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Physics iPad Lesson

Linda S. Davis
Libe!y "nivesi!y On#ine
Physics iPad Lesson
I. Grade & Topic:
1$!h %ade
Physics: &he 'enou##i Pinci(#e )R* Educa!ion+ $,1-.
II. Standards of Learning:
Science Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools (2010). Physics. S!andad PH -
Re!ieved /o0
PH.- &he s!uden! 2i## inves!iga!e and undes!and ho2 a((#ica!ions o/ (hysics a//ec!
!he 2o#d. 4ey conce(!s ae as /o##o2s:
a. Deve#o( an a2aeness o/ ea# 2o#d a((#ica!ions o/ (hysics and+
b. E5(#oe !he o#es and con!ibu!ions o/ science and !echno#ogy )6DOE+ $,1,+ (. 7.
III. Objectives: S!uden!s 2i## e5(#oe !he 'enou##i Pinci(#e !o gain 8no2#edge o/ i!s e//ec! on ai/oi#.
&o de!e0ine !he e//ec! !he (inci(#e has on an ai/oi#.
&o gain undes!anding o/ !he innova!ions in (hysics+ bo!h e5(ei0en!a# and !heoe!ica#.
&o gain undes!anding o/ !he advances in 0edicine+ !ans(o!a!ion+ co00ece+ e5(#oa!ion+
co00unica!ion+ and !echno#ogy.
&o gain undes!anding by iden!i/ying 8ey con!ibu!os and con!ibu!ions !o (hysics using !he
In!ene!+ and o!he souces as 2e## as !hei i0(ac! on !he ea# 2o#d.
&o deve#o( 8no2#edge and s8i##s !o beco0e a2ae o/ !he ea#92o#d a((#ica!ion o/ (hysics )6DOE+
$,,:+ (. ;..
IV. Materials: S!uden!s 2i## need !he /o##o2ing i!e0s:
In!ene! access
You&ube A((#ica!ion
<ind &unne# A((#ica!ion
E5(#ain Evey!hing+ Pages+ o 4eyno!e A((#ica!ion
Lesson ins!uc!ions
V. Diversity Differentiation for !"ceptionalities:
11 S!uden!s )- %i#s+ 7 'oys.
- %i/!ed
$ ED
Leaning S!y#es )modalities / multiple intelligences. 9 P#anning !he #esson invo#ves using a
design enab#ing !he s!uden!s !o co0(ehend !he in/o0a!ion by u!i#i=ing !hei (esona#
#eaning s!y#e. 6isua# #eanes #ean bes! !hough use o/ visua# aids+ such as i0agey 2i!h
(esen!a!ions o desci(!ions. 4ines!he!ic #eanes #ean bes! by using hands9on e5(eiences+
no!e9!a8ing o obseva!ions. Audio #eanes #ean bes! /o0 >ues!ion and ans2e sessions o
guided >ues!ions. &hese s!uden!s 2o8 2e## in discussion gou(s as 2e## as o!he gou(
%i/!ed 9 &he gi/!ed s!uden! 2i## easi#y e5(#oe and 0ani(u#a!e !he a((#ica!ions !o co0(#e!e
!he !as8s. &hese s!uden!s 0os! #i8e#y 2i## a## eady 8no2 ho2 !o o(ea!e !he iPad s8i##/u##y
and naviga!e !he si!es.
LEP ? &he LEP s!uden!s s!ugg#e 2i!h Eng#ish s8i##s and can bene/i! /o0 gou( ac!ivi!ies.
&hese s!uden!s (e/o0 bes! using in/o0a!ion and visua# aids.
LD+ ED+ ADD1ADHD ? &hese s!uden!s #ean bes! by /ocusing on visua# as(ec!s o/ !he
<ebsi!es and 2i## a((ecia!e !he videos and si0u#a!ion as(ec!s o/ !he assign0en!. &hese
s!uden!s 2i## bene/i! /o0 su((o! o/ s!a// and (a!neing 2i!h o!he s!uden!s. &hey 0ay need
e5!a encouage0en! !o (a!ici(a!e in gou(s !o 0ain!ain !hei /ocus 8ee(ing !he0 on !as8.
