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Texas A&M UniversityCommerce Daily Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Jeremy Callaway Subject: P.E. Grade Level: 6,7,8

Mentor: Brad Scribner Campus/District: Caddo
Mills Middle School
Date: 10/10/14
Overall Goal of Lesson: To have a high intensity workout that gets the students in better shape for
Instructional Objectives: 1. Work as hard as you can with high intensity. 2. Keep improving. 3. Do the
correct form in each exercise.
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) &

116.22. Physical Education, Grade 6.
(2) Movement. The student applies movement
concepts and principles to the learning and
development of motor skills. The student is
expected to:
(A) know that appropriate practice in static
and dynamic setting, attention, and effort
are required when learning movement
(B) make appropriate changes in
performance based on feedback to improve
skills; and
(C) practice in ways that are appropriate
for learning skills such as
whole/part/whole, shorter practice
distributed over time is better than one long
session, or practicing is best in game-like
(5) Physical activity and health. The student
understands and applies safety practices associated
with physical activities. The student is expected to:
(A) use equipment safely and properly;
(B) select and use proper attire that
promotes participation and prevents injury;
(C) include warm-up and cool-down
procedures regularly during exercise;
Key Vocabulary: Stretch, push-ups, sit-ups,
jumping jacks,
monitor potentially dangerous
environmental conditions such as wind,
cold, heat, and insects; and recommend
prevention and treatment;
(D) identify potentially dangerous
exercises and their adverse effects on the
body; and
(E) explain water safety and basic rescue

Higher Order Questions: What is the proper form for a push up?
Student Activities: Cooperative activity- Circuit training.
Hands On/Minds On- Entire lesson is hands on. Students have to use their minds to stay self-motivated
and push themselves throughout the workout.
Modifications/ELL Strategies

None for this class specifically. There is
not any life skills kids in this class.

Anticipatory Activity for Lesson: Push-ups and sit-ups. Do
bleachers at track day before.
Time Allotted



Teacher Input/Lesson Activity:
Students get dressed and stand in their spots.

Organized stretching and pre workout (push-ups, sit ups)
Warm up - walk a lap, run a lap for 10 minutes

Five stations- Jump rope, bleachers, burpees, push-ups, plyometric boxes
One minute at each station and 10 seconds in between each station for transition. Each
group does one circuit three times, so 15 stations total.

Cool down- 3 laps light jog around the gym and breakout. Students get dressed.
Modeling: Teacher describes each station and clearly states what expectations are.
Guided Practice: Students work together as a group/team. Teacher/coach motivates students
throughout workout and demonstrates exercise if needed.
Independent Practice: Students can do some of these stations at home on their own.

Lesson Closure: Cool down-2 laps around the gym
Break it out in center of the court
Assessment Methods/Strategies: Testing is based on how student performs in circuit
training. Testing is more kinesthetic than paper and pen.
Jump ropes, bleachers, plyometric boxes, gym

Reflection: Students perform five different stations in circuit training.

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