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Heidensohn Patriarchal Control

Sociology Theorist Heidensohn argues that women are controlled by patriarchal control. She argues that
females have closer levels of supervision throughout life imposed by patriarchal society, women are
more conformist and the mechanisms of social control are tighter for women, therefore, this reduces
opportunities to offend. This is shown through three spheres:
1. Home Domestic role/triple burden means that women are at home for longer periods. As
Dobash and Dobash argue, this shows that the trigger to domestic violence is often mens
dissatisfaction with womens domestic duties. Women are also controlled through the home
from a young age, through less likely to be allowed out and have a distinct bedroom culture.
2. In Public/In General By the threat of male violence against them especially sexual violence. For
example, the British Crime Survey shows 54% of women are in fear from being victims after
dark, compared to a 14% of men. This is exacerbated by STRANGER DANGER media biased
reporting women who are out at certain times, going against the norms of a typical role of a
female are then frowned upon by the media, therefore, women live in fear of this reputation. As
Sue Lees argues, boys control girls through sexualised verbal abuse, e.g. called slags if they do
not conform to the gender role expectations.
3. At Work Women are controlled by male supervisors and managers through the sexual
harassment widespread along with the glass ceiling denying upward mobility which then lessons
a females ability to commit fraud, women in lower jobs are more likely to be closely supervised,
lessening their chances to commit crime too.
Heidensohn argues that there are less opportunities due to the tighter control on women, therefore,
they commit less crime but she also recognises that patriarchy can push women into crime. For
example, women who are poor are more likely to turn to theft or prostitution. Heidensohns work has
been seen by some as GROSS OVERGENERALISATION which is the feminisation of the workforce as
women are now getting top jobs. She is also very DETERMINISTIC which ignores choice and free will.
Crime can now be committed in the home for example, through the internet. A lot of women are in high
power jobs and there are alot easier ways to get home or go out later without walking, taking a taxi or
Heidensohn was important when researching domestic violence as it gave us an insight as to how
women are controlled at home and in public or in general through the fear of violence against them.
Therefore, with women already overcoming this, by raising awareness for domestic violence women will
be able to break free of patriarchal control and not live in fear of their partners, which people should
recognise as wrong.

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