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Amanda Kim

September 22, 2014

CNS 120

Autobiographical Project:
We are the hero of our own story.

1) Tell three of your earliest recollections from when you were 3-6 years old. Use as
much detail as you can but keep the recollection brief. Limit yourself to the most
vivid and important details. Use no more than 500 words per story. Print a copy of
these stories and either underline or highlight descriptor words or phrases.

I remember spending the recess period searching for treasure when I was in
preschool or kindergarten. Right at the beginning of recess, the teacher would
drop little sequins onto the sand, carefully covering them. Some of the kids,
including myself, trailed behind her searching for buried treasure. At the end of
recess, our teacher would give us envelopes to hold our treasure. Im not sure
when, but at some point I also began to collect mica. Large pieces of the beautiful
mineral could be found throughout the playground. Even the really small pieces
were valuable to me. Whenever I wasnt looking for treasure, I was playing
house with my friends. I was usually the mother, taking care of the children and
making dinner. Supposedly, I was pretty bossy when I was younger. So, it makes
sense that I would want to be the one in charge and in control.

The sequins reminded me of one of my favorite stations, arts and crafts. The
classroom was filled with different stations. At one station you could write and
illustrate your own story and at another you could learn how to cook. There was
even a station for closely supervised woodwork. I remember learning how to sew,
and spending hours working on shrinky dinks and melting beads to create
Christmas ornaments or backpack keychains.

Lastly, I remember that we had a corn snake as our class pet. We would all sit in a
large circle and let the snake slither wherever it wanted to within the circle. We all
had to sit criss cross, apple sauce and could only touch the snake with two
fingers. I dont remember there being any hand sanitizer, but hopefully we were
all forced to wash our hands afterwards. I distinctly remember that the snake was
fed mice. I cant remember if the mice were alive or dead, but I do remember
watching the snake fit the small animal into its mouth and all the way down the
length of its body. I dont remember being afraid of the snake, but I also
remember that I wasnt one of the kids offering to feed the snake.

2) Write about any themes or patterns you notice.
Since I was little, I always enjoyed looking for treasure. Shifting through the
sand for each sequin reminds me of how detail oriented I have become.
Sometimes, I become so focused on each small detail, that I have a problem
seeing the bigger picture. I like to use my tunnel vision more often than I should.
So, I have been working on finding a balance. Also, when I think back to my
childhood times of searching for buried treasure, I remember how excited I was
about each discovery, especially if I found something beautiful I had never seen
before. Similarly, I have noticed that even nowadays I love discovering in
general, whether its through learning or through self-growth and exploration.

Ive also always had an appreciation for the beauty around me. Before I knew it, I
was collecting more Micah than sequins because of how nicely the minerals
reflected light.

Since I was little, I have always loved arts and crafts. I just dont have the same
kind of leisure time I used to have, but I still enjoy working with my hands. As I
got older and arts and crafts were no longer given as birthday presents, I began to
dance more seriously. So, in a way, I believe I have always been creative, first
through art and second. Lastly, my curiosity about nature and science has also
been pretty relevant since childhood. I remember learning about snakes when I
was little since we had a corn snake as a class pet. I was amazed by a snakes
ability to eat animals much bigger than it. As I re-read the stories I typed in the
first section, I thought it was interesting that I brought up the importance of hand
sanitizer when handling reptiles or an animal of any kind. The idea staying
healthy and spreading awareness of how to do this is also a passion of mine.
Especially, when health relates to an individuals wellbeing as well as their
physical abilities.

3) Who did you admire most growing up? Describe this person and the actions or
accomplishments that inspired your admiration.

I think I admired my Dad most growing up. I loved and admired my mom as well,
but I was definitely a Daddys girl. Ever since I can remember, I have been quiet.
I usually listen and observe more than I speak. So, I was able to recognize most of
my Dads most admirable qualities pretty early on.

Ever since I was little and definitely way too young to even think about boys, my
Mom would point out men at the mall with tattoo sleeves or multiple piercings.
She would then proceed to tell me to never bring a guy like that home for her to
meet, especially if he owned a motorcycle. I remember asking my mom what type
of guy she did approve since all I knew was what she didnt like, and she told me
I should try to find someone who reminds me of my Dad.

