired*
A++ess to a +om0uter /it,
=nternet a++ess ?,i-,#s0eed 0referredC
10eakers so you +an ,ear me and ot,ers durin- our +lassli7e sessions and
ot,er audio en,an+ed assi-nments t,rou-,out t,e semester*
Word 0ro+essin- soft/are ?Fi+rosoft Word 0referredC
Course Concerns: =f you ,a7e 2uestions 0ertainin- to t,e +ontent of t,is +ourse ?e*-*.
2uestions a(out an e9am. a(out +ourse due dates. et+*C. 0lease +onta+t me 7ia email.
t,rou-, t,e IJirtual Offi+e.I or durin- offi+e ,ours /,i+, are listed a(o7e*
Interaction 4it" Instructor Statement:
articipation " #ommunication! Parti+i0ation is an im0ortant 0art of t,is +ourse*
A student /,o is a+ti7ely in7ol7ed in dis+ussions not only learns more (ut also s,ares
,is or ,er t,ou-,ts /it, t,e +lass and instru+tor*
6* 3mail is t,e (est /ay to rea+, me as = +,e+k it se7eral times daily* A re0ly /ill (e
sent /it,in 62 ,ours de0endin- u0on t,e time your messa-e /as re+ei7ed*
2* =f you /ant to talk 7ia t,e I0,oneI do/nload a 0ro-ram +alled 1ky0e # a free
internet +allin- ser7i+e t,at you +an use to +,at li7e or 0la+e a +all to me* = ,a7e a
7ideo +amera and +an also transmit my 7ideo 7ia a 1ky0e +all* To do/nload t,e
0ro-ram. -o to ///*sky0e*+om and sear+, for 7o$$i<"ar5ness as t,e +onta+t to
add me to your list*
Course Specific !roce$ures:
#iti$enship! All students enrolled at t,e 8ni7ersity s,all follo/ t,e tenets of +ommon
de+en+y and a++e0ta(le (e,a7ior +ondu+i7e to a 0ositi7e learnin- en7ironment* ?1ee
1tudent 2s 5uide Hand(ook. Poli+ies and Pro+edures. Gondu+tC*
Late wor%! All /ork is e90e+ted on t,e day t,at it is due* Hate /ork /ill not (e a++e0ted*
=f you anti+i0ate t,at somet,in- is -oin- to +ome u0 and your /ork /ill (e late t,en 0lan
Academic &onesty 'tatement! Pla-iarism in+ludes t,e literal re0etition /it,out
a+kno/led-ment of t,e /ritin-s of anot,er aut,or* All si-nifi+ant 0,rases. +lauses. or
0assa-es in t,is 0a0er /,i+, ,a7e (een taken dire+tly from sour+e material ,a7e (een
en+losed in 2uotation marks and a+kno/led-ed in t,e te9t itself as /ell as in t,e list of
Works Gited or Bi(lio-ra0,y* Pla-iarism in+ludes (orro/in- anot,erKs ideas and
re0resentin- t,em as my o/n* To 0ara0,rase t,e t,ou-,ts of anot,er /riter /it,out
a+kno/led-ment is to 0la-iari<e* Pla-iarism also in+ludes inade2uate 0ara0,rasin-*
Para0,rased 0assa-es ?t,ose 0ut into my o/n /ordsC ,a7e (een 0ro0erly
a+kno/led-ed in t,e te9t and in t,e (i(lio-ra0,y* Pla-iarism in+ludes usin- anot,er
0erson or or-ani<ation to 0re0are t,is 0a0er and t,en su(mittin- it as my o/n /ork*
Attendance! T,is is an online +lass t,erefore attendan+e is u0 to you and your -rade
/ill de0end on your attendan+e and 0arti+i0ation as /ell* Lou /ill (e re2uired to /ork in
-rou0s and -i7e a 0resentation* T,e 2uality of your +ontri(utions and re-ular
0arti+i0ation a+ti7ities. in+ludin- dis+ussion 0ostin-s. /ill (e +onsidered attendan+e*
Officia# Atten$ance !o#icy: Students are expected to be present for all class meetings
of any course for which they are enrolled. Students are responsible for learning about
and complying with the attendance policy stated in the catalog, Students Guidebook,
and/or faculty syllabi. Faculty members will provide details on reuirements and
guidelines for attendance in their classes in their course syllabi. Faculty members will
keep students attendance records. Students are responsible for reuesting makeup
work when they are absent. !hey will be permitted to make up work for absences which
are considered by the faculty member to be excusable. !he method of making up this
work shall be determined by the faculty member. !he student is responsible for
providing the faculty member reason"s# for his/her absence. !he faculty member then
determines the validity of the reason"s# for the absence and whether the student is to
be excused for the absence. Faculty members may consider the following reasons for
absence as excusable.
