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1. To provide a high
standard of medical and
nursing care in a
comfortable and friendly
environment, in which
patients and their family
members are encouraged
to contribute to planning
their care. The patient
should retain his or her
individuality and should be
cared for physically,
socially, psychologically,
spiritually and culturally,
whilst maintaining dignity,
privacy and confidentiality.

Medical Ward A is a 42 bed General Medical ward. Within the ward there
are 4 monitored low acuity Cardiac beds.
The patient population includes those with a wide variety of medical
conditions, including Cardiac, Respiratory, Endocrine, Gastroenterology
and infectious conditions. The majority of patients are older adults.

2. Care will be planned and
undertaken jointly by
doctors, nurses, the
multidisciplinary team,
and family where

Care is provided by a multidisciplinary team. We have an experienced
Nursing staff, with Registered and Enrolled nurses providing routine care,
assisted by Assistants in Nursing. The patient's stay in the ward is
monitored by a Clinical Nurse Specialist who ensures that their
investigations occur in a timely manner, and that planning for a safe and
timely discharge is communicated across the team.

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