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Russian History Rap

By: King Snoh and Young Cahvi

Ayo look, Ivan the terrible had a very bad life

He was a terrible person, and watched the death of his wife

As a child, he watched his mother slowly die

Then we got my man peter the great who was really great guy

Sadly, peter the great had 2 children die at birth

He was czar of Russia which takes up of the surface of the earth

Next, we got our girl Alexei

He got married to charlotte Christine because she was sexy

Hes done bad things that made his father mad

He wanted to sink the navy so he was killed by his dad

Enough about the people lets talk about the country itself

The country of Russia is very large and is full of wealth

Russia is very cold and covered in snow

Better hope you bring a jacket because it could get 5 and below

Yea Russia its the largest country in the world

If you would see it from space Id bet you would hurl

Ever hear of Amsterdam? It was built under a creek

Russia stole the idea, stole the plans in a sneak

There navy is tough, stronger than a T rex

Bigger than the hulk, before hed even flex

The Baltic seas was a major priority

To gain it is what he wanted to see

In the 1700s he attacked Sweden and started the great northern war

To gain access to European trade is what he did it for

Although it didnt goes as well as he planned

He still made an effort before things hit the can

He made a trip to Europe they called it the great embassy

He tried to get allies to defeat the Ottoman Empire, one of his enemies

This has been King Snoh and Yung Cahvi in the house

Weve been killing it since 2000 because that's what we're all about

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