*u#!icu#!ua# Connec!ions ? &he 0u#!icu#!ua# s!uden! #eans bes! !hough cu#!ua# his!oy o
cu#!ua# co0(aisons o/ (esen! and (as! his!oy.
Socioecono0ic Divesi!ies ? &hese s!uden!s 0ay #ac8 !he 0eans !o ob!ain an iPad /o !he
assign0en!. &his 2i## 0a8e su((#ying iPads !o !he s!uden!s an i0(o!an! (a! o/ !he
VI. Tec#nology Incl$sion: &o guaan!ee !ha! !he assign0en! is a success !he !eache 0us! ensue a## o/ !he
iPads ae avai#ab#e and /u##y chaged /o !he s!uden!s
S!uden!s can access You&ube
<ind &unne# a((#ica!ion is avai#ab#e !o !he s!uden!s
E5(#ain Evey!hing+ 4eyno!e+ o Pages a((#ica!ions ae avai#ab#e !o !he s!uden!s.
Povide 2i!!en Ho29&o ins!uc!ions /o s!uden!s !o success/u##y naviga!e and use !he vaious
Povide de0ons!a!ions on naviga!ing !he vaious a((#ica!ions.
&he /o##o2ing descibes inc#usion o/ !echno#ogy in!o !he assign0en!:
&he ins!uc!o de!e0ines !he You&ube videos and (ovides !he #in8s /o s!uden! access
&he ins!uc!o de!e0ines i/ !he a((#ica!ions ae avai#ab#e as BREE do2n#oads
&he ins!uc!o de!e0ines !he assign0en! 2i## be (e/o0ed on an iPad
S!uden!s 2i## use !he iPad !o access and vie2 !he You&ube videos.
S!uden!s 2i## use !he iPad !o access+ e5(#oe+ si0u#a!e+ and co##ec! da!a !hough !he a((#ica!ions /o a
-F 0inu!e #esson.
&he ins!uc!o 2i## use a S*AR& 'oad !o de0ons!a!e naviga!ion o/ !he a((#ica!ions.
VII. %roced$res:
A desci(!ion o/ !he ins!uc!iona# e#e0en!s and !echni>ues /o !he 'enou##i Pinci(#e assign0en!.
Ins!uc!iona# Se!:
&his #esson /o !he 1$
gade Physics c#ass !a8es (#ace in !he egu#a c#assoo0 using iPads.
Deve#o(0en!a# Ac!ivi!ies:
o In!oduc!ion ? &he ins!uc!o 2i## (ovide 2i!!en Ho29&o ins!uc!ions !o s!uden!s on ho2
!o naviga!e and use !he vaious a((#ica!ions /o !he assign0en!. &he ins!uc!o in!oduces
!he !o(ic as !he 'enou##i Pinci(#e and i!s e//ec! on an ai/oi#.
o *edia 9 &his ins!uc!ion consis!s o/ using !echno#ogy !o vie2 videos on !he !o(ic as 2e## as
using a <ind &unne# a((#ica!ion !o de!e0ine !he 2ind s(eedGs e//ec! on !he dag+ !hus!+
and #i/! o/ !he ai/oi#. In addi!ion+ s!uden!s 2i## !a8e sceen gabs ecoding !he si0u#a!ion
and (esen! !he esu#!s using E5(#ain Evey!hing+ Pages+ o 4eyno!e. &he s!uden! 2i##
s(end !he 0aHoi!y o/ his o he !i0e using inde(enden! (ac!ices. Ho2eve+ as seen
be/oe !he #eas! a0oun! o/ !i0e used on guided (ac!ices de/ines and sha(es !he s!uden!Gs
da!a co##ec!ion duing e5(#oa!ions. &he s!uden!sG 0ain obHec!ive consis!s o/ vie2ing !he
videos and using !he addi!iona# so/!2ae !o de!e0ine !he e//ec! !he (inci(#e has on !he
ai/oi# as 2e## as co##ec!ing and ga!heing !he da!a !hey 2i## need !o co0(#e!e !hei
o Con!en! ObHec!ives ?
