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Assessment Task:

Topic: Expressionism
Component: Theatrical Traditions and Performance Styles
Weighting: 30%

Due Date: Group Performance Week 10, Term 2, (21
Rationale Week 10, Term 2, (21
Logbook Week 10, Term 2, (23

Context: This is the second last assessment task for Preliminary Drama Stage 6.
It comes in the middle of the course and requires students to explore
expressionism as a performance style. Students will need to create a
group-devised piece based on the class exploration of different
expressionistic techniques and a overriding stimulus. It will be
assessed on the performance as well as logbook reflections and a
written rationale.

Outcomes to be assessed:
The Student:

P1.4 Understands, manages and manipulates theatrical elements and elements of
production, using them perceptively and creatively
P1.5 Understands, demonstrates and records the process of developing and refining
ideas and scripts through to performance
P1.7 Understands the collaborative nature of drama and theatre and demonstrates
the self-discipline needed in the process of collaboration
P2.3 Demonstrates directorial and acting skills to communicate meaning through
dramatic action
P3.1 Critically appraises and evaluates, both orally and in writing, personal
performances and the performances of others

a) Group Performance (70%)

In assigned groups of 4, students are required to create and perform a group-devised
piece that addresses the prescribed stimulus and incorporates the major conventions of
expressionism. Students must include at least one of the following theatrical
techniques used in expressionism that we have addressed in class, including;
soundscape, ensemble and a journey of a protagonist.

In addition, each group must incorporate at least one audio effect into their scene
created using I.C.T. Examples are provided on the class website at with links to audio resources.

Performances must be between 5-7 minutes. Students will have two lessons to
workshop their scenes. The final piece will be performed for the class during Week 10
on Wednesday 21

Students are to wear drama blacks however may use distinguishing props and
decorative items if appropriate.

Stimulus: Red telephone (see below). Students are to include the stimulus in their

Assessment Criteria (a):

Students will be assessed on their ability to:
Demonstrate a sound understanding of expressionistic techniques through
their devised performance (P1.4, P2.3)
Successfully manipulate the elements of drama and conventions of
expressionism to create an engaging performance (P1.4, P2.3)
Translate dramatic meaning on stage through physicality, character
conviction, clarity of plot, focus and group cohesion (P1.4, P2.3)
Effectively incorporate the stimulus and audio effort to extend the dramatic
meaning of the piece (P1.4)
Contribute to the play-building process and work collaboratively in a group
(P1.5, P1.7)

b) Rationale (10%)/ Dramatic Why (explaining the meaning behind the scene)

In addition to the performance, each student is required to write a 300 word rationale
for their performance due on 21
of August prior to the performance in lesson time.
This should include a description of their overall theatrical concept for the piece. It
must also explain the use of props (if any), stimulus and audio effect in order to
underline the theatrical impact of these inclusions on the dramatic journey and
concept of the piece. It should highlight the conventions of expressionism used in the
scene and discuss their specific effect on the piece.

Assessment Criteria (b)
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
Articulate how the inclusions of expressionistic conventions and dramatic elements
interweave within the piece to create an engaging and stylised performance (P1.4)
Critically assess the dramatic meaning of the piece and outline the ways in which this
meaning is translated in the performance. (P1.4)
Appropriate use of key theatrical terms and concepts. (P3.1)
Communicate a comprehensive and sophisticated understanding of the piece with
reference to theoretical content (P3.1)

c) Logbook reflections (20%)

Each student is also required to complete logbook reflections. Students must make
regular entries in their logbook to record their groups progress and include evidence
of brainstorming and contribution to theatrical construction. Reflections should be
dated and written after every rehearsal. It should comment on the groups dynamic,
dramatic progress, theatrical ideas and note any issues of concern that arise.

Logbooks will be due the lesson after performances on Friday 23
August and should
also include critical assessment on all performances as well as a detailed reflection on
their own.

Assessment Criteria (c):
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- Record the playbuilding process utilising the elements of drama in your analysis. This
should include a description and analysis of problems encountered and the strategies
used to combat them (P1.7)
- Critically analyse the elements of drama within each performance and comment on their
effectiveness in the delivery of the piece (P3.1)
- Assess the conventions of expressionism and their impact and influence within each
performance. (P3.1)
- Critically reflect on their own work and others, with reference to dramatic meaning,
clarity of scenes, character belief, incorporation of expressionistic conventions and
overall group cohesion. (P2.3, P3.1)

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