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FIF-3UI Rubrique About me- Twitter-

Lhritage des Darcer

Nom: __________________________

By the end of this grade, students will:
CO1. Listening to Understand: determine meaning in a variety of oral French texts, using a range of listening comprehension strategies;
CO2. Listening to Interact: listen actively and interpret messages accurately while interacting in French with a variety of audiences for various purposes;
CO3. Intercultural Understanding: listen to and demonstrate an understanding of information in French oral texts about customs and socio-linguistic conventions in
diverse francophone communities;
By the end of this course, students will:
PO1. Speaking to Communicate: communicate information and ideas orally in French, using a variety of speaking strategies and age- and grade-appropriate language
suited to the purpose and audience;
PO2. Speaking to Interact: participate in spoken interactions in French with a variety of audiences and for various purposes;
PO3. Intercultural Understanding: identify and speak about customs in diverse francophone communities and demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate use
of socio-linguistic conventions in a variety of situations;
By the end of this course, students will:
CE1. Reading Comprehension: use a range of reading strategies to determine meaning in a variety of French texts;
CE2. Purpose, Form, and Style: identify the purpose and stylistic features of a variety of text forms;
CE3. Intercultural Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of information in French texts about customs and socio-linguistic conventions in diverse
francophone communities;
By the end of this course, students will:
PE1. Purpose, Audience, and Form: write in French in a variety of forms and for a variety of purposes and audiences, using knowledge of language conventions
and stylistic elements to communicate clearly and effectively;
PE2. The Writing Process: use the stages of the writing process to develop and organize content, clarify ideas, correct errors, and present their work effectively;
PE3. Intercultural Understanding: produce written work that demonstrates an awareness of customs and socio-linguistic conventions in diverse francophone
I - R + 1- 1 1+ 2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+

4- 4 4+ Summary
Listening CO2 Listening to Interact
Comprend et interprte bien des questions poses par les
tudiants et le professeur. (KU)

Speaking PO1 Speaking to Communicate:
Peut exprimer clairement ses ides (grammaire) (C)
Utilise un vocabulaire appropri la situation. (A)

Speaking PO2 Speaking to Interact
Explique bien les choix faits dans sa biographie (images,
dtails, ..) (TI)

Est capable de rpondre des questions de lauditoire
clairement et fournit des dtails. )

Speaking PO3 Intercultural Understanding
Est capable dintgrer la technologie lexpression de ses
opinions et expressions : About me et Twitter ont t
dvelopps de faon claire. Utilisation efficace de cette
technologie pour lappliquer un personnage francophone. (TI)

Writing PE1 Purpose, Audience, and Form
Est capable de dvelopper des entres style biographique
crites dans un franais crit comprhensible, clair, efficace

Writing PE2. The Writing Process:
Est capable dintgrer et dappliquer les dclencheurs du
subjonctif et les non-dclencheurs. (A)

Level I Did not submit work or did not do required task.
Level R Insufficient/ Inadequate/ Fails to meet standard for a passing grade.
Level 1 Limited ability to meet standard and limited effectiveness. Simplistic.
Level 2 Some ability demonstrated and moderately effective. Adequate; Basic; Obvious.
Level 3 Considerable ability demonstrated, considerable clarity or accuracy; Reasonable; Appropriate; Solid; Familiar; Purposeful
Level 4 Thorough, high degree of skill demonstrated, insightful, highly accurate; Elegant; Compelling; Sophisticated

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