&o ana#y=e !he e//ec! o/ dag+ !hus!+ and #i/! on /#igh!
&o e5(#ain ho2 'enou##iGs Pinci(#e (oduces /#igh!
o Pocess ObHec!ives ?
Pocess and ana#y=e in/o0a!ion /o (esen!a!ion.
E5(#ain esu#!s !o !he c#ass.
Reco00end /u!ue eseach and s!udies.
o E5(#ici! 8no2#edge ? &he guided discussion s!a!s )an!ici(a!oy se!..
De!e0ine !he s!uden!sG 8no2#edge #eve# o/ !he 'enou##i Pinci(#e.
Discuss e5ac!#y 2ha! !he 'enou##i Pinci(#e invo#ves.
De!e0ine 2he!he !he s!uden!s be#ieve o do no! be#ieve !ha! 2ind s(eed 2i## have
an e//ec! on !he ai/oi#@
o S!uden!s inves!iga!e !he IYou&ubeJ videos.
o S!uden!s e5(#oe and de!e0ine !he e//ec! o/ 2ind s(eed on dag+ !hus!+ and #i/! o/ !he
ai/oi# by using !he <ind &unne# a((#ica!ion !o cea!e a si0u#a!ion.
%uided Pac!ice: &he ins!uc!o (evie2s !he ins!uc!ions e5(#aining !he e5(ec!a!ions !o !he s!uden!s
!o e5(#oe and co##ec! da!a !o cea!e !hei (esen!a!ion in E5(#ain Evey!hing+ Pages+ o 4eyno!e.
&he guided (ac!ice consis!s o/ !he /o##o2ing:
E5(#aining and (assing ou! 2i!!en ins!uc!ions !o !he s!uden!s.
E5(#aining !he goa# o/ !he assign0en!.
&he ins!uc!o uses an iPad 2i!h a S*AR& 'oad !o (e/o0 a de0ons!a!ion o/ !he <ind
&unne# a((#ica!ion as 2e## as (e/o0ing sceen gabs by co0(essing !he S#ee(1<a8e and
Ho0e bu!!ons concuen!#y. In addi!ion+ !he ins!uc!o de0ons!a!es ho2 !o ecod !he
Ins!uc!o >ues!ions used (io !o guiding !he s!uden!s !o !he videos consis! o/ !he /o##o2ing:
o <ha! do you 8no2 abou! Danie# 'enou##i@
o <ha! do you 8no2 abou! !he 'enou##i Pinci(#e@
o E5(#ain !he 'enou##i (inci(#e and ho2 i! a//ec!s /#igh!@
&he ins!uc!o guides !he s!uden!s !o !he You&ube videos.
&he ins!uc!o guides a >ues!ion and ans2e session a/!e !he -F 0inu!es o/ e5(#oa!ion. &his
2i## a##o2 !he s!uden!s !o #ean /o0 each o!he+ and as8 >ues!ions as 2e## as eceive
e5(#ana!ion and /eedbac8 on de!ai#s /o (esen!ing !hei esu#!s.
&he ins!uc!o gives (e0ission /o s!uden!s !o gou( u( !o cea!e and (esen! !hei esu#!s
duing c#ass !i0e ove !he ne5! !hee 2ee8s o/ c#ass. S!uden!s ae (ovided enough !i0e !o
discuss a0ongs! !he0se#ves 2hich 2ee8 !hey 2ou#d #i8e !o sign u( /o. S!uden!s 0ay
(esen! a#one i/ !hey so choose.
