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Aka: Blow, Snow, Yeo,

Devils Dandruff,
White Lady, Crack,
Stardust, Waffledust,
Cola, Flake, Pearl, just
to name a few.
Cocaine is made from the leaves of the coca
plant, which contains about 2% pure cocaine.
The plant is refined with chemicals including
gasoline and sulfuric acid, to produce a white
paste containing 40-60% pure cocaine. It is
later converted to a crystalline salt powder.
The coca leaves were chewed for hundreds of
years by indigenous cultures, until the Spanish
learned its effects and shipped it out to Europe
It wasnt until the mid- eighteen hundreds that
German chemists isolated the cocaine alkaloid
and immediately saw the potential as and
Widespread use ensued in the late eighteen
hundreds with many employers giving the
drug to workers to maintain performance,
especially the blacks; making them
Impervious to extreme heat and cold
Even sold in drinks such as wine ( Vin Marini)
or of course Coca cola, until Federal regulations
put bans after the increased abuse rate in 1906.
After the first decade of the twentieth century the use of cocaine
went into widespread disapproval, and pretty much made illegal
except by patent medicines due to the Harrison Act of 1914
Although cocaine use continued thru the first half of the century,
it was not widely popularized up until the 1970s where
enormous amounts were shipped from Columbia through the
relatively unchecked Gulf of Mexico to ports in Miami. U.S.
smugglers by the name of the Cocaine Cowboys introduced
much of the cocaine that flooded into America, primarily used by
the middle to upper class until the invention of the cheaper Crack
cocaine in the mid 80s.
Salts: The most
common form, most
likely hydrochloride.
The powdered form
that is snorted.
Bases: The smoke
able forms of cocaine
Freebase: Neutralizes the
salts to become a smoke
able base.
Crack: Same principle
with less refined
Cocaine releases heightened levels
of Dopamine in the brain, and also
block the receptors which makes
the chemical work longer and to a
greater degree. This has effects in
the feel good pathways of the brain,
causing euphoria, energy, and
mental alertness. If only for a short
amount of time.
With increased amounts or binge
usage side effects such as anxiety,
paranoia , restlessness or
irritability. In some cases
formication also occurs.
After long term abuse the
brain experiences depleted
levels of dopamine and the
receptors stop working to
compensate for the
unnatural levels the body
has become accustomed to.
This explains the cause for
both increased tolerance
levels and the high addiction
rate, because cocaine
addicts have to take the drug
to maintain the amount of
dopamine to excite the
reward pathways.
Cocaine is the second most abused illicit drug
in America behind marijuana, With the U.S.
consuming about 50% of the drug. Europe
consumes 25% and the rest of the world 25%.
It is obvious that our easy accessibility through drug routes and
the extreme revenue increases maintain the steady supply of the
drug to our front door. The DEA puts much more into its task
force as opposed to the seventies, but the import of cocaine and
its simple production into crack maintain sever societal

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