My Dad is a gentleman in a world that seems to no longer believe in chivalry. He
is kind, and always puts his family first. He is also incredibly smart, without ever
being condescending, and even though he already knows so much he still has a
curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

Whenever my Dad and I were in the car, just the two of us, he would always ask
me what I was thinking whenever the car ride was more silent than not. Usually, I
was stressed with school or having the typical girl emotional turmoil. So, I would
vent. Sometimes, I would tell him about something we learned in school that day
that shocked me, or inspired me. Basically, regardless of the conversation topic,
my Dad would somehow work in a life lesson. Over the years, I have learned a
lot about my Dad and from him, but there are at least three lessons that have
significantly affected me over the years.

1. Sometimes life is just easier if you are able to or can learn how to laugh at
2. Love is accepting someone for who they are: everything that makes them
great and everything that makes them flawed.
3. Most of life, especially once you enter the real world consists of losing. Life
can sometimes mostly be about learning from the losses. The most important
thing, however, is that you pick yourself up again.

4) Which magazines or TV shows do you watch regularly? What is it that draws you
to these magazines or programs?

I dont really watch TV anymore, especially during the school year. Before,
school and extra curricular activities squeezed TV from my life, I liked to watch a
lot of Discovery Health, Animal Planet, Lifetime movie Network, and the Disney
On the Discovery Heath channel, I love watching The Untold Stories of
the E.R. and I Didnt Know I Was Pregnant. The medicine behind it all
fascinated me. I liked watching the ER shows on Animal Planet as well. So, its
pretty obvious Ive already thought of taking on the career path of a doctor or a
veterinarian. I also love Greys Anatomy. I was able to watch that one on Netflix,
and fell in love with it for the medicine and the growth each character undergoes
throughout the seasons.
LMN is a great channel to watch before Christmas. I love watching
Christmas classics and Christmas themed stories that revolve around the main
character changing for the better. I love seeing the development and progress of a
person, and seeing how instrumental people are in each others lives.
Lastly, Disney was always a favorite because the shows never got too
depressing or violent. Everyone is happy, and everything gets resolved.

More recently in my life, I have gravitated towards TV shows like Vampire
Diaries, Teen Wolf, and Once Upon A Time. Yes, I do tend to keep the fact that I
love these TV shows a secret. I just cant help it. I have always loved fantasy
fiction, such as those with fairies or books you can literally jump into. I also like
to watch Game of Thrones. Although, I am behind a season now, and sometimes I
need to take breaks from the gory fighting, torture and borderline pornographic

I am also a huge fan of crime T.V. shows like Prison Break, Psych, Monk, Dexter
and the occasional Law and Order or CSI. The realities of the crimes that occur,
however, sometimes get to me. So, I often prefer lighter shows such as Psych,
Monk or even Burn Notice, shows that involve murder, illegal drugs, etc. without
actually showing the death scene of the victim in extreme detail.

Lastly, I used to love and can still watch from time to time, So You Think You
Can Dance. I have danced since I was three years old, and even though I am
dancing much less now I still love it.

5) Tell me the story of your favorite book or movie in two paragraphs.
I dont think I have a favorite book or movie. It has been a long time since I have
read the chick flick, adolescent stories by Sarah Dessen or Jodi Picoult. It has also
been a while since Ive read books like Harry Potter or The Hunger Games.

Actually, nowadays I really like to read neuroscience books that go over life
applicable findings. For example, ways to tackle anxiety or how to enhance well-
being. Ever since Ive had to deal with Narcolepsy, about three years now with
practically a year and a half of denial, I have been super proactive regarding self-
help. I have even started a website (on Weebly actually!) that will hopefully help
other fellow narcoleptics navigate high school and college with a sleeping
disorder and all the other problems that stem from that.

6) What is your favorite saying or motto?

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to
change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make
manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own lights shine, we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
Marianne Williamson

7) After you finish answering these questions. Read over your work for patterns or
themes. What do you notice? Is this important? How do you think these patterns
or themes apply to your academic life? How will these patters/themes apply to
your career?

I have noticed that I love to learn. I would love a job that would promote life long
learning. I also like to help and work with people. Especially, if I can help them
reach their goals, solve their problems or avoid setbacks I have personally
experienced and have learned from. I enjoy being an expert at what I know, but I
am also good at using the information I know to navigate new experiences.

Its really funny because I have this quote that perfectly summarizes how I feel:
The people who suffer the most are those who do not know what they want.

I know I want to invest in a career that I am at least interested in and ideally
passionate about. I know I want to make an impact and work with people instead
of working in a cubical by myself. I am fairly certain I would love to work in the
healthcare field, but other than these vague notions Im not too sure what I want.

Right now, I think I want to go to PA school, and specialize in sleep medicine.
This would enable me to help other with my condition and similar conditions
while also enabling me to relate with my patients on a whole other level.

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