&he ins!uc!o ends !he K, 0inu!es o/ c#ass encouaging !he s!uden!s !o 8ee( u( !hei good
2o8 and con!inue !o 2o8 on !hei (esen!a!ions 2hi#e !he in/o0a!ion is s!i## /esh in !hei
Inde(enden! Pac!ice: &he inde(enden! (ac!ice consis!s o/ !he /o##o2ing:
S!uden!s 2i## visi! You&ube !o vie2 !he videos:
o 'enou##i F by 'andon %e!= avai#ab#e a! h!!(!ube.co012a!ch@
o <ind &unne# 9 *%C Aeonau!icsL ne2es! ac>uisi!ion by 0gc Aeonau!ics avai#ab#e a!
S!uden!s 0ay as8 !o be (a!need o gou(ed !oge!he !o be!!e undes!and !he assign0en!.
S!uden!s use !he <ind &unne# a((#ica!ion !o si0u#a!e and e5(#oe !he e//ec! !ha! 2ind s(eed
has on !he dag+ !hus!+ and #i/! o/ !he ai/oi#. S!uden!s 2i## change !he sha(e o/ !he ai/oi# and
S!uden!s !a8e sceen gabs ecoding !he si0u#a!ions /o !hei choice o/
(esen!a!ion a((.
&his #esson (ocesses and ana#y=es in/o0a!ion on !he e//ec! o/ dag+ !hus!+ and #i/! on /#igh!
by e5(#oing !he 'enou##i Pinci(#e.
&he #esson e>uies s!uden!s !o cea!e a (esen!a!ion !o (esen! !he esu#!s o/ !he e5(#oa!ion
!o !hei c#ass0a!es as individua#s o in gou(s.
&he #esson e>uies s!uden!s !o 0a8e eco00enda!ions /o /u!ue eseach and s!udies.
VIII. !val$ation&ssess'ent: Pogess and assess0en! !oo#s.
&he ins!uc!o obseves !he s!uden!s duing !he vie2ing o/ videos+ co##ec!ion+ and ana#ysis o/
in/o0a!ion !o (ovide assis!ance as needed and !o assess s!uden!sG undes!anding o/ !he assign0en!.
&he ins!uc!o ends !he c#ass 2i!h guided >ues!ions1discussion !o assess s!uden! #eaning
&he ins!uc!o assesses s!uden!s duing (esen!a!ion o/ /indings.
&he ins!uc!o o//es encouage0en!1(aise /o coec! ans2es and gen!#y guides s!uden!s !o coec!
2ong !hin8ing.
I(. )is* &nalysis:
Ensue a## s!uden!s have an iPad and !he necessay a((#ica!ions.
Ensue s!uden!s ae (aied o o//eed #eaning e5(eiences /i!!ing !hei individua# #eaning s!y#es.
Ensue !he iPads ae /u##y chaged (io !o !he beginning o/ !he assign0en!.
Ensue s!uden!s have access !o a## necessay a((#ica!ions /o !he assign0en!.
Chec8 !he You&ube videos ae avai#ab#e (io !o !he beginning o/ !he assign0en!.
Pe(ae handou!s in advance o/ !he schedu#ed assign0en!.
(. )eferences: Souces and <ebsi!es
'enou##i F 6ideo M6ideo Bi#eN. Re!ieved /o0 h!!(!ube.co012a!ch@vA*64ARB-'g7C
R* Educa!ion. )$,1-.. iPad lesson ideas. Re!ieved /o0
6iginia De(a!0en! o/ Educa!ion )6DOE.. )$,,:.. Science standards of learning curriculum
framewor! Ph"sics. Re!ieved /o0
6iginia De(a!0en! o/ Educa!ion )6DOE.. )$,1,.. Science standards of learning for Virginia Public
Schools. Physics. S!andad PH -. Re!ieved /o0
<ind &unne# 9 *%C Aeonau!icsL Ne2es! Ac>uisi!ion 6ideo M6ideo Bi#eN. Re!ieved /o0

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