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bilateral two-sided

bilious ill-tempered
bilk swindle
biodegradable naturally decaying
biopsy removing tissue for
biped two-footed animal
bistro tavern, cafe
bivouac encampment
blandish flatter, grovel
blas bored with life
blasphemy insulting God
bleak cheerless, forlorn
blight decay
bliss happiness
blithe joyous
bloated swollen
bode portend
bogus forged, false
bogy bugbear
boisterous noisy
bolt move quickly and suddenly
bombast pompous speech
bon vivant gourmet, epicure
bona fide made in good faith
bonanza a stroke of luck
boon payoff, windfall
boor vulgar person
bootless unavailing
booty loot, stolen goods
botch bungle
bourgeois middle class
bovine cow-like
boycott abstain in protest
bracing refreshing
brackish salty
brandish display menacingly
bravado feigned bravery
bravura technically difficult, brilliant
brawn strength
brevity shortness of expression
brigand robber
brink edge, threshold
broach bring up a topic for
bromide clich
brook tolerate
browbeat to bully
brusque curt
bucolic rustic

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