%ni3ersity Specific !roce$ures:
$%$ Statement
T,e Ameri+ans /it, Disa(ilities A+t ?ADAC is a federal anti#dis+rimination statute t,at
0ro7ides +om0re,ensi7e +i7il ri-,ts 0rote+tion for 0ersons /it, disa(ilities* Amon- ot,er
t,in-s. t,is le-islation re2uires t,at all students /it, disa(ilities (e -uaranteed a
learnin- en7ironment t,at 0ro7ides for reasona(le a++ommodation of t,eir disa(ilities* =f
you ,a7e a disa(ility re2uirin- an a++ommodation. 0lease +onta+t:

Office of Stu$ent ,isa6i#ity &esources an$ Ser3ices
)e9as A=( %ni3ersity>Commerce
Gee Li6rary 132
!"one ?@03A BBC>D1D0 or ?@03A BBC>DB3D
'a9 ?@03A 4CB>B14B
1tudent Disa(ility :esour+es & 1er7i+es
Student &onduct
All students enrolled at t,e 8ni7ersity s,all follo/ t,e tenets of +ommon de+en+y and
a++e0ta(le (e,a7ior +ondu+i7e to a 0ositi7e learnin- en7ironment* ?1ee &ode of
Student &onduct from Student Guide 'andbook#.
Eee5 )opic
1 :e7ie/ of 1ylla(us. Glass =ntrodu+tion. 5rou0 Assi-nments. and Journal
3ntry on 2uestionnaire 0osted $ue 6y Sun$ay<
2 5rou0 6 Will Present /riter 1te0,en Min-
Create a !!), !reFi, or (E&LO) an$ Sen$ out #in5 to c#assmates to
3ie4 presentation< )"is is $ue on (on$ay< ,iscussion 6oar$ post
4i## 6e $ue 6y Ee$nes$ay<
3 5rou0 2 Will Present /riter Jo,n 5ris,am
Create a !!), !reFi, or (E&LO) an$ Sen$ out #in5 to c#assmates to
3ie4 presentation< )"is is $ue on (on$ay< ,iscussion 6oar$ post
4i## 6e $ue 6y Ee$nes$ay< 8ourna# entry $ue 6y Sun$ay<
4 5rou0 " Will Present /riter Fi+,ael Gri+,ton
Create a !!), !reFi, or (E&LO) an$ Sen$ out #in5 to c#assmates to
3ie4 presentation< )"is is $ue on (on$ay< ,iscussion 6oar$ post
4i## 6e $ue 6y Ee$nes$ay<
D 5rou0 4 Will Present /riter Jo,n 1tein(e+k
Create a !!), !reFi, or (E&LO) an$ Sen$ out #in5 to c#assmates to
3ie4 presentation< )"is is $ue on (on$ay< ,iscussion 6oar$ post
4i## 6e $ue 6y Ee$nes$ay< 8ourna# entry $ue 6y Sun$ay<
C 5rou0 % Will Present /riter 4i+,olas 10arks
Create a !!), !reFi, or (E&LO) an$ Sen$ out #in5 to c#assmates to
3ie4 presentation< )"is is $ue on (on$ay< ,iscussion 6oar$ post
4i## 6e $ue 6y Ee$nes$ay<
G Binal 39am /ill +onsist of im0ortant key notes a(out ea+, /riter and t,e
mo7ies s,o/n* )"is is $ue 6y 'ri$ay<
-ee. / 0ear%i%* O(tcome Assessme%t 1etho" Reaso%i%*
"emonstrate awareness of the
cope and variety of the
wor#s in the arts and
This learning outcome will be assessed
by students participating in the
discussion boards by responding to
discussion topics given and a journal
0y using these assessment methods, students will
be able to discriminate or select relevant from
irrelevant parts, determine how elements function
together, or determine bias, values or underlying
intent in presented materials.
1nderstand those wor#s as
e-pressions of individual and
human values within an
historical and social conte-t
This learning outcome will be assessed
by students participating in the
discussion boards by responding to
discussion topics given.
