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Fiom the veiy beginning of time, mankinu has been leaving hishei maik on the woilu in
the foim of visual aitifacts. These cave paintings, clay vessels, anu othei visual imageiy has
foimeu the basis foi much of what we know about pievious civilizations.
The neeu foi self-expiession lies at the coie of all of us- it is what makes us human. Nuch of
what we see visually impacts oui peiceptions of wheie we fit in. What we value as a
cultuiesociety is often influenceu by visual imageiy.
The piimaiy focus of the LS Ait piogiam is to pioviue an enviionment anu exposuie to a
vaiiety of meuia that allows stuuents to communicate theii thoughtsiueas in a visual way.
We can leain much about ouiselves anu othei cultuies thiough the visual aits.

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In Lowei School Ait (1-6), stuuents will have the oppoitunity to exploie a vaiiety of
expeiiences in both 2-B anu S-B uesign. Stuuents will unueistanu the impoitance of
effective use of the ait elements (line, shape, coloi, value, textuie, uepth) anu uesign
piinciples (unityvaiiety, balance, emphasis, contiast, ihythm, iepetition,
piopoitionscale, figuiegiounu ielationships) in the cieation of meaningful visual
imageiy. Biawing anu painting aie the focus in the fiist tiimestei- piintmaking, sculptuie,
anu ceiamics the seconu tiimestei- anu fabiics, staineu glass, anu jeweliy making the final
tiimestei. In auuition, theie will be collaboiative assignments anu exposuie to a vaiiety of
significant aitists anu cultuies thioughout histoiy.

-Stuuents will uemonstiate cieative pioblem solving skills as they ueteimine theii own
solutions to assignments.
-Stuuents will be able to think ciitically when a uiffeient uiiection neeus to be maue
thiough the couise of an assignment, oi when things uo not tuineu out as planneu.
-Stuuents will be able to collaboiate effectively with otheis when woiking togethei on
gioup assignments.
-Stuuents will be able to communicate theii iueas visually using a vaiiety of mateiials anu

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-Always follow instiuctions.
-Be kinu to otheis.
-Caie foi anu iespect the suppliesmateiials.
-Bo youi best at all times.

uiaues 1-4:
-Ait Stuuio Assignments 9u%
-Class Paiticipation 1u%
uiaues S-6:
-Ait Stuuio Assignments 9u%
-Class Paiticipation S%
-Self-AssessmentsCiitiques S%

-As is the case with any stuuio-baseu piogiam, attenuance is impoitant in the success of the
stuuent completing the assigneu piojects.
-Any anticipateu absences shoulu be uiscusseu with Ni. Pliei piioi to the absence so
aiiangements can be maue foi completeu woik to be submitteu upon ietuin.
-Absences uue to illness will iesult in an extension foi uaily woik equal to the numbei of
uays misseu.
-0pon ietuining fiom an unexpecteu absence, the stuuent shoulu check with Ni. Pliei to
obtain infoimation misseu anu confiim ueaulines foi completing such woik.

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-Staineu ulass
-}eweliy Naking

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