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Dig It! Exhibition

Follow the directions to navigate your way through the online exhibition of
Dig It! ut together by the !mithsonian" The bold text mean you need
to answer a question or write something down.
#o to this web site$ htt$%%forces"si"edu%soils%&'_&&_&&"html
(ead the introduction titled !i)ing * !oils
+lic, on -he .ig /icture and ta,e the 0ui)1 if you miss a 2uestion clic, on
the 3earn 4ore and learn about the toic"
What is one interesting fact about soil that you learned from the
5 Many of the soil and nutrients in the Amazon comes from the
Sahara Desert because of huge dust storms that tra!el all the
way there.
+lic, on !tate !oil 4onoliths clic, on -exas then choose ' other states and
read about their soil" What is a "un "act about Texas soil?
5 Students at Texas A#M learn about soil in many $rograms that
ex$lore agriculture forestry ecology recreation and cro$
What is in the soil of one other state? Tell me the name of the state.
5 %orth &arolina' &ecil Soils
What is so s$ecial about the soil of one other state? Tell me the
name of the state it needs to be di(erent from Texas and the state
in the question abo!e.
5 )uerto *ico' +ayamon soil $ro!ides sugar cane $inea$$les a
wide !ariety of food cro$s $asture and hay.
+lic, on 6hat is !oil read through all 7 ages and answer these 2uestions"
A teas$oon of good farm soil contains u$ to , +illion bacteria in
more than -... s$ecies.
Soil is the s/in of the earth. Soils are ali!e they are born they age
they breathe.
What are the ingredients of soil?
5 Air water minerals and organic matter 0li!ing and non1li!ing2
are the basic ingredients of soils.
8n age 9 watch the +hef:s +hallenge video"
What is the today3s secret ingredient?
5 Sand
Who are the 4udges?
5 *e$tile named 5uincy &ara$ace methane named 6assy
6allagher and 7nally a hermit thrush from Syl!ania.
8n age ; clic, on the (ecie .oo, read some of the di<erent soil recies"
-hen clic, on the !oil ingredients ta,e the 2ui) to see if you can determine
the ma,eu of di<erent tyes of soils"
What 8 of ingredients ma/e u$ Desert Soil?
5 9:8 minerals ;8 water ,8 organic matter and --8 air
<oamy Soil?
5 -98 minerals ;98 water ;98 air and 98 organic matter
)eaty +og?
5 9.8 water -.8 organic matter and ,.8 minerals
(ead age 7" What does &<=*)T stand for?
5 &limate =rganisms relief $arent material time
+lic, on +hi o< the 8ld .loc, read through all = ages"
>98 of the earth3s crust is made of 4ust eight elements. What are
5 =xygen silicon aluminum iron calcium sodium $otassium
and magnesium
Texture in?uences a soil3s ca$acity to hold water and nutrients
8n age = lay the +olor 4atching game"
6ray.+lue.6reen @
*ed.Aellow.=range @
+lic, on !oil Forming Factors read through all = ages" 8n age ' lay the
>idden >ori)ons game"
Describe the A horizon.
5 A mineral layer at or near the surface with more organic
matter than lower layers is called to$soils.
What is a monolith?
5 A monolith, or vertical slice from topsoil down to subsoil, preserves a soils
colors and layered horizons in position. Scientists make monoliths of the
important soils in their region and use them in teaching.
8n age ; clic, on the Earth !,in -yes"
Describe Bltisols.
5 Wheatered tro$ical and subtro$ical subsoils
What ty$e of soil is in our area?
5 Bltisols
8n age = clic, lay the 6here in the !oil 6orld are ?ou"
The ?i$ ?o$ is in the !olcanic south $aci7c island soil ty$e.
The s$ur is in the grassland in south america soil ty$e.
The mammoth tus/ is in the Siberian $ermafrost soil ty$e.
+lic, on 4atters of 3ife and Death1 read through all = ages"
%ot all forms of life need oxygen to breathe. What other things can
microorganisms use?
5 light
Describe some of the characteristics of <ichens.
5 Tiny
+lic, on *nderneath it @ll1 read through all 7 ages" 8n age A clic, on the
*nderneath it @ll lin, to dig dee and examine the e<ects our choices have
on soil"
What are some of the things that you may 7nd in the Washington
D.&. soil sam$le?
5 Sin/ing soil
What are some of the things that you may 7nd in the Terra )reta
Soil of the Amazon?
5 Sin/ing soil
8n age 9" What is an increasing $roblem caused by global
5 Wears away and soils start to sin/
8n age ;" What was wrong with the soil in "rederic/sburg Cirginia?
5 Dt became toxic
+lic, on 6ise +hoices read through all B ages"
Soils are renewable butE only small $ercent is farmable
Describe some of the new technology that hel$s manage soil
5 Millennium Cillages )ro4ect
Fow is the Millennium Cillages )ro4ect restoring soil fertility?
5 Adding nutrients and manure to the soils
+lic, on @ 6orld of !oils1 read through all = ages" 8n age A watch the
!oil$ -he secret Ingredient video"
8n age 9" De7ne loess' <oess is a clastic $redominantly silt1sized
sediment which is formed by the accumulation of wind1blown dust.
-he secrets of soils are the secrets of our lives"

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