0y using this assessment method, students will
contribute to the discussion by raising thoughtful
+uestions, analy2ing relevant issues, building on
others3 ideas, synthesi2ing across readings and
discussions, e-panding the class3 perspective, and
appropriately challenging assumptions and
4espond critically to wor#s
in the arts and humanities
This learning outcome will be assessed
by students participating in the
discussion boards by responding to
discussion topics given and a journal
0y using these assessment methods, students will
demonstrate their learning and #nowledge by
having the ability to give judgment about what was
presented. tudents will also have gained further
understanding about the presentation though their
#nowledge about different wor#s of arts that they
have encountered in previous courses.
5ngage in the creative process
or interpretive performance
and comprehend the physical
intellectual demands re+uired
of the author or visual or
performing artist
This learning outcome will be assessed
by students participating in the
discussion boards by responding to
discussion topics given.
0y using this assessment method, students will
contribute to the discussion by raising thoughtful
+uestions, analy2ing relevant issues, building on
others3 ideas, synthesi2ing across readings and
discussions, e-panding the class3 perspective, and
appropriately challenging assumptions and

Articulate as informed
personal reaction to wor#s in
the arts
This learning outcome will be assessed
by students participating in the
discussion boards by responding to
discussion topics given and a journal
0y using these assessment methods, students will
demonstrate their learning and #nowledge by
having the ability to e-press what they thin# about
what was presented. tudents will also have gained
further understanding about the presentation though
their classmates.
"evelop an appreciation for
the aesthetic principles that
guide or govern the
humanities and arts
This learning outcome will be assessed
by students participating in the
discussion boards by responding to
discussion topics given.
0y using this assessment method, the students
should be able to summari2e presentations, films,
etc. Comparing and(or contrasting two or more
theories, events, processes, etc.
To demonstrate #nowledge of
the influence of literature,
philosophy, and(or the arts
on intercultural e-periences
This learning outcome will be assessed
by e-am.
0y using this assessment method, the e-am will
include information about the writers, films, and
boo#s that was presented over the course and will
measure the students3 #nowledge of obtained
Fy tea+,in- 0,iloso0,y +an (e des+ri(ed as ,a7in- elements su+, as en-a-ement and
ent,usiasm* Brom 0ersonal e90erien+e. = stron-ly (elie7e t,at students learn t,e (est
/,en t,ey are a+ti7ely in7ol7ed in t,e learnin- de7elo0ment and ,a7in- a +lassroom
t,at is en-a-ed ,el0s /it, t,is* Fy -oal is to en-a-e my students and to kee0 t,em
en-a-ed (y usin- di7erse tea+,in- met,ods in /,i+, t,ey +an a00ly. analy<e.
synt,esi<e. and e7aluate t,e information* = also firmly (elie7e t,at /,en = use a 7ariety
of tea+,in- strate-ies. t,is /ill kee0 all of my students en-a-ed in t,e +lassroom
re-ardless of t,eir 0referred /ay of learnin-*
As a tea+,er. = 0lan to in+or0orate different ty0es of te+,nolo-y into t,e +lassroom to -et
my students moti7ated. en-a-e t,em in +lass dis+ussions. and ,el0 t,em a+,ie7e t,e
desire to learn and to kee0 t,em /antin- more* = /ill also en+oura-e my students to use
a 7ariety of te+,nolo-y and e90lore t,e endless 0ossi(ilities t,at t,ey /ill ,a7e at t,eir
fin-erti0s* Fy students /ill learn a(out (lo-s. dis+ussion (oards. and different /ays to
-i7e a 0resentation*
1tudents tend to (e+ome en-a-ed in t,e +lassroom /,en t,ey see t,e si-nifi+an+e of
t,eir learnin- to t,eir li7es* Feanin- t,at if t,ey +an tie /,at t,ey are learnin- to t,eir
real#life e90erien+es t,en t,ey +an (etter -ras0 /,at is (ein- tau-,t and /ill (e+ome
more en-a-ed* 1tudents need to (e a(le to t,ink a(out information in a 7ariation. /,i+,
in+ludes t,inkin- a(out ,o/ /,at t,ey are learnin- is related to t,in-s t,ey kno/ no/.
or to somet,in- t,ey ,a7e e90erien+ed*
To (e a -ood tea+,er. t,e tea+,er must esta(lis, a relations,i0 /it, t,e students* = feel
in my ,eart t,at it is si-nifi+ant t,at = as t,e tea+,er to take t,e interest = ,a7e for
students as indi7iduals and t,e interest = ,a7e for my studentsK learnin-* 1tudents are
more moti7ated to learn if t,ey kno/ t,at someone +ares a(out t,em and t,eir learnin-*
After all. t,is is /,y /e (e+ome tea+,ers in t,e first 0la+e*

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